How to make organic compost?

Organic fertilizer fermentation is commonly carried out using aerobic methods. The trench composting system is a popular method used by organic fertilizer production companies. In this system, aerobic bacteria absorb, oxidize, and decompose waste materials under good ventilation and sufficient oxygen conditions. Through their metabolic activities, aerobic microorganisms convert a portion of the absorbed organic matter into simple inorganic substances, releasing energy needed for microbial growth activities and synthesizing new cellular cytoplasm, allowing microorganisms to continuously grow, reproduce, and produce more biomass.

Nitrogen NPK and organic fertilizer making
Nitrogen NPK and organic fertilizer making

The Groove Fermentation System: A Popular Choice for Organic Fertilizer Production

Typically adopted by organic fertilizer manufacturing enterprises, the groove fermentation system is a sophisticated method that ensures optimal aeration and sufficient oxygen for the aerobic bacteria to thrive. This system is comprised of six major components: the pre-mixing system, the material distribution system, the turning and fermentation system, the material collection system, the aeration system, and the exhaust gas deodorization system. Each component plays a crucial role in maintaining the right moisture content, carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, and looseness in the compost, thereby facilitating oxygen diffusion and ensuring an effective fermentation process.

Understanding the Components of the Groove Fermentation System

1. Pre-mixing System

Prior to entry into the fermentation groove, chicken or pig manure and filler materials are blended using a mixer. This step is vital to achieving the appropriate moisture content (50%-60%) and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (25:1 to 30:1), which are essential for successful composting.

2. Turning and Fermentation System

The design of the fermentation groove, whether it comprises a single or multiple grooves, is based on the span of the turning machine and the fermentation cycle, ensuring the structural integrity to withstand the pressures exerted during the process.

Click here for more details.

Groove Fermentation Workshop Construction
Groove Fermentation Workshop Construction

3. Material Distribution System

The system could either feature a single groove structure, where compost enters from one end and exits from the other, or a multi-groove setup, where an automatic distribution machine fills the front 3-4 meters of the fermentation groove, with materials moving 4 meters with each turn.

4. Material Collection System

In multi-groove structures, an automatic collection device gathers materials from the fermentation groove after each turn, moving them to the maturation workshop.

5. Aeration for Oxygen Supply

A high-pressure blower supplies oxygen forcefully, with air entering the compost pile from beneath through an aeration board.

6. Exhaust Gas Deodorization

Throughout the composting process, water vapor along with odorous gases like ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are emitted. Jet fans installed at the top of the composting workshop facilitate air flow, while exhaust outlets on the sides channel the odorous gases to biofilters for treatment.

activated carbon filter
activated carbon filter

7. Maturation Workshop

Post-fermentation, the compost, still not fully matured, undergoes a secondary maturation process to reach the desired level of decomposition.

Where to buy  High-quality Compost Machines?

Transitioning smoothly into the realm of composting solutions, it’s worth noting the advanced technology brought forward by Yushunxin’s compost machines. Yushunxin offers an array of compost turners and fermentation pots designed to cater to diverse composting needs, including rail type compost turner; windrow type (moving type compost turner, crawler type compost turner); and fermentation pots (vertical or horizontal). Each of these machines is engineered to optimize the aerobic fermentation process, ensuring efficient breakdown of organic materials into high-quality compost.

Compost Machines
Compost Machines


Finally, the method of organic fertilizer fermentation plays a pivotal role in sustainable agriculture, with aerobic fermentation being the most efficient and environmentally friendly option. The introduction of advanced composting machines by Yushunxin has revolutionized this process, making it more accessible and practical for various applications. These machines, with their innovative design and features, offer a promising solution to meet the growing demand for organic fertilizer. You can visit this website:

How Long To Compost Goat Manure

In natural conditions, composting goat manure, like composting other types of animal manure, can take several months to a year to fully decompose and become nutrient-rich compost. But for commercial goat manure fertilizer making, we need to compost goat manure quickly. The exact time it takes for goat manure to compost depends on various factors, including the size of the compost pile, the ratio of green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials, and the environmental conditions.

Here are some general guidelines for composting goat manure:

  • Build a Compost Pile: Start by creating a compost pile. A pile that is at least 3 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet (1 cubic yard) is a good size for efficient composting.
  • Mix with Carbon-Rich Material: Goat manure is considered a “green” or nitrogen-rich material. To create balanced compost, mix the goat manure with carbon-rich “brown” materials such as straw, leaves, sawdust, or shredded newspaper. A common ratio is roughly 3 parts brown materials to 1 part green material. In addition, you can add some fermentation bacteria to speed up the sheep manure compost making process.
  • Turn and Aerated: Regularly turn or aerate the compost pile to provide oxygen to the microorganisms responsible for breaking down the organic matter. This helps speed up the decomposition process. Here, manual turning is not easy, especially for large scale manure fermentation. So it is advisable to buy a goat manure compost machine. Click here to learn more.
  • Maintain Moisture: Keep the compost pile consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Adequate moisture is essential for the decomposition process. Here, you can use fertilizer dewatering machine to remove water from goat manure. And sheep waste compost turner with water tank can add water during composting.
  • Temperature and Environment: Composting occurs faster at higher temperatures. If possible, place the compost pile in a sunny area to encourage microbial activity. A well-insulated compost bin or pile can help maintain higher temperatures, especially in colder climates.
  • Patience: Composting goat manure typically takes several months to a year to produce finished compost. The exact time can vary based on the conditions and materials used. With suitable process and compost equipment, it only needs 15 -30 days.
Goat manure compost making process
Goat manure compost making process

You can speed up the process by ensuring the right balance of materials, adequate aeration, and the right moisture levels. Using a compost thermometer to monitor the temperature can also be helpful. When the compost is dark, crumbly, and has an earthy smell, it’s a sign that the goat manure compost fertilizer is finished.

Remember to consider the composted goat manure as a valuable organic fertilizer and soil conditioner for your garden or plants, as it will be rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. If you are interested in goat manure composting, you can visit

How to Dispose of Chicken Poop in a Friendly Environmently Way

Keeping backyard chickens is an increasingly popular and rewarding hobby. Not only do they provide fresh eggs, but they also offer a connection to nature and a sense of self-sufficiency. However, along with the joys of chicken ownership comes the responsibility of managing their waste in an environmentally friendly manner. Chicken poop, or manure, can be a valuable resource for your garden, but it must be handled properly to avoid negative environmental impacts.

Subtitle 2: Why Chicken Poop Is Valuable

Chicken manure is rich in essential nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, making it a valuable resource for gardeners. These nutrients enhance soil fertility and promote healthy plant growth. However, if not managed correctly, chicken poop can lead to water pollution, odors, and nutrient imbalances in the soil.

Subtitle 3: Composting Chicken Manure

Composting chicken manure is one of the most eco-friendly ways to manage it. Composting transforms the waste into a nutrient-rich, humus-like material that can be safely applied to your garden or used as a soil conditioner. Here’s how to compost chicken manure:

  1. Collect manure regularly: Place a collection bin beneath the roosting area to gather fresh droppings. This makes it easier to manage and speeds up decomposition.
  2. Combine with carbon-rich materials: Mix chicken manure with straw, leaves, or other carbon-rich materials to balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. This helps prevent odors and creates a more balanced compost pile.
  3. Turn the pile: Regularly turning the compost pile aerates it, allowing beneficial microorganisms to break down the waste more efficiently.
  4. Allow for decomposition: Let the compost pile sit for several months to ensure that harmful pathogens are killed during the process.
  5. Use the finished compost: Once the compost is dark, crumbly, and odor-free, you can use it in your garden as a natural fertilizer or soil conditioner.

For this, if you want to have a more friendly environment to dispose of chicken waste, in-vessel compost turner is the best choice for you.

Subtitle 4: Avoiding Runoff and Pollution

Improperly managed chicken manure can contribute to water pollution. Rainwater can wash the nutrients from manure into nearby water bodies, causing problems like algal blooms. To prevent this:

  1. Keep chickens away from water bodies: Position your coop and run away from streams, ponds, or any other water sources to reduce the risk of runoff.
  2. Use a manure containment system: Implement a system to catch and manage the liquid runoff from your compost pile. This liquid, known as “compost tea,” can be diluted and used as a liquid fertilizer for your garden.
  3. Be mindful of application: When using composted chicken manure in your garden, follow recommended application rates to prevent nutrient imbalances in the soil. Excess nutrients can leach into groundwater or nearby water bodies.

Subtitle 5: Alternative Uses for Chicken Manure

In addition to composting, consider these alternative ways to utilize chicken manure in an eco-friendly manner:

  1. Vermicomposting: Use red worms to break down chicken manure. The resulting vermicompost is highly concentrated and rich in nutrients, making it an excellent addition to potting mixes or for top-dressing plants.
  2. Biochar incorporation: Mix chicken manure with biochar, a stable form of carbon, to create a slow-release fertilizer that improves soil structure and retains moisture.
  3. Fermentation: Fermenting chicken manure with beneficial microorganisms can reduce its odor and enhance nutrient availability.

Subtitle 6: Conclusion

Properly managing chicken poop in an environmentally friendly way is essential for maintaining a healthy garden, preventing pollution, and reducing your environmental footprint. By composting, avoiding runoff, and exploring alternative uses, you can turn chicken manure from a waste product into a valuable resource for your sustainable gardening endeavors. Responsible management of chicken waste not only benefits your garden but also contributes to a cleaner and healthier environment.

how to compost pig manure

Composting pig manure is an effective way to transform a waste product into a valuable resource. Pig manure is high in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, making it an excellent source of nutrients for plants. However, it can also be a source of pollution if not managed properly. In this article, we will discuss the steps for composting pig manure to create a nutrient-rich soil amendment for your garden.

Aniaml Manure for Organic Fertilizer Production
Aniaml Manure for Organic Fertilizer Production

Step 1: Collecting Pig Manure

The first step in composting pig manure is to collect it. Pig manure can be collected using a shovel or a manure scraper. It is important to collect only the manure and not the bedding material, as the bedding material will slow down the composting process. Pig manure can be collected in a pile or a bin. If collecting in a pile, it is recommended to turn the pile regularly to ensure proper aeration and decomposition.

Step 2: Preparing the Composting Site

The composting site should be located in a well-drained area and away from water sources, such as streams or ponds. The site should be sunny, as the heat from the sun will help to accelerate the composting process. The composting site should be level and have good air circulation. The site should be prepared by removing any grass or vegetation, and a layer of gravel or wood chips should be added to the bottom to aid in drainage.

Step 3: Building the Compost Pile

The compost pile should be built in layers, starting with a layer of dry, carbon-rich material such as straw or leaves. This layer should be about 6 inches thick. Next, add a layer of pig manure, about 2 to 3 inches thick. Repeat this layering process until the pile is about 3 to 4 feet tall. The top of the pile should be covered with a layer of straw or leaves to help retain moisture.

Step 4: Maintaining the Compost Pile

The compost pile should be kept moist but not wet. If the pile is too wet, it may become anaerobic, which will slow down the composting process and create an unpleasant odor. The pile should be turned regularly to ensure proper aeration and decomposition. The pile should be turned every 3 to 5 days, or when the internal temperature of the pile drops below 100°F. The internal temperature of the pile can be measured using a compost thermometer.

Step 5: Harvesting the Compost

The compost pile will be ready to harvest when it has decomposed into a dark, crumbly, soil-like material. This process can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months, depending on the size of the pile and the environmental conditions. To harvest the compost, the pile should be turned onto a tarp or into a wheelbarrow. Any large pieces of material should be removed, and the compost should be screened to remove any remaining debris.

Windrow Compost Turner
Windrow Compost Turner

In conclusion, composting pig manure is an effective way to transform a waste product into a valuable resource. By following these simple steps, you can create a nutrient-rich soil amendment for your garden while reducing waste and preventing pollution. Remember to always wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after handling pig manure. Happy composting!

Of course, you can check this page for more details about the design and structure of the pig manure machine!

How to Compost Pig Manure

How To Compost Chicken Manure Fast

Using a Chicken Manure Composting System is the best way to compost chicken manure fast and with great results. The truth is that composting chicken manure is not as complicated and as challenging as you expect. However, it depends on the method you use. Traditional systems still work, but the Chicken Manure Composting System is a modern, more dependable solution, especially when it comes to a farm or commercial use in general.

Chicken manure compost machine
Chicken manure compost machine

Hot composting

The fastest way to compost chicken manure is via hot composting. The idea here is to heat up chicken manure up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit and then keep that temperature for 15 days. This speeds up the composting process, and also pathogens usually die at high temperatures. You can make a hot bed for growth during the winter, and it’s also possible to use water pipes via a hot composting pile so you can heat the water. Hot composting is great, but it’s still not the best option. For this SX,  can provide you with professional hot composting machine for chicken manure

Cold composting

Here you can use a cold composting bin or heap. The downside is that the process is slowed down, due to the cold temperature. You can end up composting like this for a year. The deep litter bed requires you to add new material at the top as the old material breaks down. It can work very well, but again, it takes time and it’s definitely not a fast method.

Chicken manure composting details
Chicken manure composting details

Use a Chicken Manure Composting System

The Chicken Manure Composting System is by far the most efficient because it’s all automated. The system has a manual and you can learn how to program and adapt everything from the start. Then once you know how it all works, you add materials to the Chicken Manure Composting System and set it up. You will know when everything is done, and usually this is the fastest way to compost chicken manure. All you have to do is to find the ideal composting system and use it right away. Click here to learn more about chicken manure system

We highly recommend using a chicken manure composting system because it’s efficient and it will help you save a lot of time. Yes, it does take some trial and error, but it’s also the best and most reliable. Automating the process is highly important, and this system has the potential to process lots of chicken manure, while also making the composting process pretty much hands-free. You have to try it, since it conveys great efficiency. If you need it, check professional equipment.

Issues To Consider When Selecting A Manure Fertilizer Machine

If you’re going to be buying a manure fertilizer machine, you’ll wish to take a number of things under consideration. You’ll want an improved understand of what you’re buying and what you ought to be looking for. These are a few things you’ll want to be aware of.

Compost Turners to Make Manure Compost
Compost Turners to Make Manure Compost

There Are Many Available Choices

There are many kinds of fertilizer machines, and it’s smart for more information in regards to the choices you might have prior to making any sort of commitment. Have you been thinking about machinery that may convert manure into fertilizer pellets? Just how much fertilizer are you looking to produce within the typical day?

Solid Liquid Seperator to Make Dewatering Manure Wastes
Solid Liquid Seperator to Make Dewatering Manure Wastes

In the event you find out more about your alternatives, and if you think carefully about the thing you need from your equipment that you’re buying, you’ll be able to make a decision on machinery  to make fll use of the nutrient in the manure that will do exactly what exactly you need it to accomplish. There’s no reason to rush to produce a purchase. Instead, you should spend some time to explore different choices.

It’s Important To Find The Right Supplier

You’ll must find the proper fertilizer machine to get, and you’ll also need to make sure that you purchase that machine from the right spot. Try to find a supplier that may be dependable, and you ought to also look for a vendor that includes a large selection and fair prices. Here the author recommend you a manure fertilizer machine supplier, details about this supplier, go to

Complete Production Line to Make Granular Fertilizer from Manure Waste
Complete Production Line to Make Granular Fertilizer from Manure Waste

Should you haven’t bought machinery this way from the supplier before, you’ll might like to do some research before making a decision on where to purchase your equipment from. You shouldn’t hesitate to contact a supplier directly should you need additional information before purchasing your manure disposal machinery.

Find Out More About Manufacturers

Together with taking a close look at the supplier you’re will be utilizing, it might be helpful for additional information in regards to the manufacturers that produced the machine you wish to buy.

Animal manure granulator
Animal manure granulator

Certain manufacturers have got a track record of excellence, and if you buy machinery that they made, you’re probably going to be happy with your purchase. Other manufacturers are very likely to problems. In order to avoid these types of issues, it’s wise to seek out additional information ahead of time.

You Should Look Beyond Initial Costs

When you’re making an investment in equipment like this, it’s important to search for options that are affordable for you. However, you should know the upfront costs you’ll be paying aren’t really the only expenses that you’ll have to cover. It’s essential for you to pay attention to other expenses at the same time, such as utility costs and the price of maintenance.

Try to have a better feeling of just what it would cost to purchase a manure fertilizer machine. For those who have accurate specifics of what you’re will be paying, you’ll be able to spend your cash wisely and make up a smart purchase.

These are some of those things you’ll want to be aware of before getting a manure fertilizer machine. For those who have a definite picture of your own options, and also you make time to evaluate a number of your different choices, you’ll be capable of choose machinery that can work efficiently for you.

What You Need To Know About Trench Composting

The trench composting machine is a useful piece of equipment that can help you speed up composting production in many ways. When you work with the composting machine you can get more done and it is going to be easy to take care of all of your needs. This machine is easy to use and it is very effective so you want to make sure that you take advantage of it.

trench composting machine in tongda
trench composting machine in tongda

The automatic trench composting machine works for any large scale operation. If you are making organic fertilizer you need this machine so you can get more done. When you use the machine it won’t take long to ferment the materials and it is a lot easier to deal with all of your issues.

If you are using the semi-automatic machine you can expect to pay a lower price but you also need more people to help run the machine. This is why it is very important to do your research so you end up choosing the machine that is going to work best for your needs and make things easier for you.

The machine is easy to use and it creates organic fertilizer that can be used for lots of purposes. The machine is very effective and it can make the compost quickly. Instead of taking months to make the compost you can get the compost made in just a few weeks.

The machine allows you to control all the different variables that go into making a lot of compost and it won’t take a long to get your compost made. This machine is very easy to use and it can help you make a lot of compost fast.

You can quickly cut down on the time it takes to produce the compost and it won’t be long to get the compost made up. You can quickly make all the compost you need with this machine. It is perfect for any large scale production and you can choose the size that is going to work best for your needs.

This compost fertilizer trench composting machine is very easy to use and you can easily take care of all of your needs with this machine. Take your time and look for a machine that is going to work best for your needs and make sure that you are willing to work with manufacturer which makes it a lot easier to find what you are looking for. This machine can make a big difference in how you get things done.

The machine is super easy to get set up and you can quickly get all of your needs taken care of when you use it. The machine can help you in multiple ways and you won’t have to deal with a lot issues when you invest in this machine. If you have to make a lot of compost it is going to be very important to invest in the right machine. Finding a good machine is crucial if you want to make a lot of compost. In addition, tongda compost machinery can help you design you compost fertilizer plant.

How To Make Animal Manure Compost?

One of the best ways to deal with animal manure is to turn it into compost. This compost can be used in a variety of ways and you can easily improve the soil quality when you use it. The compost is cheap to make and it removes manure from the environment. Read on to learn the benefits of the manure compost machine.

When you have a lot of animal manure to deal with it is going to be important to get it out of the environment right away. The best way to do this is to establish a good manure composting plant.

The composting plant takes the manure and turns it into compost. The compost is the perfect thing you need when you want to make extra money and do something useful. The best compost is going to be affordable and it is going to be easy to use.

You have to make sure that you invest in a machine that helps you produce the manure compost. The composting plant comes in a variety of sizes and it creates compost that is perfect for a variety of needs.

Groove type turner machine works for trench manure composting
Groove type turner machine works for trench manure composting

Producing compost is easy when you have the right composting plant. The plant makes the entire process automatic so you don’t have to do anything. When you are choosing a composting plant you have to decide how much composting you are going to be doing. The manure fertilizer machine plant comes in a variety of sizes.

The benefit of choosing the composting machine is that it shortens the amount of time it takes to make the compost. You end up with high-quality compost when you use this machine. There are a variety of machines you can use from so you have to decide which machine is going to work best for your needs.

There are a variety of sizes to choose from. If you have to make a lot of compost choose the larger size. If you don’t have a lot of compost to make you will want to choose the machine that is smaller. The price of the machine is going to depend on how large it is and how much compost it can produce. It is suitable for your animal manure recycling system.

Each machine has a self-propelled turner. This ensures that you make the compost faster. The turner stirs the compost evenly so it comes out perfect each time. The machines allow you to adjust the temperature and you can also adjust the water and oxygen content.

Self-propelled windrow turner machine for manure compost making
Self-propelled windrow turner machine for manure compost making

The fermentation process is going to happen faster and you get a simple four-wheel design which makes it easy to operate. The machine is going to allow you to create all of the compost you need and the price is affordable as well.

When you need to make animal manure compost the most efficient way to do this is using a composting machine. You get better results in a shorter period of time. This machine is a great investment and helps you to make more money. Having the best composting machine saves you money.