How to use organic fertilizer fermentation tank to compost in your production line

Organic fertilizer fermentation tanks are useful tools for composting organic materials into nutrient-rich fertilizers. Here are the basic steps for using an organic fertilizer fermentation tank in your production line.


Choose your materials

The first step in using an organic fertilizer fermentation tank is to choose the materials you will compost. This can include kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials. It’s important to ensure that your materials are free of contaminants and that you have a good balance of carbon-rich and nitrogen-rich materials.


Load the tank

Once you have your materials, load them into the fermentation tank. It’s important to fill the tank to the recommended level, as overfilling can prevent proper airflow and hinder the composting process in your fertilizer production line.

Add a starter

To help jumpstart the composting process, add a starter to the tank. This can include composted material by windrow compost turner in SX, animal manure, or a commercial compost starter.


Monitor the temperature

Composting generates heat, and it’s important to monitor the temperature inside the fermentation tank to ensure that it stays within the ideal range. This can typically range between 120-160°F (49-71°C), depending on the materials being composted.


Mix the materials

Periodically mixing the manure materials in the fermentation tank can help promote even decomposition and prevent the formation of hotspots that can slow down the composting process.


Wait for the compost to mature

Depending on the materials being composted and other factors such as temperature and humidity, the compost can take anywhere from several weeks to several months to mature. Once the compost is fully decomposed and has a dark, crumbly texture, it’s ready to use. Click to read more.


Remove the compost

When the compost is ready, it can be removed from the fermentation tank and used as a nutrient-rich fertilizer for your plants.

Overall, using an organic fertilizer fermentation tank can be a highly effective way to turn organic materials into valuable fertilizer. By following these basic steps, you can optimize the composting process and produce high-quality compost for your production line. Therefore, you can visit for your reference.