Revolutionizing Composting: The Rise of Crawler Composter

Char fertilizer not only improves nutrient uptake by plants but also means that less fertilizer is needed to achieve the same growth results. Also, we can recommend the windrow compost machine for you. And we have two compost turning machine. One is crawler type compost turner machine and the other is char fertilizer four-wheeled compost machine. What’s more, our crawler type compost turner machine is very suitable for the composting treatment of charcoal-based fertilizer. Because it has both favorable price and high output. And has many advantages. So, it is very suitable for the production line of charcoal-based fertilizer. If you want to know more about crawler compost machine, you can click here.

What is a crawler type compost fertilizer machine?

A crawler turner machine is a heavy-duty piece of equipment. It design for large-scale biochar fertilizer composting operations. It is mounted on a crawler track system, similar to what you might see on a bulldozer or an excavator. What’s more, it provides high stability and mobility over various terrains.

Traditional composting techniques are time-consuming and take up a lot of space, but nowadays, with crawler tyoe compost turner machine, the speed is significantly higher.

How the char fertilizer crawler compost machine works?

The machine is designed with four wheels.  The whole machine rides on the base of pre-stacked long strips of fertilizer. And the rotating knife shaft (suspended under the rack mechanism) realizes turning, expanding, moving and stacking. More important, the charcoal-based fertilizer material forms a new strip-shaped fertilizer pile after passing through the turning machine. At the same time, this machine crushes the material while making it more fully in contact with oxygen. So, it creating a better aerobic environment for material fermentation.

What are the benefits of char fertilizer crawler compost turner machine?

Enhanced Mobility: Crawler type compost turner equipment are equipped with tracks instead of wheels, which allows them to navigate a variety of terrains more effectively. This makes them ideal for use in uneven or soft char fertilizer compost where traditional compost machine might struggle.

Increased Efficiency: Crawler type compost turner machine automate the turning and aerating process of composting. And It is essential for speeding up the decomposition of biochar fertilizer materials. In addition, the mechanical turning provided by crawler compost ensures that the compost is mixed thoroughly and frequently. So, it lead to faster compost production compared to manual turning methods.

Crawler type tracks for stable moving to compost organic fertilizer

Uniform Composting: The turning provided by crawler biochar fertilizer compost machine helps distribute heat, moisture, and air throughout the biochar fertilizer compost material. This uniformity ensuring that the decomposition process occurs evenly across all the material. What’s more, it results in a more consistent and high-quality biochar fertilizer compost.

Labor Saving: The automation of compost turning with a crawler type compost turner machine reduces the manpower needed for compost management. Besides, this can significantly cut down labor costs and physical strain associated with manual composting. Moreover, financial and material savings can be maximized.

How much is the price of crawler type compost machine for sale in YSX company?

Our crawler type compost turner machine belongs to one kind of small compost turner. That’s why the price is better. Our machines are priced from $1000 to $10,000. According to the above, the price will vary depending on the output of the machine and the height of the tumbling. So, prices are also more favorable for smaller yields and relatively higher for larger yields.

In conclusion: Our crawler turner machine has many advantages and it is designed according to the principle of aerobic fermentation, providing enough space for microorganisms to play their role. And you can click my web to learn more:



The Innovative World of Self-Propelled Tumblers

In the quest for sustainability, technology and agriculture are converging in exciting ways. One of the most promising innovations is the self-propelled compost machine—a device that not only simplifies the composting process but enhances it, transforming organic waste into high-quality fertilizer effortlessly. This blog explores the ins and outs of self-propelled compost machines and how they’re revolutionizing garden and farm management. If you want to know more about our equipment, you can follow my website:

Self Compost Machine

What is a Self-Propelled Tumbler?

A self-propelled compost machine is advanced composting systems designed to automate and optimize the breakdown of organic material into nutrient-rich compost. Unlike static compost bins, these machines move through compost rows or piles, mixing and aerating the materials to accelerate decomposition. They come equipped with features like automated controls, adjustable settings for speed and mixing intensity, and sometimes even GPS tracking for large-scale operations.

How Does It Work?

A typical self-propelled turner machine operates on a track or wheels and is powered by an engine, often fueled by diesel or electricity. Users can set the path for the machine, which then moves along the compost rows. As it travels, it agitates the compost with built-in tools designed for aeration and mixing. Sensors and controls allow for adjustments based on moisture content, temperature, and material type, ensuring optimal composting conditions.

Advantages of Self-Propelled Tumblers

Efficiency and Speed:

By automating the turning process, these machines reduce the manpower required and significantly speed up the composting process, often producing usable compost in a fraction of the time it would take manually.

Enhanced Compost Quality:

Regular and thorough mixing ensures even decomposition, which improves the overall quality of the compost. This means more balanced nutrient content and better soil amendment properties.

Reduced Physical Labor:

For gardeners and farmers, especially those with large operations, the physical demand of turning compost can be daunting. Self-propelled composters handle the heavy lifting, saving backs and budgets.


These machines help reduce the carbon footprint associated with traditional composting methods, which often involve gasoline-powered machines or significant manual effort.

crawl type compost machine
crawl type compost machine

Choosing the Right Machine for Your Needs

When selecting a self-propelled compost machine, consider the following:

Size and Capacity:Match the machine’s size and throughput capacity with the volume of compost you plan to produce.

Power Source:Look for energy-efficient models or those that can use renewable energy sources to align with sustainability goals.

Feature Set:Advanced features like programmable settings, remote monitoring, and moisture sensors can further simplify the composting process.

Stimulates Mental Development:

For children, the unpredictable movement of the tumblers can stimulate problem-solving and prediction skills as they observe and interact with the toy. For pets, it can help keep their minds sharp and alert, reducing boredom and related behavioral issues.


Self-propelled tumblers are more than just toys; they are a testament to how technology can enhance our daily lives and the lives of our pets. Whether you’re looking to keep your pet entertained, encourage active play for your child, or simply introduce a fascinating new gadget into your home, self-propelled tumblers offer a modern solution that combines fun, exercise, and mental stimulation. As technology continues to evolve, it’s exciting to think about what the future holds for innovative toys like these. If you want to know more about the self-propelled dumping machine, please click here!

Why the composting of charcoal-based fertilizer should use self-propelled turner


In the world of sustainable gardening and farming, composting for biochar and organic matters stands out as a transformative process. It converts charcoal and organic waste into a rich soil amendment, providing numerous environmental and economic benefits. With the advent of self-propelled composters, the process of carbon and organic matters have become more efficient and accessible. This blog explores the benefits of composting for biochar and organic waste, the advantages of self-propelled composters, and the optimal conditions required for effective composting.


The Benefits of Composting for Biochar Fertilizer

Composting is more than just waste reduction. It is a critical component in the cycle of sustainability. By mixing kitchen scraps and yard waste into carcoal and composting, you create a nutrient-rich biochar fertilizer that can greatly enhance soil quality. This biochar fertilizer introduces beneficial organisms to the soil, helps retain moisture, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, and promotes healthier plant growth. Furthermore, composting reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint, making it an environmentally friendly practice. If you have questions about composting, you can click our web to learn more:

Advantages of Self-Propelled Composters

Self-propelled composters revolutionize the traditional composting process by automating many of the labor-intensive steps. Here are some of the key advantages:


These machines mix and aerate the compost materials automatically, speeding up the biochar and organic matters  composting process significantly.

Ease of Use:

With moving type composters, physical exertion is minimized. There’s no need for manual turning, making it accessible to more people can drive to compost carcoal and organic matter materials, including those with physical limitations.


These devices maintain consistent movement and aeration, which leads to more uniform compost.


Designed to handle larger volumes than traditional compost bins, self-propelled turners are ideal for extensive biochar fertilizer composting or community composting efforts.

The self-propulsion feature ensures that the compost material is turned regularly and thoroughly, which is crucial for aerobic decomposition. By automating this process, the composter not only saves time and labor but also produces high-quality compost more reliably.

Self moving type compost turner for biochar
Self moving type compost turner for biochar

Optimal Conditions for Composting

The effectiveness of composting relies heavily on maintaining the right temperature and humidity within the compost pile:

Temperature: The ideal temperature range for composting is between 135 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit (57 to 71 degrees Celsius). This range is crucial for destroying harmful pathogens and weed seeds, while also promoting the activity of beneficial microorganisms that break down organic material.

Humidity: The compost pile should maintain a moisture content of about 40 to 60%. This level of humidity is essential to support the microbial life that decomposes the organic material. The pile should feel like a wrung-out sponge—moist but not dripping.

Monitoring these conditions in a self-propelled composter is often easier, as many models come equipped with sensors and controls to maintain the ideal composting environment automatically.


Self-propelled composters represent a significant advancement in composting of biochar fertilizer technology, making it more accessible and less labor-intensive. By understanding and leveraging the right conditions for composting, gardeners and farmers can improve their sustainability practices and contribute positively to the environment. As technology progresses, the integration of these tools into everyday gardening practices promises to enhance our approach to recycling organic waste and supporting healthy, productive soils. If you want to learn more, you can click here.