How does Carbonization Furnace Produce Charcoal

Do you want your fertilizer to be more competitive? Do you want your fertilizer sales to be better? Then you can try producing charcoal-based fertilizer. Because fertilizers rich in organic carbon are better for stable and high crop yields.If you want to produce charcoal based fertilizer then you need an equipment that can produce carbon. And we recommend the charcoal furnace equipment for you.This article contains the role and working principle of the charcoal furnace equipment in the production line, as well as the advantages of the charcoal furnace equipment. If you want to learn more information, you can click here. It can provide you with a lot of information you want.

carbonization furnace
Carbonization furnace

What is the process of making charcoal from biomass

Step 1: Collection of Biomass

The process starts by collecting biomass materials. Common sources are agricultural residues, forestry waste, and other organic materials. These include rice husks, corn stover, sugarcane bagasse, wood chips, garden waste, and food waste.

Step 2: Drying

Biomass must be dried to reduce its moisture content to around 10-15%. This is crucial because high moisture levels can inhibit the carbonization process. Drying can be done naturally (sun drying) or through mechanical dryers.

Step 3: Size Reduction

Once dried, the biomass is processed to reduce its size to ensure uniformity and improve handling. This typically involves chipping, shredding, or grinding the material to a consistent size suitable for the carbonizer.

Step 4: Feeding System

The prepared biomass is transported to the carbonizer’s feeding system. This is often done using conveyor belts or augers, ensuring a continuous and controlled flow of material into the carbonization unit.

horizontal carbonization furnacehorizontal carbonization furnace for charcoal
horizontal carbonization furnacehorizontal carbonization furnace for charcoal

Step 5: Pyrolysis

Inside the carbonizer, the biomass undergoes pyrolysis at temperatures between 300°C and 700°C in a low-oxygen environment. This thermochemical decomposition transforms the organic material into biochar, with by-products such as syngas and bio-oil.

Step 6: Syngas and Bio-Oil Collection

Syngas produced during pyrolysis is captured and cleaned. It can generate heat or electricity to power the carbonization process, boosting energy efficiency. Bio-oil, another by-product, is collected for use in various applications or further processing.

Step 7: Cooling

The biochar is discharged from the carbonizer into a cooling system to bring down its temperature and stabilize its structure. This is important to prevent combustion and preserve the quality of the biochar.

Step 9: Packaging

After passing quality control, the biochar is packaged according to customer requirements. It can be bagged in small quantities for retail or loaded in bulk for industrial use.

3 Advantages of Charcoal Furnace Equipment

High Thermal Efficiency

Carbonizer equipment is designed to maximize thermal efficiency during the carbonization process. This high efficiency is achieved by the equipment’s ability to retain heat within the system, minimizing energy loss. Additionally, advanced carbonizers often incorporate insulation and heat recovery systems that recycle the heat generated during pyrolysis to maintain the necessary temperatures. Moreover, this not only ensures consistent performance but also makes the process more efficient and cost-effective.

 Rapid Processing Speed

Modern carbonizer equipment is engineered to accelerate the carbonization process. At the same time, it without compromising the quality of the carbon produced.  using of continuous feed systems, where material is constantly added and carbonized. It significantly speeds up production compared to traditional batch methods. And most importantly, this continuous operation allows for steady production rates. It makes highly suitable for industrial applications where large volumes of carbon are required regularly.

Consistent Product Quality

Carbonizer equipment offers superior control over the carbonization parameters, such as temperature and processing time. These controls are critical for producing high-quality carbon. Additionally, precise control ensures that each batch of carbon produced meets consistent quality standards, with uniform size, density, and carbon content. This level of consistency is particularly important for applications requiring high-purity carbon, such as in agriculture.

If you have any question, you can click my web site :

Cómo reciclar placas electrónicas y ayudar al medio ambiente

Hoy en día, la tecnología avanza a pasos agigantados, y con ella, también crece la cantidad de placas electrónicas que se desechan. Estos componentes son fundamentales en diversos dispositivos electrónicos, pero su incorrecta disposición puede causar un grave impacto ambiental. En este artículo, nosotros le mostraremos cómo reciclar residuos electrónicos de manera responsable. y contribuir así a la protección del medio ambiente.

1. Conoce los puntos de recogida de residuos electrónicos:

En muchas ciudades, existen centros de reciclaje especializados en la recolección de residuos electrónicos. Estos lugares están equipados para recibir placas electrónicas, así como otros componentes y dispositivos obsoletos. Infórmate sobre los puntos de recogida cercanos a tu área y asegúrate de llevar tus placas electrónicas allí.

reciclar placas de circuito
reciclar placas de circuito
2. Desmonta tus dispositivos y triturar las placas:

Antes de desechar cualquier dispositivo electrónico que contenga placas, es importante desmontarlo correctamente. Utiliza herramientas adecuadas para desmontar placas de circuito y trituración de placas de circuito. Esto facilitará el proceso de reciclaje y permitirá una reutilización más eficiente de los materiales. Por ejemplo, cobre, resina, fibra.

3. Busca programas de reciclaje de electrónicos:

En algunos lugares, se ofrecen programas de reciclaje de electrónicos, donde puedes entregar tus placas electrónicas para su correcta disposición. Estos programas aseguran que los componentes sean desechados de manera responsable, minimizando el impacto ambiental. Investiga si hay algún programa de este tipo en tu comunidad y participa activamente en él.

4. Considera la posibilidad de reutilización:

Si tus placas electrónicas aún están en buen estado, puedes considerar la posibilidad de darles una segunda vida. Algunos centros de reparación de electrónicos pueden utilizar estas placas para restaurar otros dispositivos o incluso transformarlos en proyectos de electrónica casera. De esta manera, contribuirás al reciclaje y a la reutilización sostenible de los componentes electrónicos.

5. Infórmate sobre el reciclaje local:

Cada lugar puede tener diferentes políticas y regulaciones respecto al reciclaje de placas electrónicas. Investiga acerca de las normas y regulaciones locales para asegurarte de seguir los procedimientos adecuados. Al educarte sobre las prácticas de reciclaje de tu localidad, podrás hacerlo de manera más eficiente y contribuir a un futuro más sostenible.

residuo electrónico
residuo electrónico

El reciclaje de placas electrónicas es fundamental para reducir el impacto ambiental causado por el rápido avance tecnológico. Siguiendo los pasos mencionados anteriormente, podrás reciclar tus placas electrónicas de manera responsable y ayudar al medio ambiente. Recuerda que cada pequeña acción cuenta y juntos podemos hacer la diferencia en la protección de nuestro entorno. ¡Comienza hoy mismo a reciclar tus placas electrónicas y sé parte del cambio!

The Comprehensive Guide to Cat Litter Production

Cat litter, an indispensable product for cat owners worldwide, undergoes a meticulous production process to ensure its effectiveness in odor control and moisture absorption. From the preparation of raw materials to the final packaging stage, each step plays a crucial role in delivering a high-quality product. In this comprehensive guide, our company SX delve into the intricacies of cat litter production, exploring each stage in detail. Click

1. Preparation of Raw Materials

The cat litter production line begins with the careful selection and preparation of raw materials. Primary ingredients such as clay minerals, silica gel, and natural fibers are sourced from reputable suppliers. These raw materials undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet the required standards for cat litter production. Additionally, any additives, such as odor neutralizers or antimicrobial agents, are procured and prepared according to specific formulations.

2. Mixing Materials and Additives

Once the raw materials are assembled, they undergo a series of pretreatment processes to optimize their properties for cat litter production. This may involve washing to remove impurities, drying to achieve the desired moisture content, and grinding to achieve the appropriate particle size. Each raw material is treated with precision to enhance its absorbency and clumping ability, ensuring superior performance in the final product.

3. Crushing Materials

In the crushing stage, raw materials are further processed to achieve the desired consistency and particle size. This step is critical for enhancing the absorbency and texture of the cat litter. Specialized machinery such as crushers and pulverizers are employed to break down the raw materials into uniform particles, ready for the next stage of production.

fertilizer crushing machine for cat litter production
fertilizer crushing machine for cat litter production

4. Sifting Materials

Following the crushing stage, the materials undergo a sifting process to remove any oversized or undersized particles. This ensures uniformity in particle size, essential for consistent performance in absorbing moisture and controlling odor. Fertilizer sifting equipment is utilized to achieve precise particle size distribution, resulting in high-quality cat litter with optimal clumping properties.

5. Mixing Materials and Additives

Once the raw materials are prepared and sifted, they are carefully blended to create the final cat litter formula. Additives such as fragrance enhancers, antimicrobial agents, and moisture-absorbing compounds are precisely measured and added to the mixture according to specific formulations. The mixing process is closely monitored to ensure thorough dispersion of additives, resulting in a homogenous blend ready for granulation.

6. Granulating Cat Litter

Granulation is a crucial stage in cat litter production, where the mixed materials are formed into granules of uniform size and shape. This is typically achieved using a granulator or pelletizer, which compacts the mixture under controlled pressure to create consistent granules. The granulation process enhances the clumping ability and absorbency of the cat litter, ensuring easy scooping and effective odor control.

fertilizer pellet machine for cat litter production line
fertilizer pellet machine for cat litter production line

7. Drying, Cooling, and Packing

The final stage of cat litter production involves drying, cooling, and packing the granules for distribution. The granules are carefully dried to remove any remaining moisture, ensuring optimal performance and shelf stability. After drying, the cat litter is cooled to room temperature before being packed into bags or containers of various sizes. Each package is sealed to preserve freshness and prevent moisture ingress, ready to be shipped to retailers and cat owners worldwide.

In conclusion, the production of cat litter is a meticulous process that involves careful selection, preparation, and processing of raw materials to create a high-quality product. From the initial stages of raw material preparation to the final packaging phase, each step is essential in ensuring the effectiveness and reliability of cat litter for maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for cats and their owners. Click

How to Produce Biofertilizer from Biochar

Producing bio fertilizer from carbon, specifically biochar, involves combining the carbon-rich material with beneficial microbes that can enhance soil fertility and plant growth. Below is a detailed. And if you want to know more, you can click here. And we will tell you the step-by-step guide on setting up a production line to create microbial fertilizer from biochar:

Step-by-Step Production Line Process:

Step 1: Biochar Production

Raw Material Collection: Gather biomass such as agricultural waste, wood chips, or other organic materials.

Carbonization: Process the biomass in a carbonization furnace to produce biochar. This involves heating the biomass in a low-oxygen environment to convert it into a stable form of carbon. We can provide you with our company’s charcoal furnace equipment, which can help you make charcoal quickly. Production capacity can reach 4 tons per hour.

Cooling and Storage: Allow the biochar to cool and then store it in a dry environment to prevent contamination. We can provide you with our company’s cooling machines to help you cool carbon quickly. It can produce up to 20 tons per hour.

Cooler Equipment for biochar biofertilizer
Cooler Equipment for biochar biofertilizer

Step 2: Microbial Culture Preparation

Microbe Selection: Select appropriate microbial strains that are beneficial for plants, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria, or mycorrhizal fungi.

Culture Growth: Grow the microbial cultures in a controlled environment. Use a nutrient-rich growth medium and maintain optimal conditions of temperature and pH to maximize microbial biomass.

Step 3: Mixing Biochar with Microbes

Preparation of Biochar: Before mixing, ensure the biochar is ground to a suitable size and is free from contaminants. To ensure uniformity in size, we offer you our company’s new vertical pulverizer with high efficiency and production.

vertical crusher for biochar biofertilizer
vertical crusher for biochar biofertilizer

Mixing Together: Mix the biochar with the microbial culture. The process can be done in a mixer machine where the biochar is combined with a liquid culture of microbes. We recommend you our company’s twin-shaft mixers, which are more efficient than the single-shaft ones.

fertilizer mixer for biochar biofertilizer
fertilizer mixer for biochar biofertilizer

Composting: Allow the mixture to incubate for a period to enable the microbes to colonize the biochar. This step might require maintaining specific moisture and temperature conditions to ensure successful microbial growth.

Step 4: Addition of Nutrients

Nutrient Enrichment: Enhance the microbial fertilizer by adding nutrients that can be beneficial for plant growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace minerals. These can be added in soluble forms that microbes can utilize to multiply and become more effective.

Step 5: Drying and Granulation

Drying: Dry the biochar-microbe mixture to reduce moisture content, making it stable and easy to handle. We recommend you our company’s dryer with a capacity of 1-20 tons.

Granulation: Process the dried mixture through a granulator to form pellets or granules. This step improves the ease of application and handling of the fertilizer. We recommend our disc pelletizer with a pelletizing rate of up to 95%.

pan granulator for sale
pan granulator for sale

Step 6: Quality Control and Packaging

Testing: Test the final product for microbial activity, nutrient content, and contamination to ensure it meets quality standards.

Packaging: Package the microbial fertilizer in moisture-proof bags or containers to prevent contamination and loss of microbial activity during storage and transport. We can offer you our bagging machine, which is capable of baling 60-100 bags of biochar biofertilizer per minute!

Step 7: Storage and Distribution

Storage: Store the packaged microbial fertilizer in a cool, dry place to preserve its effectiveness.


Producing microbial fertilizer from biochar involves several critical steps from biochar production to microbial inoculation and final product formulation. Each stage must be carefully controlled to ensure that the biochar is effectively utilized as a carrier for beneficial microbes, ultimately enhancing soil fertility and plant growth. This type of fertilizer not only supports sustainable agriculture by recycling organic waste but also enhances soil health through the synergistic effects of carbon and microbes. If you want to learn more how to prouce biofertilizer from carbon, you can visit my website:

How to produce 20 tons per hour of charcoal-based fertilizer

Creating a production line capable of generating 20 tons per hour of charcoal-based fertilizer involves setting up a series of processes and using specific machinery to ensure efficiency and quality. Here’s a detailed guide on how to set up this production process, including the use of a rotary drum granulate equipment and two horizontal mixer equipment:

Rotary Drum Granulator
Rotary Drum Granulator

1. Overview of the Production Process

If you want to learn more about carbon-based fertilizer process, you can click our website:

Composting the carbon and organic matters: Decomposing organic matter to form a nutrient-rich base.

Adding Carbon Powder into organic matters: Integrating charcoal powder to enhance the carbon content.

Mixing the carbon and organic matters: Thoroughly blending the compost and carbon powder to ensure uniformity.

Crushing the carbon and organic matters: Breaking down any large particles to create a consistent size.

Granulating the carbon and organic matters: Forming the material into granules using a granulator.

Drying the carbon and organic matters: Removing moisture to stabilize the granules.

Cooling the carbon and organic matters: Reducing the temperature of the dried fertilizer to enhance stability.

Packaging the carbon and organic matters: For easier storage and transportation.

2. Equipment Specification

Rotary Drum Granulator: 

This is central to the granulation process. You’ll need a rotary drum granulator that can handle the desired throughput of 20 tons per hour. Ensure it has adequate capacity and power to operate continuously under full load.

Horizontal Mixers: 

Two mixers are recommended to efficiently mix large volumes of material. These mixers will be used in both the initial mixing of compost and carbon powder, and the post-crushing mixing to ensure a homogenous mixture before granulation.

Biochar fertilizer drum machine
Biochar fertilizer drum machine

3. Advantages of Using a Rotary Drum Granulator

Scalability: Suitable for large-scale production due to its high capacity.

Efficiency: Provides continuous processing, which is vital for achieving a 20 tons per hour production rate.

Uniformity: Ensures that the granules are uniform in size and shape, which is crucial for consistent product quality.

Versatility: Capable of handling different types of materials and moisture contents, making it adaptable to various formulations of charcoal-based fertilizer.

4. Benefits of Granulating Carbon-Based Fertilizer

Improved Nutrient Delivery: Granules break down slowly, providing a gradual release of nutrients, which is beneficial for plant growth.

Reduced Dust Pollution: Granulating the fertilizer minimizes dust, making the product safer and cleaner to handle and transport.

Enhanced Product Handling: Granules are easier to apply using standard farming equipment, improving usability for end-users.

Marketability: Granular fertilizers are often preferred by farmers due to their ease of use and storage, leading to better market acceptance.

rotary drum granulation machine
rotary drum granulation machine

5.Production Line Setup

Feed Preparation:
Use shredders and crushers to prepare the raw materials for composting. Ensure the compost reaches the necessary maturity before adding charcoal powder.

Initial Mixing:
Load the mature compost and charcoal powder into the twin shaft mixers. Mix thoroughly to ensure an even distribution of charcoal.

Secondary Processing:
Crush the mixed material to ensure it is fine enough for granulation. Pass the crushed mixture through the second mixer to achieve a uniform, fine blend.

Feed the uniformly mixed material into the rotary drum granulator. Adjust the moisture content and drum speed to optimize granule formation.

Drying and Cooling:
Convey the granules through a drying system to reduce moisture content. After drying, cool the granules to enhance their stability and reduce caking.

Packaging and Storage:
Package the cooled granules for distribution. Store in a dry, cool place to maintain product quality.Implementing this detailed process will help you achieve a high-efficiency production line for charcoal-based fertilizer, aiming for an output of 20 tons per hour. If you have any question, you can click here to cantack us.

Granulating Ten Tons per Hour with Roller Granulators

In the world of agricultural production, efficiency is key. charcoal-based fertilizers play a vital role in enhancing soil fertility and crop yield. Among the various methods of fertilizer production, granulation stands out for its efficiency and effectiveness. In this blog, we delve into the process of granulating ten tons of carbon-based fertilizer per hour using roller granulators.

double roller extrusion for biochar
double roller extrusion for biochar

Achieving Ten Tons per Hour Output:

To achieve a production rate of ten tons per hour with roller granulators, a well-optimized setup of four machines is essential. Here’s how it can be accomplished:

Machine Configuration:

Divide the process into four stages, each handled by a dedicated roller granulator. This ensures continuous operation and maximizes output.

Optimized Feeding System:

Implement a robust feeding system that ensures a consistent and uniform flow of raw materials into each granulator.

Efficient Cooling and Drying:

Incorporate efficient cooling and drying systems to swiftly cool and dry the granules, allowing for rapid processing and packaging.

Fast pulverizing process:

Crushing can make the charcoal-based fertilizer material of the same size, which is conducive to your later better granulation with the roller granulator.

Controlled Process Parameters:

Fine-tune parameters such as granulation speed, moisture content, and particle size to optimize throughput without compromising product quality.

double roller equipment for biochar fertilizer
double roller equipment for biochar fertilizer

Understanding Roller Granulators:

A roller granulator is a type of granulation equipment used in fertilizer production. It operates by compressing fine powders or powdery materials between two counter-rotating rollers, forming compacted sheets that are then broken into granules of the desired size. If you want to know more details about Roller Pelletizer,  you can click here.

Benefits of Roller Granulators:

Double roller granulators offer several advantages over other granulation methods:

High Efficiency:

Roller granulators can achieve high throughput rates, making them ideal for large-scale production.

Uniform Granule Size:

The controlled compression process ensures uniformity in granule size, leading to consistent product quality.


Roller granulators can handle a wide range of materials and formulations, including carbon-based fertilizers with varying compositions.

Low Maintenance:

With fewer moving parts and simple operation, roller granulators require minimal maintenance, reducing downtime and production costs.

double roller extrusion for carbon-based fertilizer
double roller extrusion for carbon-based fertilizer

Advantages of Granulation:

Granulation, in general, offers numerous benefits for fertilizer production:

Improved Handling:

Granulated fertilizers are easier to handle, transport, and apply compared to powdered or liquid formulations.

Reduced Dust Generation:

Granulation minimizes dust generation during handling and application, improving worker safety and environmental cleanliness.

Enhanced Nutrient Release:

Granules provide controlled release of nutrients, ensuring optimal uptake by plants and reducing the risk of leaching or runoff.


Mastering the production of carbon-based fertilizers at a rate of ten tons per hour with roller granulators requires careful planning, optimized processes, and the right equipment setup. Roller granulators offer efficiency, uniformity, and versatility, making them a preferred choice for large-scale fertilizer manufacturers. By harnessing the benefits of granulation, agricultural producers can enhance soil fertility, improve crop yield, and contribute to sustainable farming practices. If you want learn about how to granulate, you can click our website:

Why the composting of charcoal-based fertilizer should use self-propelled turner


In the world of sustainable gardening and farming, composting for biochar and organic matters stands out as a transformative process. It converts charcoal and organic waste into a rich soil amendment, providing numerous environmental and economic benefits. With the advent of self-propelled composters, the process of carbon and organic matters have become more efficient and accessible. This blog explores the benefits of composting for biochar and organic waste, the advantages of self-propelled composters, and the optimal conditions required for effective composting.


The Benefits of Composting for Biochar Fertilizer

Composting is more than just waste reduction. It is a critical component in the cycle of sustainability. By mixing kitchen scraps and yard waste into carcoal and composting, you create a nutrient-rich biochar fertilizer that can greatly enhance soil quality. This biochar fertilizer introduces beneficial organisms to the soil, helps retain moisture, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, and promotes healthier plant growth. Furthermore, composting reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint, making it an environmentally friendly practice. If you have questions about composting, you can click our web to learn more:

Advantages of Self-Propelled Composters

Self-propelled composters revolutionize the traditional composting process by automating many of the labor-intensive steps. Here are some of the key advantages:


These machines mix and aerate the compost materials automatically, speeding up the biochar and organic matters  composting process significantly.

Ease of Use:

With moving type composters, physical exertion is minimized. There’s no need for manual turning, making it accessible to more people can drive to compost carcoal and organic matter materials, including those with physical limitations.


These devices maintain consistent movement and aeration, which leads to more uniform compost.


Designed to handle larger volumes than traditional compost bins, self-propelled turners are ideal for extensive biochar fertilizer composting or community composting efforts.

The self-propulsion feature ensures that the compost material is turned regularly and thoroughly, which is crucial for aerobic decomposition. By automating this process, the composter not only saves time and labor but also produces high-quality compost more reliably.

Self moving type compost turner for biochar
Self moving type compost turner for biochar

Optimal Conditions for Composting

The effectiveness of composting relies heavily on maintaining the right temperature and humidity within the compost pile:

Temperature: The ideal temperature range for composting is between 135 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit (57 to 71 degrees Celsius). This range is crucial for destroying harmful pathogens and weed seeds, while also promoting the activity of beneficial microorganisms that break down organic material.

Humidity: The compost pile should maintain a moisture content of about 40 to 60%. This level of humidity is essential to support the microbial life that decomposes the organic material. The pile should feel like a wrung-out sponge—moist but not dripping.

Monitoring these conditions in a self-propelled composter is often easier, as many models come equipped with sensors and controls to maintain the ideal composting environment automatically.


Self-propelled composters represent a significant advancement in composting of biochar fertilizer technology, making it more accessible and less labor-intensive. By understanding and leveraging the right conditions for composting, gardeners and farmers can improve their sustainability practices and contribute positively to the environment. As technology progresses, the integration of these tools into everyday gardening practices promises to enhance our approach to recycling organic waste and supporting healthy, productive soils. If you want to learn more, you can click here.

How to make 30t/h npk fertilizer granules?

In the realm of granulation technology, where efficiency and precision are paramount, one exemplary innovation stands out—the 30 t/h roller press granulation production line. Far beyond a mere conveyor of raw materials, this production line acts as a metamorphosis catalyst, seamlessly converting powder into uniform granules at an impressive pace.

Key Features of the Production Line

Central to this groundbreaking technology is the double roller extrusion granulator, colloquially known as the “press.” This critical component ensures not only high efficiency but also impeccable granulation quality. Its innovative design propels the compact and dry granulation process forward, rendering it adaptable to a diverse array of materials and production requirements.

Equipment Selection of Simple NPK Fertilizer Extrusion Granulation Line
Equipment Selection of Simple NPK Fertilizer Extrusion Granulation Line

Diverse Raw Material Adaptability

The versatility of the roller press granulation production line shines through its ability to accommodate a wide spectrum of raw materials. Consider the following examples:

1. Agricultural Waste: Crop straws, corn stalks, and bagasse find a new lease on life as high-quality organic fertilizer through the adept utilization of the roller press granulator.

2. Chemical Powders: From ammonium chloride to ammonium phosphate and urea, chemical powders undergo a metamorphosis into uniform, robust granules, thereby enhancing efficiency in storage and transportation.

3. Industrial Waste: Coal gangue, fly ash, and slag, once deemed as industrial by-products, are transformed into valuable commodities, simultaneously mitigating waste and bolstering product utility.

Learn more about 30t/h granulation process.

NPK Materials for Double Roller Extruder
NPK Materials for Double Roller Extruder

The Powder Granulation Process: Step by Step

1. Raymond Mill System: The journey begins with the meticulous preparation of the powder. Whether mineral or chemical in nature, the powder undergoes precision milling via the raymond mill system, guaranteeing a consistent and top-tier powder output.

2. Double Shaft Mixer: The mixed powder encounters the double shaft mixer, where an assortment of additives can be seamlessly integrated to augment the granules’ properties. The mixer ensures the homogeneous distribution of these additives throughout the powder.

3. Disc Feeders: Regulating the material flow into the double roller extrusion granulator, the disc feeders play a pivotal role. Here, under immense pressure, the powder undergoes compression and morphs into granules, thanks to the collaborative efforts of multiple rollers.

4. Rotary Screener: Post-granulation, the granules undergo scrutiny via the rotary screener, which meticulously segregates oversized or undersized particles, allowing only the epitome of granules to progress to the subsequent phase.

5. Coating Machine (Optional): For those desiring an additional layer of refinement, the granules can undergo coating via the coating machine. This optional step confers benefits such as enhanced flowability, aesthetic enhancement, or moisture protection.

6. Double Bucket Granules Packing Scale: The culmination of the process sees the granules meticulously packed and weighed utilizing the double bucket granules packing scale, ensuring precision and consistency in packaging.


The advent of the 30 t/h granulation production line heralds a new era in granulation technology, characterized by unparalleled efficiency and quality. With its advanced features, notably the double roller extrusion granulator, this production line caters to a myriad of industries, seamlessly transforming raw materials into marketable granular products. Backed by Yushunxin’s commitment to innovation and reliability, the roller press granulation production line emerges as a veritable game-changer in the industry.

For further insights, visit:

How to pelletize carbon and fertilizer with disc granulator machine?


In the quest for sustainable agriculture, carbon-based fertilizers have emerged as a pivotal solution for enhancing soil health and reducing chemical runoff. The key to maximizing the benefits of these fertilizers lies in the efficiency of their production. Our disc granulator is engineered to streamline this process, ensuring high-quality, nutrient-rich fertilizer.

What is a Disc Granulator?

A disc granulator is a type of rotating machinery utilized primarily in the agricultural industry to transform raw materials into granular fertilizer. It’s an essential tool for manufacturers looking to produce high volumes of biochar fertilizer with consistent quality.

pan granulator for sale
pan granulator for sale

Working Principle of the Disc Granulator

Our disc granulator operates on a straightforward yet effective principle. Installed at a precise incline, the disc rotates, causing the material inside to roll rapidly. As the disk body rotates, the carbon-based fertilizer materials rise to their highest point before falling vertically under the influence of a strategically placed scraper. During the rotation, carcoal-based fertilizer particles experience a centrifugal force, pressing them against the disk wall where they undergo extrusion and rolling, gradually forming into pellets. These biochar fertilizer pellets eventually overflow from the edge of the disc as they reach the desired size.

How charcoal-based fertilizer goes from composting to pelletizing

The process of transforming compost into carbon- based granulated fertilizer begins with the composting stage. Compost produces high temperatures of 60 degrees or more to kill disease and insect eggs and weed seeds. where organic waste decomposes into rich, nutrient-dense material.  Following composting, the material will be crush, so that can better to granulate. And then you can send carcoal-based fertilizer materials into disc granulator, where it is mechanically forced into dense, uniform pellets. The end result is a high-quality, sustainable fertilizer that is easy to distribute and beneficial for plant growth.

Features of Our Company’s Disc Granulator

High Pelletizing Rate:

Our disc granulator achieves an impressive 95% pelletizing rate, minimizing waste and maximizing output.

Wet Pelletizing Method:

This technique not only ensures the structural integrity of the pellets but also enhances their appearance, making them more marketable.

Production Capacity:

Capable of producing 4-6 tons of high-quality fertilizer per hour, our granulator is designed for both small and large-scale operations.

Competitive Pricing:

Priced between $800 and $16,000, our granulator offers exceptional value, combining top-tier technology with affordability.

pan granule machine for sale
pan granule machine for sale


Leverage the advanced technology of our disc granulator to elevate your charfertilizer production. With its high efficiency, aesthetic pellet output, and robust design, it’s an invaluable asset for any fertilizer production business. For more details or to arrange a demonstration, please contact us at


Линия по производству фосфорных удобрений: основная конкурентоспособность производителей оборудования для удобрений.

Являясь одним из трех основных элементов питания в сельскохозяйственном производстве, фосфор является ключевым компонентом, способствующим развитию корневой системы растений и созреванию цветов и плодов. Фосфатные удобрения являются неотъемлемой частью сельскохозяйственного производства, а их стабильные и надежные поставки имеют решающее значение для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности и повышения урожайности сельскохозяйственных культур. Для производителей оборудования для внесения удобрений проектирование и поставка эффективных линий по производству фосфорных удобрений является важным способом удовлетворения рыночного спроса и поддержания конкурентоспособности отрасли.

Дисковый гранулятор 3 м.

**Планирование и проектирование производственной линии**
Эффективное планирование компоновки линии по производству фосфорных удобрений может обеспечить бесперебойный производственный процесс и высокую производительность. Полная производственная линия должна учитывать не только эффективность производства. Нам также необходимо рассмотреть возможность плавного соединения нескольких звеньев, таких как обработка сырья, транспортировка материала, смешивание, грануляция, сушка, охлаждение, сортировка и упаковка. Как профессиональный производитель оборудования для внесения удобрений, мы будем производить продукцию в соответствии с вашими конкретными требованиями и фактическими производственными возможностями. Предоставить вам индивидуальные решения по проектированию производственной линии. Для достижения оптимального производственного процесса и экономической эффективности.

**Управление сырьем и предварительная обработка**
Первым шагом в производстве фосфорных удобрений является управление и предварительная обработка сырья. Производство фосфорных удобрений обычно требует в качестве сырья фосфорной кислоты, фосфоритной руды и других вспомогательных материалов. Это сырье необходимо измельчить и правильно дозировать перед поступлением на производственную линию. Точная система предварительной обработки сырья не только повышает эффективность производства, но и обеспечивает качество конечного продукта.

Дробильное оборудование мельницы Раймонд.

**Технология смешивания и грануляции**
Смешивание — ключевой этап производства фосфорных удобрений, который напрямую влияет на однородность частиц удобрений. Современные линии по производству фосфорных удобрений используют эффективные смесители, обеспечивающие тщательное смешивание отдельных ингредиентов. В процессе грануляции используется эффективный гранулятор, такой как дисковый гранулятор или барабанный гранулятор. Сформируйте из смеси гранулы одинакового размера. Это не только повышает мобильность удобрений и удобство их использования, но также облегчает хранение и транспортировку удобрений.

**Система сушки и охлаждения**
Сушка и охлаждение являются важными звеньями в производстве фосфорных удобрений, обеспечивающими стабильность продукта. В процессе сушки из гранул удаляется лишняя влага, что предотвращает комкование продукта при хранении или транспортировке. Охлаждение заключается в регулировании температуры частиц фосфорных удобрений после высыхания. Во избежание потери эффективности удобрений или рисков безопасности, вызванных чрезмерной температурой.

**Контроль качества и упаковка**
Следующим звеном производственной линии является контроль качества продукции и упаковка. Линии по производству высококачественных фосфорных удобрений будут оснащены современным испытательным оборудованием для контроля качества продукции и обеспечения соответствия каждой партии фосфорных удобрений национальным стандартам и потребностям сельскохозяйственного производства. Автоматизированная система упаковки позволяет быстро и эффективно завершить окончательную упаковку и повысить эффективность всей производственной линии.

Площадь готовой продукции

**Охрана окружающей среды и устойчивое развитие**
При проектировании нашей линии по производству фосфорных удобрений мы также учитывали факторы защиты окружающей среды и устойчивого развития. Сократите потребление энергии и выбросы отходов за счет оптимизации производственных процессов и оборудования. Наша линия по производству фосфорных удобрений поможет вам создать более экологически чистый метод производства. В то же время за счет улучшения использования ресурсов и снижения производственных затрат. Беспроигрышная ситуация для вас с точки зрения экономической выгоды и защиты окружающей среды.

Линия грануляции с вращающимся барабаном
Линия грануляции с вращающимся барабаном

Линия по производству фосфорных удобрений является одним из важных продуктов производителей оборудования для удобрений. Мы обеспечиваем мощную поддержку вашего сельскохозяйственного производства посредством постоянных инноваций и технологических усовершенствований. В будущем, с развитием технологий и изменением рыночного спроса. Наша линия по производству фосфорных удобрений продолжит развиваться в более автоматизированном, экологически чистом и эффективном направлении. Для получения дополнительной информации о линии по производству фосфорных удобрений посетите:

Horizontal Fermentation Pot

In the realm of sustainable agriculture, innovative technologies that optimize resource utilization and enhance production efficiency are increasingly critical. One such innovation is the horizontal fermenter tank, a pivotal tool in the production of charcoal-based fertilizers. This article delves into what a horizontal fermenter is and explores its numerous advantages in fertilizer production.

What is a Horizontal Fermenter?

A horizontal fermenter tank is a type of industrial equipment used to ferment organic materials, including charcoal, under controlled conditions. Unlike traditional vertical fermenters, this apparatus is designed horizontally, which influences both its functionality and efficiency. The horizontal layout facilitates easier loading and unloading of materials and provides a more uniform heat distribution during the fermentation process.

Typically constructed from robust materials like stainless steel, a horizontal fermenter consists of a cylindrical chamber with a rotating axis. This design ensures that the materials inside are consistently turned, promoting an even fermentation process. Advanced models are equipped with temperature and moisture sensors, allowing precise control of the internal environment, which is crucial for producing high-quality charcoal-based fertilizer. You can view our web to learn more:

horizontal fermentation tank for biochar fertilizer
horizontal fermentation tank for biochar fertilizer

Advantages of Horizontal Fermenters

Improved Material Handling:

The horizontal design simplifies the process of loading and unloading organic material. This is particularly beneficial in handling bulky or heavy loads of raw materials like biochar, which are integral to charcoal-based fertilizers. By reducing the physical strain and the time needed for handling, horizontal fermenters enhance operational efficiency.

Enhanced Fermentation Control:

Horizontal fermenters provide superior control over the fermentation environment compared to their vertical counterparts. The ability to precisely manage factors such as temperature, humidity, and turning frequency results in a more consistent product quality. This precise control is essential for optimizing the properties of the charcoal-based fertilizer, such as its nutrient release rates and microbial activity.

Increased Efficiency:

The rotational mechanism of the horizontal fermenter ensures that all material is equally exposed to microbial action. This not only speeds up the fermentation process but also increases the efficiency of the conversion of inputs into usable fertilizer. Faster processing times mean more product output over the same period, enhancing overall productivity.

Horizontal ferment tank for carbon-based fertilizer
Horizontal ferment tank for carbon-based fertilizer

Scalability and Versatility:

Horizontal fermentation pot are highly scalable, making them suitable for both small-scale operations and large-scale commercial productions. Their design allows for easy integration into existing production lines without significant modifications. Furthermore, they can be used for a variety of fermentation-based products beyond charcoal-based fertilizers, such as compost and other organic fertilizers.

Energy Efficiency:

Modern horizontal fermenters are designed to maximize energy efficiency. The even distribution of heat and the effective insulation minimize energy loss, reducing the overall energy requirement for the fermentation process. This not only lowers production costs but also supports sustainability goals by reducing the carbon footprint of fertilizer production.

In conclusion, the horizontal fermenter represents a significant advancement in the production of charcoal-based fertilizers. Its design and operational advantages align perfectly with the needs of modern, sustainable agriculture, offering improved efficiency, better product control, and versatility. As the demand for eco-friendly agricultural inputs grows, technologies like the horizontal fermenter will play a crucial role in meeting global food production challenges sustainably and efficiently. If you want to know more about Horizontal Fermenter, you can click here.

Chicken dung and biochar as fertilizer


Chicken manure, often viewed as waste, holds immense potential as a valuable resource in making biochar fertilizer. By harnessing the power of carbonization, we can transform this abundant waste into a nutrient-rich fertilizer. In this blog, we will explore two common processes and equipment for making carbon fertilizer from chicken manure, catering to both those who need to produce carbon from scratch and those who already have access to carbon material.


Carbonization Process:

For those without access to carbon material, the first step involves the carbonization of organic materials such as coconut shells,  straw or chicken dung using a continuous carbonization furnace. This furnace operates on the principle of thermal decomposition, converting organic matter into carbon. With a capacity of about 500kg/h, materials containing less than 10% per ton can yield approximately 280kg-310kg of final carbon products.

carbonization furnace catch
carbonization furnace catch

Adding Carbon Powder:

Alternatively, if the customer already possesses carbon material, the process becomes simpler. Carbon powder is added to the chicken manure, creating a carbon-based fertilizer. This method skips the carbonization step and directly incorporates carbon into the mixture. That’s why you need an efficient blender. We recommend a double shaft mixer.

Common Processes:

Both approaches follow a series of common steps to convert chicken manure into carbon-based fertilizer:


Chicken manure and biochar fertilizer’s making need to undergoes a composting process to break down organic matter and eliminate pathogens. So you need a composter, we recommend our self-propelled tumbler. You can click our web to get more information abut how to compost :


Carbon material, whether freshly carbonized or in powder form, is thoroughly mixed with the composted chicken manure. This ensures uniform distribution of nutrients.


The making of chicken dung and biochar fertilizer may undergo crushing to achieve a finer consistency, facilitating subsequent processing. So we recommend the new-type organic fertilizer crusher.


The crushed mixture is formed into granules, enhancing its usability and ease of application in the field. That’s why we recommend disc pelletizer.


Carbon-based fertilizer granules from chicken manure  are screened to remove any oversized or undersized particles, ensuring product consistency.


The final fertilizer product is packaged into appropriate containers for distribution and use by farmers. Our company has palletizers and packaging machines, both of which save time and increase efficiency.

carbonization furnace
carbonization furnace

How to compost quickly:

To compost quickly, focus on optimizing temperature, humidity, and ventilation. Maintain a temperature range of 45°C to 60°C, with humidity controlled at 55% to 60%. Adequate ventilation is crucial for supplying oxygen to microorganisms and promoting decomposition. Turn the compost regularly to aerate it and distribute heat evenly. By ensuring these conditions, you accelerate the composting process, yielding nutrient-rich fertilizer in a shorter time frame. Composting not only efficiently recycles organic waste but also produces a sustainable fertilizer rich in essential nutrients, promoting healthier soil and plants while reducing environmental impact.  If you need to compost tips, you can click here to learn more.

What are the advantages of our equipment

Environmental Sustainability:

Our equipment utilizes advanced carbonization technology to convert organic waste, such as chicken manure, into high-quality charcoal-based fertilizer. This process not only reduces environmental pollution from organic waste but also promotes a circular economy by efficiently utilizing resources.

Efficient Production:

With high production capacity, our equipment swiftly transforms organic waste into fertilizer. The continuous operation of our carbonization furnace ensures consistent production rates, processing approximately 500 kilograms of raw material per hour.


Compared to traditional fertilizer production methods, charcoal-based fertilizer production offers energy and cost savings. Additionally, our equipment facilitates the conversion of waste into valuable products, reducing waste management costs.

How to process zeolite to make granules

Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral that is commonly used in various industries for its unique properties such as high adsorption capacity, ion exchange, and catalytic activity. In order to use zeolite in various applications, it is often processed into granules. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to process zeolite to make granules:

  1. Raw Material Selection

The first step in processing zeolite to make granules is to select the right raw material. Zeolite can be found in various forms such as powder, pellets, or chunks. The choice of raw material will depend on the desired size and shape of the final granules.

  1. Crushing and Grinding

Once the raw material has been selected, the next step is to crush and grind it into smaller particles. This can be done using various types of crushers and mills such as jaw crushers, hammer mills, or ball mills. The goal is to reduce the size of the zeolite particles to a uniform size that is suitable for granulation.

  1. Mixing and Binder Addition

After the zeolite has been crushed and ground, it is then mixed with a binder to help the particles stick together during the granulation process. The binder can be a liquid or a powder, and the amount used will depend on the desired properties of the final granules.

  1. Granulation

The next step is to granulate the zeolite-binder mixture. This can be done using various granulation methods such as extrusion, pelletizing, or agglomeration. The choice of granulation method will depend on the desired size and shape of the final granules.

zeolite drum granulation line
zeolite drum granulation line
  1. Drying and Sizing

After the zeolite has been granulated, it is then dried to remove any moisture that may have been added during the granulation process. This can be done using various drying methods such as oven drying, fluid bed drying, or rotary kiln drying. Once the granules are dry, they are then sized to ensure that they are all uniform in size.

  1. Packaging and Storage

The final step in processing zeolite to make granules is to package and store the granules. This can be done using various packaging materials such as bags, drums, or bulk containers. The granules should be stored in a dry, cool place to prevent any moisture from being reabsorbed.

In conclusion, processing zeolite to make granules involves selecting the right raw material, crushing and grinding, mixing and binder addition, granulation, drying and sizing, and packaging and storage. By following these steps, you can produce high-quality zeolite granules that can be used in various industries for their unique properties.

Biomass Carbonization Machine Prices

The quest for sustainable and eco-friendly energy solutions has led to the innovative process of biomass carbonization. This technique involves converting organic materials into charcoal through a process called pyrolysis, which occurs in the absence of oxygen. As demand for biomass charcoal surges, businesses and environmental enthusiasts are looking to invest in biomass carbonization machines. However, the price of these machines can be a significant consideration. In this blog, we will delve into the factors influencing the cost of biomass carbonization machines and offer insights into making an informed purchase.

Understanding Biomass Carbonization Machines:

Before discussing pricing, it’s essential to understand what biomass carbonization equipment are and how they operate. These machines are designed to process various types of biomass, such as wood chips, sawdust, agricultural residues, and even municipal waste, converting them into biochar, syngas, and bio-oil. The end-products have numerous applications, from soil enrichment to renewable energy generation.

biomass carbonization equipment
biomass carbonization equipment

Factors Impacting Biomass Carbonization Machine Prices:

1.Production Capacity:

The size and throughput of the machine significantly affect the cost. The price of small-scale biochar making units that process a few kilograms per hour can be considerably less expensive than industrial-scale machines capable of processing several tons per hour.

2. Technology and Efficiency:

Advances in technology, such as continuous carbonization system, can increase the efficiency of the conversion process. More sophisticated machines with higher efficiency and automation levels are likely to come with a higher price tag. Click here to learn more.

3. Material Quality and Durability:

High-quality materials such as stainless steel components ensure durability and longevity but also add to the machine’s cost. Investing more upfront can lead to lower maintenance costs and a longer lifespan for the equipment.

4. Energy Consumption:

The energy required to power the machine contributes to operational costs. Machines designed with energy efficiency in mind might be more expensive initially but can save money in the long run through reduced energy bills.

5. After-Sales Service and Warranty:

Good after-sales service, including installation guidance, training, and warranty, can be worth the extra investment. Machines that come with comprehensive service agreements may have higher prices but provide peace of mind and support over the machine’s life.

6. Customization:

Custom features tailored to specific needs, such as feedstock type or desired end-product characteristics, can influence the cost. Custom-engineered solutions will typically cost more than standard models.

Price Range and What to Expect:

Biomass carbonization machine prices can vary widely, from a few thousand dollars for basic, small-scale equipment to several hundred thousand dollars for large, fully automated industrial systems. It’s crucial to balance your budget with the machine’s quality, output requirements, and operational costs.


The price of a biomass carbonization machine is shaped by a variety of factors, all of which should be considered in the context of your specific needs and budget. By understanding these cost determinants and doing comprehensive research, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your financial constraints and sustainability goals. More precise quote for carbonizer, you can visit

Horizontal Fermentation Tank

In today’s world, where sustainability is becoming increasingly vital, the agricultural industry is seeking innovative solutions to enhance productivity while minimizing environmental impact. Composting has emerged as a sustainable practice with numerous benefits for soil health and biochar fertility. At the forefront of this green revolution is our company’s cutting-edge horizontal fermenter, a game-changer in composting technology. In this blog, we delve into the advantages of composting on fertilizer production and introduce the unparalleled features of our horizontal fermenter.

Benefits of biochar composting

Composting, the process of decomposing organic materials to create nutrient-rich fertilizer. There are many harmful organisms such as pathogenic bacteria and roundworm eggs breeding inside the manure, and the high temperature period of 50-70°C in the composting process up to about 10 days can kill these harmful microorganisms completely. What’s more, some active substances such as humic acid produced during the decomposition of compost can sequester phosphorus and potassium in the soil, making the fertilizer rich in a variety of nutrients. If  you want to know how to composting biochar materials, you can click here.

However, traditional composting methods often pose challenges such as manual labor, space requirements, and odor management. This is where our horizontal fermenter steps in to revolutionize the composting process. Here are four key advantages of our innovative technology:

High Degree of Automation:

Our horizontal ferment machine  boasts state-of-the-art automation, minimizing the need for manual intervention and streamlining the biochar fertilizer composting process. Advanced sensors and control systems monitor and regulate temperature, moisture levels, and airflow, ensuring optimal conditions for efficient fermentation. This automation not only reduces labor costs but also enhances the consistency and quality of the compost produced.

Fully Closed Structure with Excellent Sealing:

Unlike traditional biochar fertilizer

‘composting methods that may result in unpleasant odors and nutrient loss, our horizontal fermenter is designed as a fully closed structure with superior sealing. This feature prevents the escape of odorous gases and minimizes nitrogen leaching, resulting in a more controlled and environmentally friendly composting biochar fertilizer process. The sealed design also mitigates the risk of contamination and ensures compliance with stringent environmental regulations.

Space-saving Design:

Space constraints are a common challenge in composting biochar facilities, especially in urban areas where land availability is limited. Our horizontal fermenter addresses this issue with its compact footprint, maximizing efficiency and space utilization. By occupying minimal floor space, our technology allows for flexible installation options and facilitates integration into existing facilities, thereby reducing capital investment and operational costs.

Versatile Applicability:

One of the standout features of our horizontal fermenter is its versatility. Capable of processing a wide range of organic waste materials, including agricultural residues, food scraps, and green waste, our technology offers a scalable solution for diverse composting needs. Whether in agricultural settings, municipal waste management facilities, or industrial operations, our horizontal fermenter delivers consistent performance and superior results.

In conclusion, composting represents a sustainable solution for enhancing soil fertility and reducing waste, with profound implications for agricultural productivity and environmental stewardship. Our company’s horizontal fermenter redefines composting technology with its advanced automation, closed structure, space-saving design, and versatile applicability. By embracing this innovative approach to composting, farmers, waste managers, and industry professionals can unlock the full potential of organic waste as a valuable resource for fertilizer production, paving the way towards a greener and more sustainable future. In the end, you can click this to view more :

Self-Propelled Compost Turner

Enhancing Fertilizer Production with Our Advanced Composter

Composting stands as a cornerstone of sustainable agriculture, offering a natural and eco-friendly solution to enriching soil fertility and enhancing crop yield. At YuShunXin company, we are dedicated to revolutionizing fertilizer production through our cutting-edge composter. In this blog, we delve into the numerous benefits of composting for fertilizer and highlight the distinctive advantages of our composter, focusing on its ability to improve permeability, adjust moisture levels, and regulate temperature within the raw material pile. If you want to learn about how to composting, you can click here to learn more about composting tips.

The advantage of Composting: Transforming Waste into Fertilizer

Composting holds immense potential for fertilizer production, offering a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic fertilizers. By recycling organic waste materials such as food scraps, yard trimmings, and agricultural residues, composting generates nutrient-rich organic matter that replenishes soil nutrients and enhances soil structure. The resulting compost acts as a natural fertilizer, providing essential nutrients to plants, improving soil moisture retention, and promoting beneficial microbial activity. From reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers to mitigating nutrient runoff and soil erosion, composting offers a host of benefits for sustainable agriculture and soil health.

Crawl compost machine
Crawl compost machine

Advantages of Our  Crawl Composter Machine

Improvement of Permeability in the Raw Material Pile

Effective composting relies on proper aeration and oxygen diffusion within the raw material pile to support aerobic microbial activity. Inadequate airflow can lead to anaerobic conditions, resulting in unpleasant odors and inefficient decomposition. Our composter is engineered to enhance the permeability of the raw material pile, ensuring optimal oxygenation and promoting aerobic decomposition. By facilitating airflow, our crawl compost machine accelerates the composting process, producing high-quality compost suitable for fertilizer production.

Adjustment of Moisture Levels in the Raw Material Pile

Moisture management is crucial for successful composting, as it directly affects microbial activity and decomposition rates. Our crawl composter machine features advanced moisture adjustment capabilities, allowing users to regulate and maintain optimal moisture levels within the raw material pile. Whether composting wet organic materials or dry agricultural residues, our composter ensures uniform moisture distribution, promoting efficient decomposition and nutrient retention. By optimizing moisture levels, our composter enables the production of well-balanced compost with ideal nutrient content for fertilizer application.

Adjustment of Temperature in the Raw Material Pile

Temperature plays a critical role in composting, influencing microbial activity, nutrient transformation, and pathogen reduction. Our composter incorporates temperature regulation mechanisms to monitor and adjust heat levels within the raw material pile. By maintaining optimal temperatures, our composter ensures efficient composting while minimizing the risk of odor generation and nutrient loss. Whether composting in cold climates or hot conditions, our crawl composter equipment offers precise temperature control for consistent and high-quality compost production.


Composting holds immense potential for fertilizer production, offering numerous environmental, economic, and agronomic benefits. With our advanced composter, we are taking composting to new heights, enhancing permeability, moisture control, and temperature regulation within the raw material pile. By optimizing these key aspects of composting, our composter empowers users to produce high-quality compost for fertilizer application, contributing to sustainable agriculture and soil health. Join us in harnessing the power of composting to cultivate healthier soils and grow a greener future. You can click here to view more information:

Make Bio-Fertilizer From Biochar

How to Make Biochar Fertilizer

In the quest for sustainable agricultural practices, biochar has emerged as a promising solution. Derived from the ancient art of pyrolysis, biochar is a highly porous form of charcoal renowned for its ability to enhance soil fertility and carbon sequestration. Now, we could make charcoal-based fertilizer from biochar.

What is Biochar:

Biochar is essentially charcoal produced through the pyrolysis of organic materials such as wood chips, crop residues, or agricultural waste. This process involves heating biomass in the absence of oxygen, resulting in a stable carbon-rich material with a highly porous structure.

The Benefits of Biochar Fertilizer:

Biochar’s remarkable properties extend beyond soil conditioning; it can serve as an excellent substrate for nutrient-rich fertilizer blends. By combining biochar with organic matter and essential nutrients, we can create a potent fertilizer that not only improves soil structure but also enhances nutrient retention and promotes microbial activity.

Biochar fertilizer
Biochar fertilizer

Making Biochar Fertilizer:

Making bio-based fertilizer from biochar, which is a relatively straightforward process that can be done with minimal equipment. Here’s a simple DIY recipe to get you started:

Selecting the Right Biochar:

Begin by sourcing high-quality biochar from reputable suppliers or by making your own through the pyrolysis of organic materials. Ensure that the biochar is finely ground and free from contaminants.

Blending with Nutrient-Rich Additives:

Next, combine the biochar with nutrient-rich additives such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This will not only enrich the biochar with essential nutrients but also improve its efficacy as a fertilizer.

Activating Biochar:

To enhance its effectiveness, consider activating the biochar by soaking it in nutrient solutions or inoculating it with beneficial microbes. This process primes the biochar for optimal nutrient absorption and soil conditioning. Finally, you can click to more details.

Application Methods:

Finally, apply the biochar fertilizer to your soil using various methods such as mixing it into the soil before planting, top-dressing existing plants, or brewing biochar compost tea. Experiment with different application rates and techniques to determine what works best for your specific needs.

biochar fertilizer
biochar fertilizer

The Benefits of Biochar Fertilizer:

As we embrace the potential of biochar fertilizer, we embark on a journey towards sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. By harnessing the power of biochar to enrich our soils and nourish our crops, we not only improve agricultural productivity but also mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil.

In the realm of sustainable agriculture, making char-based fertilizer from biochar, which stands out as a beacon of hope and innovation. By harnessing the transformative power of biochar, we can cultivate healthier soils, bountiful harvests, and a more resilient food system for generations to come. Join the movement and unlock the potential of biochar fertilizer in your own garden or farm today. Together, we can cultivate a greener, more prosperous future for our planet and all who inhabit it.

In the hands of farmers and gardeners alike, biochar fertilizer holds the key to unlocking the full potential of our soils and ushering in a new era of sustainable agriculture. You can click here to more information.



How to Select the Ideal Equipment for Your 10 t/h Production Needs?

Selecting the right equipment is crucial for enhancing efficiency and productivity in any production line. This is particularly true for businesses aiming to meet specific production targets such as 10 tons per hour (t/h). When it comes to meeting the demands of a 10 t/h powder granulation production requirement, it is crucial to choose the right equipment that can ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

Section 1: Understanding the Granulation Process

To embark on selecting the ideal equipment, it is essential to first understand the granulation process. Granulation involves the transformation of raw materials into desired granules. It promotes uniformity, improves handling, and enhances the overall efficiency of the production line. By using Yushunxin’s efficient double roller extrusion granulator, the press, compact, and dry granulation methods can be seamlessly applied.

Equipment Selection of Simple NPK Fertilizer Extrusion Granulation Line
Equipment Selection of Simple NPK Fertilizer Extrusion Granulation Line

Section 2: Key Features of Yushunxin’s Double Roller Extrusion Granulation Production Line

2.1 Loader Type Feeder and Crain Crusher

The first step in any granulation process is the efficient feeding and crushing of raw materials. Yushunxin’s dry granulation production line (10 t/h) excels in this aspect, featuring a state-of-the-art loader type feeder and crain crusher. These equipment ensure a steady material flow and guarantee the timely and effective crushing of the raw materials, resulting in high-quality granules.

2.2 Horizontal Mixer

To achieve a homogeneous mixture and ensure consistent quality throughout the manufacturing process, Yushunxin’s production line incorporates a powerful horizontal mixer. This equipment offers exceptional mixing capabilities, allowing for uniform dispersion of ingredients and minimizing production variations.

10 TPH NPK Fertilizer Granulation Line
10 TPH NPK Fertilizer Granulation Line

2.3 Double Roller Extrusion Granulator

At the heart of Yushunxin’s production line, the double roller extrusion granulator takes center stage. This innovative equipment is designed to efficiently compress and shape the granules, resulting in desired size, density, and shape characteristics. Its robust design ensures long-lasting performance, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

2.4 Rotary Screening Machine

Once the granules are formed, a rotary screening machine is employed to separate oversized and undersized particles, ensuring only the desired granules move forward to the next stage. This crucial equipment promotes product uniformity and guarantees the high-quality output of the production line.

2.5 Automatic Packaging Scale and Belt Conveyors

Completing the granulation process, Yushunxin’s production line integrates an automatic packaging scale and a network of belt conveyors. These equipment streamline the packaging and transportation process, ensuring efficient storage and delivery of the final product.

Click here for more details.

Section 3: Raw Materials and Applications

To provide a comprehensive perspective, it is essential to shed light on the raw materials examples during the granulation process. Yushunxin’s production line effectively handles various materials, including but not limited to organic fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, and compound fertilizers. It efficiently converts these materials into high-quality granules that cater to the specific needs of agricultural and industrial applications.

NPK Materials for Double Roller Extruder
NPK Materials for Double Roller Extruder


In conclusion, selecting the right equipment for your 10 t/h production needs is paramount to achieving optimum productivity. Yushunxin’s double roller extrusion granulation production line, with its exceptional features and advantages, offers a reliable solution to meet and exceed your granulation requirements. By leveraging the loader type feeder, crain crusher, horizontal mixer, double roller extrusion granulator, rotary screening machine, automatic packaging scale, and belt conveyors, you can elevate your production capabilities and ensure consistent quality. You can visit:

Biochar organic fertilizer manufacturing

In an age where sustainability and environmental consciousness are paramount, the quest for organic solutions permeates every aspect of our lives, including gardening and agriculture. Biochar organic fertilizers making, in particular, have gained significant traction due to their eco-friendly nature and ability to enhance soil health while nurturing plant growth.

biochar and chicken dung
biochar and chicken dung

Why we Need to Make Biochar Organic Fertilizer

Biochar organic fertilizers manufacturing, unlike their synthetic counterparts, are derived from natural sources such as animal manure, compost, plant residues, and organic minerals. They are rich in essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with a host of micronutrients vital for plant development.

The Benefits of Making Biochar Organic Fertilizer

Biochar organic fertilizer production has many advantages, which includes help environment, cost-effective and enhanced soil health.

  • Environmental Friendliness: By utilizing organic materials readily available in your surroundings, you reduce reliance on chemical-laden commercial fertilizers, thereby minimizing environmental pollution and soil degradation.
  • Cost-Effective: Homemade organic fertilizers are often cheaper than store-bought alternatives, making gardening more affordable in the long run.
  • Enhanced Soil Health: Organic fertilizers improve soil structure, promote microbial activity, and enhance water retention capacity, fostering a conducive environment for plant growth. You can click here to view more.

How to Craft Your Own Biochar Organic Fertilizer

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

  • Nitrogen Sources: This includes materials like composted manure, poultry litter, or legume cover crops.
  • Phosphorus Sources: Bone meal, rock phosphate, or fish bone are excellent choices.
  • Potassium Sources: Wood ash or potassium sulfate are effective options.
  • Micronutrient Boosters: Seaweed, kelp meal, or eggshells can provide essential trace minerals.

Step 2: Mix in the Right Proportions

Aim for a balanced N-P-K ratio (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium) suitable for your plants’ needs. A general ratio of 1:2:1 works well for most garden plants, but adjustments can be made based on soil tests and plant requirements.

biochar fertilizer
biochar organic fertilizer

Step 3: Composting and Fermentation

Combine your ingredients in a compost bin or designated area. Ensure proper aeration and moisture levels for microbial activity. Allow the mixture to decompose and ferment over several weeks to months, periodically turning and watering it as needed.

Step 4: Application

Once the organic matter has fully decomposed into a dark, crumbly texture, it’s ready for use. Apply the fertilizer to the soil around your plants, avoiding direct contact with stems or leaves.

Water the area thoroughly to help nutrients penetrate the soil and reach plant roots.

The Essence of Biochar Organic Fertilizers

Biochar organic fertilizers making, unlike their synthetic counterparts, are derived from natural sources such as animal manure, compost, plant residues, and organic minerals. They are rich in essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with a host of micronutrients vital for plant development.

In a world where sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity, embracing organic practices like homemade fertilizer production is a small yet significant step towards a greener future. By harnessing the power of nature’s bounty and recycling organic waste into nutrient-rich soil amendments, we not only promote healthier ecosystems but also reap the rewards of bountiful harvests and flourishing gardens.

In a world where sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity, embracing organic practices like homemade fertilizer production is a small yet significant step towards a greener future. By harnessing the power of nature’s bounty and recycling organic waste into nutrient-rich soil amendments, we not only promote healthier ecosystems but also reap the rewards of bountiful harvests and flourishing gardens. If you want to learn about more, then you can click to this web to learn more:


How to use chicken manure dryer to remove excessive moisture

Introduction to Chicken Manure Drying

Chicken manure is a valuable resource for agricultural and horticultural activities, often used as a natural fertilizer due to its high nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content. However, fresh chicken manure contains a significant amount of moisture, which can be problematic for storage, transport, and application. Excess moisture in chicken manure can lead to the production of unpleasant odors, the proliferation of pathogens, and the loss of valuable nutrients. Therefore, it is essential to reduce the moisture content of chicken manure before it can be effectively used or sold, and this is where chicken manure dryers come into play.

Understanding Chicken Manure Dryers

A chicken poop dryer is a machine that uses heat to evaporate moisture from the manure. These dryers come in various sizes and configurations, from small, on-farm units to large, industrial-scale machines. They operate on different energy sources such as electricity, natural gas, or biomass. The purpose of these machines is to bring down the moisture level of the manure to a more manageable level, usually around 10-15%, which makes the manure suitable for long-term storage, transportation, and as a potent fertilizer.

Preparing Chicken Manure for Drying

Collection and Pre-Processing

Before using the manure dryer, collect the fresh chicken manure from the poultry farm. It’s best to remove large debris and any foreign objects that might interfere with the drying process. The manure should then be broken down into smaller particles to increase the surface area for more efficient drying. This can be done using a grinder or a crusher.

Ensuring Uniform Moisture Content

For optimal drying, the manure should have a uniform moisture content. This can be achieved by mixing or turning the manure pile to distribute moisture evenly. Manure that is too wet may need to be combined with drier material to reach a consistency suitable for the drying process.

Operating the Chicken Manure Dryer

Loading the Dryer

Once the manure is prepared, it’s time to load it into the dryer. Depending on the design of the dryer, this might be done manually or with a mechanical feeding system. Ensure that the manure is spread out evenly to facilitate uniform drying.

Setting the Temperature and Drying Time

Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines to set the correct temperature and drying time for your specific dryer model. Temperatures are typically set between 200 to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the dryer type and the desired final moisture content. The drying time can vary from a few hours to over a day.

Monitoring the Process

Throughout the drying process, it’s important to monitor the temperature and moisture levels to ensure the manure is drying evenly and prevent overheating, which could lead to nutrient loss or combustion. Some dryers come equipped with sensors and control systems that automatically adjust the conditions to maintain optimal drying. If the moisture is too large, you can use manure separator to remove excessive moisture in advance.

Post-Drying Handling

Cooling the Dried Manure

After the drying process, the manure will be hot and needs to be cooled before storage or use to prevent condensation and moisture buildup. This can be done by spreading the manure out in a well-ventilated area or using a cooling machine if available.

Storage and Packaging

Properly dried chicken manure can be stored in bags, containers, or piles. It should be kept in a dry, covered area to prevent reabsorption of moisture from the environment. For commercial operations, it may be packaged in smaller quantities for ease of transport and sale.

Safety Considerations and Maintenance

Ventilation and Dust Control

The drying process can generate dust and strong odors. Adequate ventilation is necessary to protect the health of workers and to comply with environmental regulations. Dust collection systems may be required to minimize the spread of particulate matter.

Regular Maintenance

To ensure the longevity and efficiency of the dryer, perform regular maintenance according to the manufacturer’s schedule. This includes cleaning, lubricating moving parts, and checking for wear and tear. A well-maintained dryer will provide reliable service and help prevent unexpected downtime.

Safety Measures

Always follow safety guidelines when operating a chicken manure dryer. This includes wearing personal protective equipment, such as gloves, masks, and safety glasses, and adhering to proper procedures to prevent accidents and injuries.


Using a chicken manure dryer is an effective method to remove excessive moisture from chicken manure, turning it into a valuable product for agricultural use. Proper preparation, operation, and maintenance of the drying equipment are crucial for achieving the desired results while ensuring safety and efficiency. With the right practices, chicken manure can be transformed from waste to wealth, contributing to sustainable farming practices and improved soil health. After chicken manure disposal, you can compost chicken poop for organic fertilizer making.

Biochar and chicken dung as fertilizer

As the global population continues to grow, the demand for sustainable agricultural practices becomes increasingly pressing. In the pursuit of greener alternatives, the use of biochar fertilizer has emerged as a promising solution. This blog post aims to tell you the potential of biochar and chicken dung as a sustainable fertilizer, focusing specifically on its role in improving soil health and promoting crop growth.

biochar and chicken dung
biochar and chicken dung

What is Biochar?

Biochar is a carbon material from the pyrolysis of chicken dung and other organic materials, This carbonization process transforms these materials into a stable, highly porous substance that can be applied to improve soil fertility.

Benefits of Biochar Fertilizer

 Enhanced nutrient retention:

Biochar has a high cation exchange capacity, allowing it to adsorb and retain essential nutrients in the soil, making them more accessible to plants.

Improved water holding capacity:

The porous structure of biochar helps retain water, reducing the need for frequent irrigation and increasing drought resistance.

pH regulation:

Biochar acts as a buffer, stabilizing soil pH levels and creating optimal conditions for nutrient absorption.

Soil structure enhancement:

By improving soil aggregation, biochar enhances soil aeration, drainage, and root penetration, facilitating healthier plant growth.

biochar fertilizer
biochar fertilizer

Chicken Dung as a Feedstock for Biochar Production

The Potential of Chicken Dung

Chicken dung, can be utilized as a fertilizer with biochar. Its abundance and availability make it a sustainable and cost-effective option for farmers.

Biochar Production Process

  1. Feedstock preparation: Collect chicken dung and separate it from any non-organic contaminants.
  2. Pyrolysis: Heat the chicken dung in a controlled environment, without oxygen, to transform it into biochar.
  3. Cool down and storage: Allow the biochar to cool down and store it in a dry area to retain its quality.

If you want to learn more, you can click here to learn about.

Implementing Biochar Fertilizer

Application Methods
  1. Surface application: Spreading biochar evenly across the soil surface and incorporating it to a depth of a few inches.
  2. Seed coating: Coating seeds with biochar before planting to provide initial contact between the emerging roots and biochar particles.
  3. Composting: Mixing biochar with chicken dung compost to enhance fertilizer nutrient content and improve soil organic matter.


As we strive for sustainable agricultural practices, exploring alternative fertilizers like biochar can play a crucial role in enhancing soil health, improving crop productivity, and mitigating climate change. By utilizing biochar made from readily available fertilizer like chicken dung, farmers can embrace a greener approach to agriculture while reducing waste and improving overall sustainability. Let us foster a future where biochar fertilizer becomes an integral part of global agricultural systems, ensuring a greener and more prosperous world. What’ more, you can click this page to view more.


The Rise of Large-Scale Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing

In recent years, the organic agriculture movement has gained significant traction among consumers, farmers, and policymakers alike. With an increasing demand for sustainable farming practices and organic food, the production of organic fertilizers has become an industry of paramount importance. Large-scale organic fertilizer manufacturing is not just an environmentally conscious decision but also a response to a growing market need. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of organic fertilizer production on a grand scale, exploring its benefits, challenges, and the future it holds for agriculture.

The Organic Advantage

Organic fertilizers are derived from natural sources such as plant, animal, and mineral matter. Unlike their synthetic counterparts, these fertilizers enrich the soil with organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, promoting soil health, increasing water retention, and encouraging biodiversity. The advantages are clear:
– Sustainable Practices: Organic fertilizers contribute to sustainable agricultural cycles, avoiding the depletion of soil nutrients and reducing chemical runoff into water bodies.
– Enhanced Soil Structure:The use of organic materials improves soil structure, leading to better root growth and enhanced nutrient uptake by plants.
– Long-term Fertility:Organic fertilizers release nutrients slowly, providing a long-term supply of nourishment to crops.

Scope of Large-Scale Production

Transitioning from small-scale composting to large-scale organic fertilizer manufacturing requires significant investment and strategic planning. Here’s what such a scale of operation typically encompasses:

– Sourcing Raw Materials:Large-scale production of organic fertilizer relies on extensive sources of organic waste, such as crop residues, livestock manure, food waste, and industrial organic by-products.
– Advanced Composting Techniques:Employing advanced composting methods like windrow composting, in-vessel composting, or aerated static pile composting can handle substantial quantities of organic waste efficiently.
– Quality Control:Consistent product quality is vital. This involves regular testing for nutrient content, pathogen levels, and the presence of any contaminants.
– Packaging and Distribution:Efficient packaging solutions are required to handle large volumes, along with a robust distribution network to reach diverse markets.

Investment and Costs

To set up a large-scale organic fertilizer manufacturing plant, the financial outlay can be considerable. Key cost factors include:

– Facility and Infrastructure:This includes the cost of land, construction, and the setup of composting systems and storage facilities.
– Machinery and Equipment: Investment in heavy-duty equipment like compost turners, shredders, mixers, granulators, and packaging machines is necessary. Click here to learn more.
– Regulatory Compliance:Ensuring adherence to environmental regulations and obtaining necessary certifications can incur additional costs.
– Research and Development:Staying competitive may require ongoing R&D to improve product effectiveness and to develop new fertilizer formulations.

Fertilizer Production Machinery
Fertilizer Production Machinery

Overcoming Challenges

Expanding into large-scale organic fertilizer production is not without its challenges:

– Supply Chain Management:Establishing reliable sourcing channels for organic waste and managing logistics is crucial.
– Odor Control and Environmental Concerns: Large-scale composting operations must address odor control and ensure minimal environmental impact.
– Market Competition:Competing against established chemical fertilizers and other organic products requires strategic marketing and brand positioning.

The Future Holds Promise

Despite the challenges, the future for large-scale organic fertilizer manufacturing looks bright, driven by factors such as:

– Policy Support:Many governments now promote organic farming through incentives and subsidies.
– Market Demand:The organic food market is witnessing robust growth, with consumers increasingly willing to pay a premium for sustainable produce.
– Technological Innovation:Advances in composting technologies and automation are making large-scale production more viable and efficient.


As the world tilts toward sustainable farming, large-scale organic fertilizer manufacturing stands out as a crucial industry for the future of agriculture. It represents an intersection of ecological responsibility and economic opportunity, offering a way to support the planet’s health while tapping into a lucrative market. Though not without its challenges, the industry’s trajectory suggests that organic fertilizer production will continue to scale up, fueled by innovation, policy support, and a collective commitment to sustainable agriculture. If you are interested in the ptoject, you can visit

How to make organic compost?

Organic fertilizer fermentation is commonly carried out using aerobic methods. The trench composting system is a popular method used by organic fertilizer production companies. In this system, aerobic bacteria absorb, oxidize, and decompose waste materials under good ventilation and sufficient oxygen conditions. Through their metabolic activities, aerobic microorganisms convert a portion of the absorbed organic matter into simple inorganic substances, releasing energy needed for microbial growth activities and synthesizing new cellular cytoplasm, allowing microorganisms to continuously grow, reproduce, and produce more biomass.

Nitrogen NPK and organic fertilizer making
Nitrogen NPK and organic fertilizer making

The Groove Fermentation System: A Popular Choice for Organic Fertilizer Production

Typically adopted by organic fertilizer manufacturing enterprises, the groove fermentation system is a sophisticated method that ensures optimal aeration and sufficient oxygen for the aerobic bacteria to thrive. This system is comprised of six major components: the pre-mixing system, the material distribution system, the turning and fermentation system, the material collection system, the aeration system, and the exhaust gas deodorization system. Each component plays a crucial role in maintaining the right moisture content, carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, and looseness in the compost, thereby facilitating oxygen diffusion and ensuring an effective fermentation process.

Understanding the Components of the Groove Fermentation System

1. Pre-mixing System

Prior to entry into the fermentation groove, chicken or pig manure and filler materials are blended using a mixer. This step is vital to achieving the appropriate moisture content (50%-60%) and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (25:1 to 30:1), which are essential for successful composting.

2. Turning and Fermentation System

The design of the fermentation groove, whether it comprises a single or multiple grooves, is based on the span of the turning machine and the fermentation cycle, ensuring the structural integrity to withstand the pressures exerted during the process.

Click here for more details.

Groove Fermentation Workshop Construction
Groove Fermentation Workshop Construction

3. Material Distribution System

The system could either feature a single groove structure, where compost enters from one end and exits from the other, or a multi-groove setup, where an automatic distribution machine fills the front 3-4 meters of the fermentation groove, with materials moving 4 meters with each turn.

4. Material Collection System

In multi-groove structures, an automatic collection device gathers materials from the fermentation groove after each turn, moving them to the maturation workshop.

5. Aeration for Oxygen Supply

A high-pressure blower supplies oxygen forcefully, with air entering the compost pile from beneath through an aeration board.

6. Exhaust Gas Deodorization

Throughout the composting process, water vapor along with odorous gases like ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are emitted. Jet fans installed at the top of the composting workshop facilitate air flow, while exhaust outlets on the sides channel the odorous gases to biofilters for treatment.

activated carbon filter
activated carbon filter

7. Maturation Workshop

Post-fermentation, the compost, still not fully matured, undergoes a secondary maturation process to reach the desired level of decomposition.

Where to buy  High-quality Compost Machines?

Transitioning smoothly into the realm of composting solutions, it’s worth noting the advanced technology brought forward by Yushunxin’s compost machines. Yushunxin offers an array of compost turners and fermentation pots designed to cater to diverse composting needs, including rail type compost turner; windrow type (moving type compost turner, crawler type compost turner); and fermentation pots (vertical or horizontal). Each of these machines is engineered to optimize the aerobic fermentation process, ensuring efficient breakdown of organic materials into high-quality compost.

Compost Machines
Compost Machines


Finally, the method of organic fertilizer fermentation plays a pivotal role in sustainable agriculture, with aerobic fermentation being the most efficient and environmentally friendly option. The introduction of advanced composting machines by Yushunxin has revolutionized this process, making it more accessible and practical for various applications. These machines, with their innovative design and features, offer a promising solution to meet the growing demand for organic fertilizer. You can visit this website:

What types of limestone powder granulators for your choice

Limestone powder granulation machines play a pivotal role in the agglomeration process, which converts fine limestone particles into granules, making them easier to handle and use in various industrial applications, including construction materials, agriculture, and environmental projects. When choosing a limestone powder granulator, it’s vital to consider the specific requirements of the process, including the desired size of the granules, production capacity, energy efficiency, and maintenance needs. Below we explore several popular granulator options suitable for limestone powder processing.

Rotary Drum Granulator

Overview and Application

A rotary drum granulating machine is a widely used type of equipment for large-scale production. It operates by tumbling limestone powder with a binding agent inside a rotating drum. The motion causes the powder to gradually form into spherical granules.

Advantages and Drawbacks

This granulator is known for its high capacity and robust design, which can handle a considerable volume of material. However, its size and energy consumption could be potential drawbacks for smaller operations or those seeking more energy-efficient solutions.

limestone pellets rotary drum granulator
limestone pellets rotary drum granulator

Disc Pelletizer

Overview and Application

Disc pelleting machines consist of a rotating disc that angles to create a rolling motion, encouraging the accumulation of limestone powder into balls. These machines are suitable for a range of granule sizes and offer adjustable parameters to control the outcome.

Advantages and Drawbacks

Their flexibility and scalability make disc pelletizers a popular choice for varying production needs. They do, however, require close monitoring to ensure consistency and can be less energy-efficient than other granulators.

disc limestone pellets making machine
disc limestone pellets making machine

Extrusion Granulator

Overview and Application

Extrusion granulation equipment work by forcing limestone powder through a die using screws, forming elongated granules that can be easily broken into smaller pieces. This type of granulator is ideal for creating a specific granule shape and size.

Advantages and Drawbacks

Extrusion granulators provide excellent control over granule size and shape but can require more maintenance due to the wear and tear on the screws and die. They also tend to have lower throughput compared to rotary drum granulators.

limestone pellets extrusion machine
limestone pellets extrusion machine

Choosing the Right Granulator for Limestone Powder

Selecting the appropriate limestone powder granulator depends on several factors, such as the desired granule characteristics, production volume, and budget constraints. It is recommended to consult with equipment manufacturers or industry experts to evaluate the process requirements and make an informed decision. Proper selection and maintenance of the granulator will ensure efficient operation, high-quality granules, and a streamlined production process. If you want to setup a limestone pellets granulating line, we can also give you a solution.

Производственная линия для кошачьего наполнителя из тофу на основе пеллетных машин с плоской матрицей: анализ рыночного потенциала и инвестиционной привлекательности

С ростом индустрии домашних животных, особенно взлетом рынка кошачьего наполнителя, все больше предприятий и инвесторов обращают внимание на эффективные и экологически чистые производственные линии для питомцев. На этом фоне, как производитель оборудования для удобрений с многолетним опытом технологической разработки и рыночным опытом, мы представляем специализированную производственную линию для изготовления кошачьего наполнителя из тофу с использованием пеллетных машин с плоской матрицей. В этой статье мы рассмотрим рыночный потенциал, инвестиционную ценность и основные конкурентные преимущества этой производственной линии.

Частицы наполнителя для кошачьего туалета тофу
Частицы наполнителя для кошачьего туалета тофу

Рыночный потенциал:

Кошачий наполнитель из тофу, благодаря своим экологическим и биоразлагаемым характеристикам, пользуется популярностью среди любителей домашних животных по всему миру. С повышением потребительского спроса на экологические продукты, рынок кошачьего наполнителя из тофу демонстрирует тенденцию устойчивого роста. Кроме того, тенденция к переходу от традиционных минеральных наполнителей к растительным создает большие возможности для расширения рынка кошачьего наполнителя из тофу.

Инвестиционная ценность:

В долгосрочной перспективе инвестиции в производственную линию для кошачьего наполнителя из тофу обладают высоким потенциалом доходности. Во-первых, сырье легко доступно и относительно дешево. Во-вторых, такая производственная линия имеет низкие эксплуатационные расходы, высокую производительность и большое пространство для прибыли от продукции. Кроме того, устойчивый рост индустрии домашних животных делает такие производственные линии очень перспективными с точки зрения рынка.

Простая линия по производству наполнителей для кошачьих туалетов из тофу
Простая линия по производству наполнителей для кошачьих туалетов из тофу

Преимущества производственной линии:

1. **Экологическая эффективность**: Наша производственная линия для кошачьего наполнителя из тофу использует новейшие технологии плоской матрицы для пеллет, обеспечивая низкое энергопотребление и отсутствие загрязнения, при этом поддерживая высокую производительность и стабильность.

2. **Высокий уровень автоматизации**: Производственная линия достигла высокой степени автоматизации, что снижает трудозатраты и вероятность ошибок при эксплуатации, гарантируя однородность качества продукции.

3. **Гибкое производство**: Дизайн пеллетной машины с плоской матрицей позволяет адаптировать размер и форму кошачьего наполнителя в соответствии с рыночными требованиями, обладая высокой производственной гибкостью.

4. **Простота обслуживания**: Наша производственная линия разработана с учетом долгосрочного использования и удобства обслуживания, с легко заменяемыми и ремонтопригодными стандартными и модульными изнашиваемыми частями.

5. **Техническая поддержка**: Мы предоставляем полный комплекс технической поддержки и услуг, включая установку оборудования, наладку и обучение сотрудников, чтобы обеспечить быстрый запуск производства и достижение ожидаемых результатов.

Грануляция кошачьего туалета
Грануляция кошачьего туалета

В заключение, специализированная производственная линия для изготовления кошачьего наполнителя из тофу, использующая пеллетные машины с плоской матрицей, представляет собой перспективное решение, удовлетворяющее растущий спрос на экологически безопасные товары для домашних животных. Она обеспечивает не только высокую степень автоматизации и гибкости производства, но и предлагает долгосрочную экономическую выгоду для инвесторов благодаря низким эксплуатационным расходам и высокому качеству продукции. Инвестиции в такую производственную линию сулит долгосрочные и стабильные доходы, одновременно способствуя устойчивому развитию индустрии товаров для питомцев. Для получения дополнительной информации о производственной линии посетите:

How to Make High-quality NPK Fertilizer with Double Roller Granulator?

Nutrient-rich fertilizers are fundamental for enhancing soil fertility and boosting plant growth. Among these, NPK fertilizers, which comprise nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), are widely sought after by the agricultural sector. The manufacturing of high-quality NPK fertilizer can be significantly optimized by employing a sophisticated granulation methodology, notably the double roller extrusion granulation technique.

Understanding Double Roller Extrusion Granulation

Double roller granulation is an innovative dry granulation process which utilizes two counter-rotating rollers to form granular compounds without the necessity of a liquid binder. The process involves feeding powdered raw materials directly into the roller compact area where the material is compressed into flat sheets and then milled into the desired particle size.

Advantages of Utilizing Roller Compaction for Fertilizer Production

The roller compaction method offers multiple benefits for fertilizer production. It generates granules with consistent shapes and sizes, which is crucial for even nutrient distribution when applied to the soil. Moreover, this method is environmentally friendly since it does not require water or additional binders, thereby reducing the potential for water pollution from runoff. The compacting process also results in minimal dust generation, which enhances the working conditions for operators and reduces product loss.

Equipment Selection of Simple NPK Fertilizer Extrusion Granulation Line
Equipment Selection of Simple NPK Fertilizer Extrusion Granulation Line

Selecting Suitable Raw Materials for NPK Fertilizer Production

A diverse range of raw materials can be used in this granulation process, including ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, urea, and other nitrogenous compounds; rock phosphate, superphosphate, and other phosphatic materials; and potash salts for potassium. The flexibility in raw material selection allows manufacturers to customize their NPK formulations to meet specific crop needs.

Application Areas Beyond Agricultural Production

While the primary use of NPK fertilizer is in agricultural production, the granules produced by the double roller granulator have broader applications. These include use in horticulture, landscaping, and regeneration projects where soil amendment is required for vegetation establishment.

NPK Materials for Double Roller Extruder
NPK Materials for Double Roller Extruder

Identifying Targeted Customers for NPK Fertilizers

The clientele for NPK fertilizers is vast and varied. It includes agricultural businesses aiming to maximize crop yields, gardening enthusiasts seeking to improve plant health, and environmental agencies working on land rehabilitation.

Transitioning to Yushunxin’s Fertilizer Production Equipment

For manufacturers seeking to optimize their fertilizer production line, Yushunxin offers advanced equipment that stands out in the market. The company’s double roller extrusion granulator exemplifies efficiency and quality. With its robust design, consistent performance, and low maintenance requirements, this equipment can significantly enhance productivity.

Features of Yushunxin’s Double Roller Extrusion Granulator

Yushunxin’s granulator is engineered to facilitate ease of operation and maintenance, ensuring a smooth production flow. The equipment operates with a high granulation rate, producing granules with strong structural integrity that are less susceptible to breakage. The precision engineering of the roller and die design ensures uniform granule size, which is critical for the efficacy of the NPK fertilizer.

In summary, the double roller granulation process is an indispensable technique for the production of high-quality NPK fertilizer. The process’s efficiency, coupled with the environmental benefits and the versatility in application, make it an attractive choice for fertilizer producers worldwide. Yushunxin’s double roller extrusion granulator, with its superior features, stands as a prime solution for industry operators seeking to enhance their production capabilities and deliver premium-grade fertilizers to their targeted customers.

Coconut Shell Biochar Making Machine Benefits

Welcome to a world where waste is not merely discarded but transformed into something incredibly beneficial for the environment. Today, we’re exploring the innovative realm of coconut shell biochar making machines, an eco-conscious technology that not only tackles agricultural waste but also contributes to soil enhancement and carbon sequestration. Let’s dive into what biochar is, how it’s produced from coconut shells, and the impressive capabilities of these specialized machines.

What is Biochar and Its Benefits?

Biochar is a form of charcoal produced from biomass via a process called pyrolysis, which involves thermal decomposition in the absence of oxygen. It has a rich history as a soil amendment, with evidence of its use dating back to ancient Amazonian civilizations. Today, it’s recognized for its environmental and agricultural benefits, including:

1. Soil Health Improvement: Biochar enhances soil fertility, water retention, and microbial activity, leading to healthier plant growth.
2. Carbon Sequestration: By converting organic carbon into a stable form, biochar effectively locks carbon in the soil for hundreds or thousands of years, mitigating climate change.
3. Waste Reduction: Utilizing agricultural waste to create biochar prevents the release of greenhouse gases that would occur through natural decomposition or burning.

Coconut shell charcoal making system
Coconut shell charcoal making system

The Role of Coconut Shells in Biochar Production

Coconut shells represent a significant source of agricultural waste, especially in tropical countries where coconut production is high. These shells are tough, relatively slow to decompose, and often discarded or burned, contributing to pollution and waste management challenges. However, how to dispose of coconut shell waste? Biochar making is an ideal choice. For this, coconut shells carbonization is necessary.

Coconut Shell Biochar Making Machine

A coconut shell biochar making machine is a specialized piece of equipment designed to efficiently convert coconut shells into biochar through pyrolysis. These machines vary in size, from small-scale units suitable for farm use to industrial-scale systems for larger operations.

How Does a Coconut Shell Biochar Making Machine Work?

The process of coconut shell to chcarcoal contains the following steps:

1. Feeding: Coconut shells are collected and fed into the biochar making machine. Some machines are equipped with automatic feeding systems to streamline the process.
2. Pyrolysis: The machine heats the coconut shells to a high temperature in a low-oxygen environment, initiating the pyrolysis process. The lack of oxygen prevents the shells from burning completely and turning into ash.
3. Biochar Collection: Once the pyrolysis is complete, the biochar is cooled and collected. Modern machines often feature mechanisms for easy biochar removal and collection.
4. Emission Control: Advanced machines include systems to capture and treat any emissions to minimize environmental impact.

In addition, you can further make coconut shell biochar into  charcoal briquettes. Click here to learn more.

Key Features of Quality Coconut Shell Biochar Making Machines:

– High Efficiency: The best machines offer fast processing times with high biochar yield from the coconut shells.
– Clean Technology: Look for machines that have built-in emission control to ensure operations are environmentally friendly.
– Durability: Given the abrasive nature of coconut shells, the machine components should be made from robust materials to ensure longevity.
– Automation: Automated feeding, temperature control, and biochar extraction streamline the process and reduce labor requirements.
– Scalability: Ideal machines can handle varying input volumes, allowing for expansion and increased production as needed.

If you are interested in it, you can visit


The coconut shell biochar making machine is an epitome of ingenuity that transforms agricultural waste into a resource that enriches soils and fights climate change. By adopting this technology, farmers, industries, and environmentalists alike can contribute to a more sustainable future while deriving tangible benefits for agricultural productivity. As demand for sustainable practices grows, the significance of such machines becomes increasingly apparent, marking a positive step towards greener, more responsible waste management and land use practices. With every coconut shell converted into biochar, we are reminded that innovation can indeed turn waste into wonder.

How to setup a composted chicken manure pellets production line

Introduction to Composted Chicken Manure Pelletizing

Composting chicken manure is an excellent way to convert waste into a valuable organic fertilizer. Composted chicken manure pellets are easy to handle, store, and apply, making them a preferred choice for farmers and gardeners. To set up a production line for these pellets, it’s essential to understand the process and the equipment needed.

Assessing Raw Material Availability

Before setting up a production line, you must ensure a consistent supply of chicken manure. Assess the quantity available and its quality, as the manure should be well-composted before pelletizing to kill pathogens and reduce moisture content.

Planning the Production Line Layout

Draft a layout plan for the production line, taking into account the space required for each piece of equipment, material flow, storage, and logistics. Ensure there’s enough room for workers to operate safely and efficiently.

Selection of Equipment

Composting Equipment

Composting is the first critical step. Depending on the scale, you can use windrow compost turners or in-vessel composters to speed up the composting process and improve the quality of the compost.

Crushing and Screening

After composting, the material needs to be crushed to a uniform size. A crusher or hammer mill can achieve this. Following crushing, a screening process is required to separate fine particles from larger, unprocessed chunks.

Pelletizing Equipment

Select a suitable pelletizer for your production volume. Flat die mills and ring die pellet mills are commonly used for chicken manure pelletizing. The choice depends on the desired pellet size and production capacity.

Drying and Cooling

Pellets must be dried to reduce their moisture content to a suitable level for storage. A rotary dryer machine can be used for this purpose. After drying, pellets need to be cooled with a cooler before packaging to prevent moisture from reentering the pellets.

Packaging System

A packaging machine is essential for bagging the pellets in various sizes, depending on market requirements. This system may include scales, a conveyor, and a sealing machine.

Installation and Commissioning

Once all equipment is selected and the layout is finalized, the next step is to install the machinery. After installation, commission the equipment, which involves running the machines and making necessary adjustments to ensure everything operates as intended.

Training and Safety

Train your staff on the correct usage and maintenance of each machine. Invest in safety equipment and establish safety protocols to prevent accidents and ensure compliance with regulations.

Quality Control and Assurance

Develop a quality control system to monitor the pelletizing process and final product quality. This may involve regular testing for nutrient content, pellet density, and moisture levels.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Develop a marketing plan to sell your composted chicken manure pellets. Identify your target market, which could be local farmers, garden centers, or organic growers. Establish pricing and distribution channels to reach your customers effectively.


Setting up a composted chicken manure pellet production line requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following these steps and ensuring you have the right equipment and processes in place, you can convert chicken manure into a sustainable and valuable product that benefits both your business and the environment.

El Éxito de la Fertilización Orgánica con Algas en Chile

En el borde costero del continente sudamericano, Chile destaca por sus extensos recursos marinos y su gran diversidad agrícola. En una innovadora intersección entre mar y tierra, un visionario empresario agrícola chileno ha encontrado una manera sostenible de enriquecer el suelo: transformar las algas marinas, junto con excremento de pollo y aserrín, en un abono orgánico de alta calidad. Este proyecto no solo respeta el delicado equilibrio ecológico sino que también maximiza los recursos locales de manera eficiente.

El Desafío de la Innovación Sostenible:

Nuestro cliente, enfrentado a los desafíos de implementar una línea de producción de fertilizante orgánico que integrara residuos locales, nos acercó para buscar soluciones técnicas que abordaran la elección adecuada de maquinaria y la prevención de daños por residuos en el proceso.

Soluciones a Medida:

Dimensionamiento Preciso de Maquinaria:
Con la meta de cumplir con las expectativas de producción del cliente, sugerimos un conjunto de equipos de tamaño medio, perfectamente alineado con la capacidad deseada. La eficiencia energética y la optimización del espacio fueron claves en nuestras recomendaciones, proporcionando así un plan detallado para garantizar la fluidez del proceso.

Protección Contra Contaminantes:
Entendiendo la importancia de un producto final limpio y de calidad, los equipos recomendados incluyen un sistema de cribado avanzado para eliminar cualquier impureza, como piedras, antes de la fase de granulación. Los diseños de las máquinas seleccionadas cuentan con características anti-bloqueo y están construidas con materiales resistentes para minimizar el riesgo de daño por cuerpos extraños.

Asistencia Completa Postventa:
Nuestro compromiso con la excelencia va más allá de la entrega de equipos. Ofrecemos una instalación meticulosa y un servicio postventa responsable que incluye capacitación para que los trabajadores del cliente manejen las máquinas de manera efectiva, asegurando así una continuidad y confiabilidad operativa.

máquina de tamizado
máquina de tamizado

Realización del Proyecto:
A través de una comunicación detallada y un entendimiento profundo del entorno local, se diseñó una línea de producción personalizada que abarca desde la ingeniería y transporte hasta la puesta en marcha y formación del equipo operativo. Nos aseguramos de que cada aspecto de la implementación cumpliera con las altas expectativas del cliente.

Impacto y Resultados:
Hoy, la línea de producción de nuestro cliente convierte eficientemente los recursos marinos y agrícolas en un fertilizante orgánico que está revolucionando la agricultura local. El suelo se ha enriquecido, y los rendimientos de las cosechas han aumentado marcadamente. La satisfacción del cliente con la calidad del equipo y el servicio ha resonado en la región, abriendo puertas a futuras alianzas y proyectos.

máquina de dosificación
máquina de dosificación


Este proyecto chileno de abono orgánico a partir de algas marinas ejemplifica cómo la tecnología y la innovación pueden ser aliadas del desarrollo sostenible. Refleja nuestro compromiso de ofrecer soluciones personalizadas que no solo resuelven problemas específicos sino que también potencian objetivos más amplios de sustentabilidad y productividad agrícola. Si te encuentras en una encrucijada similar, buscando transformar recursos naturales en productos agrícolas valiosos, estamos aquí para ayudarte a cultivar tu visión en realidad.

How to use zeolite as materials to produce cat litter granules


Using Zeolite to Produce Cat Litter Granules

Zeolite, a naturally occurring mineral, has become increasingly popular as a raw material for producing cat litter granules due to its high absorbency, odor control properties, and non-toxic nature. This passage will take you through the process of using zeolite to create cat litter granules, highlighting the benefits and outlining the production steps.

Introduction to Zeolite for Cat Litter

Advantages of Zeolite Cat Litter

Zeolite cat litter offers numerous benefits over traditional clay-based litters. It’s highly porous, which allows it to absorb more moisture and odors, keeping the litter box dry and reducing unpleasant smells. Moreover, zeolite is generally lighter in weight and can be produced in a dust-free form, which is beneficial for both pet and owner health.

Sourcing and Preparing Zeolite

Raw Material Acquisition

The first step to producing zeolite cat litter granules is to source the zeolite in its raw form. Quality zeolite should be free of impurities and contaminants to ensure it is safe for domestic use.

Crushing and Milling

Once sourced, the raw zeolite is processed by crushing and milling it into a fine powder. This powder forms the base of the cat litter granules and should be of a consistent size to ensure even granulation.

The Granulation Process

Forming the Granules

The powdered zeolite is then mixed with a binder, if necessary, to facilitate the formation of granules. The mixture is fed into a granulator machine, where it is tumbled and compacted into the desired granule size. Common types of granulators used in this process include rotary drum granulators or extruders.

rotary drum granulator
rotary drum granulator
zeolite pellets extrusion machine
zeolite pellets extrusion machine

Drying and Cooling

After granulation, the zeolite granules are often dried to remove any excess moisture, ensuring they maintain their absorbency. Following the drying process, the granules are cooled down to room temperature, stabilizing them and preparing them for packaging.

Enhancing Zeolite Cat Litter Granules

Odor Control Additives

Although zeolite naturally controls odors, additional additives like baking soda or activated charcoal can be incorporated to enhance this property and offer extended odor protection.

Particle Size Optimization

The size of the granules plays a crucial role in the litter’s performance. Smaller granules may clump better and provide more surface area for absorption, while larger granules may be less likely to track out of the litter box but might not control odors as effectively.

Packaging and Branding

Final Quality Control

Before packaging, a final quality control check should be performed to ensure the granules meet the standards for size, absorbency, and dust content. Any off-spec granules can be reprocessed or discarded.

Attractive and Informative Packaging

The packaging for zeolite cat litter granules should not only be robust to avoid spills but also aesthetically pleasing to attract consumers. It should clearly state the benefits and instructions for use to inform potential buyers about the advantages of zeolite cat litter.

Consumer Education and Marketing

Promoting Zeolite’s Benefits

Educating consumers on the advantages of zeolite cat litter over other types is crucial for market acceptance. This education can occur through marketing campaigns, in-store displays, or online information resources.

Environmental Impact

Marketing should also emphasize the eco-friendliness of zeolite, as it is a naturally occurring mineral that is biodegradable and non-toxic, making it a more sustainable option for environmentally conscious pet owners.


Zeolite is an excellent material for producing cat litter granules due to its superior absorbency, natural odor control, and lightweight properties. The production process involves sourcing high-quality zeolite, processing it into a fine powder, granulation, and adding any necessary odor control additives. With proper quality control and effective consumer education, zeolite cat litter can become a preferred choice for pet owners, offering a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional litter products. And we can also provide you with many types of zeolite pellets granulating machines.


Революция в органических удобрениях: наша передовая производственная линия для порошкообразных органических удобрений

Как ведущий производитель оборудования для удобрений, мы с волнением представляем наше последнее нововведение в области устойчивого сельского хозяйства: производственная линия для порошкообразных органических удобрений. Этот прорыв является значительным шагом для поддержки экологически ответственных практик в сельском хозяйстве и удовлетворения растущего спроса на органическую продукцию.

3D-карта линии по производству порошковых удобрений

Наши линии для производства порошкообразных органических удобрений предназначены для преобразования различных органических отходов, включая животный навоз, сельскохозяйственные остатки и пищевые отходы, в питательные органические удобрения в виде порошка. Это не только помогает эффективно управлять органическими отходами, но также способствует улучшению здоровья и плодородия почвы, в конечном итоге выращивая более здоровые культуры.

Линия оснащена передовым оборудованием для измельчения и просеивания, которое позволяет производить однородный тонкий порошок, который легче хранить, транспортировать и использовать по сравнению с традиционными удобрениями. Весь процесс спроектирован таким образом, чтобы обеспечить эффективное компостирование и гранулирование при сохранении основных питательных веществ и полезных микроорганизмов, необходимых для богатой почвы.

3D-карта зоны ферментации

Отличительной чертой нашей линии является ее экологичный подход. Она работает с минимальным потреблением энергии и соответствует строгим экологическим стандартам, тем самым уменьшая углеродный след от производства удобрений. Кроме того, линия разработана для простоты эксплуатации и обслуживания, обеспечивая производителям удобрений высокую производительность и низкие эксплуатационные расходы.

Мы гордимся тем, что представляем нашу линию для производства порошкообразных органических удобрений на переднем крае устойчивого развития в удобрительной индустрии. Наша цель – предоставлять фермерам правильные инструменты для повышения урожайности экологически чистым способом, и этот запуск является доказательством наших непрекращающихся усилий в достижении этой цели.

Выбирая нашего производителя порошкообразных органических удобрений, вы инвестируете не только в качество своей продукции, но и в более устойчивое будущее для нашей планеты. Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите:

Fertilizer Making Machines for Poultry Waste Disposal

Poultry farming is a thriving industry that provides a significant source of protein for consumers worldwide. However, with the growth of poultry production comes a challenge – the disposal of poultry waste. Poultry waste, such as manure and bedding materials, can be a significant environmental problem if not managed properly. Fortunately, fertilizer making machines offer a sustainable and cost-effective solution for converting poultry waste into valuable organic fertilizers. In this blog, we will explore the benefits and process of poultry waste disposal by fertilizer making machines and how this innovative technology is transforming waste management in the poultry industry.

1. The Problem of Poultry Waste Disposal:

Poultry waste, including manure, feathers, bedding materials, and feed residues, can pose a range of environmental and health risks if not managed effectively. Improper disposal of poultry waste can lead to water and soil contamination, emissions of greenhouse gases, and the spread of pathogens and diseases. Traditional disposal methods, such as land application and landfilling, are often inefficient, costly, and unsustainable in the long run. Finding a sustainable solution for poultry poop management is crucial for the environmental sustainability of the poultry industry.

Poultry manure to fertilizer process
Poultry manure to fertilizer process

2. The Role of Fertilizer Making Machines:

Fertilizer making machines are specialized equipment designed to convert organic waste materials, such as poultry manure, into high-quality organic fertilizers through a process known as composting or fermentation. These machines utilize a series of processes, including shredding, mixing, fermentation, and granulation, to transform poultry waste into nutrient-rich organic fertilizers that can improve soil fertility, enhance crop productivity, and reduce the reliance on chemical fertilizers. Click here to learn more.

3. Benefits of Poultry Waste Disposal by Fertilizer Making Machines:

– Environmental sustainability: Fertilizer making machines provide a sustainable solution for poultry waste disposal by converting organic waste into valuable fertilizers, reducing the environmental impact of waste disposal and promoting a circular economy approach.
– Nutrient recycling: Poultry waste contains valuable nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, that can be recycled and reused as organic fertilizers to improve soil health and crop yields.
– Cost-effective: By converting poultry waste into organic fertilizers, farmers can reduce their dependence on chemical fertilizers, lower input costs, and improve the overall profitability of their operations.
– Pathogen reduction: The poultry manure composting process carried out by fertilizer making machines helps to eliminate pathogens, weed seeds, and odors present in poultry waste, making the resulting fertilizers safe and beneficial for agricultural use.
– Soil health improvement: Organic fertilizers produced from poultry waste by fertilizer making machines can enhance soil structure, increase microbial activity, and promote soil health, leading to sustainable and productive agricultural practices.

4. Applications of Organic Fertilizers from Poultry Waste:

– Crop production: Organic fertilizers derived from poultry waste can be used to enhance soil fertility, promote plant growth, and increase crop yields in a wide range of agricultural crops, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes.
Horticulture: Organic fertilizers are well-suited for use in horticultural applications, such as gardening, landscaping, and ornamental plant cultivation, to improve soil quality, support plant growth, and reduce environmental impact.
– Sustainable agriculture: Organic fertilizers from poultry waste play a vital role in sustainable agriculture practices by reducing chemical inputs, minimizing environmental pollution, and promoting soil conservation and biodiversity.


Fertilizer making machines offer a sustainable and innovative solution for poultry waste disposal by converting organic waste into valuable organic fertilizers that benefit both the environment and agricultural productivity. By embracing this technology, poultry farmers can effectively manage their waste streams, reduce environmental impact, and enhance soil health and crop yields. Poultry waste disposal by fertilizer making machines represents a win-win solution that turns waste into wealth and contributes to a more sustainable and resilient food production system for future generations. If you are interested in poultry manure waste disposal machine, you can visist for more details.

NPK fertilizer production line


Introduction to NPK Fertilizer Production

NPK fertilizer is a blend of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) that is essential for plant growth. The production of NPK fertilizer is a complex process that involves several steps to ensure that the final product is of high quality and suitable for enhancing soil fertility.

The Raw Material Preparation

The first step in the NPK fertilizer production line is preparing the raw materials. This involves procuring the necessary nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium sources. Often, these materials come in various forms like ammonia for nitrogen, rock phosphate for phosphorus, and potash for potassium. These materials are carefully measured and mixed in specified proportions to achieve the desired N-P-K ratio for the intended fertilizer formulation.

Granulation Process

Once the raw materials are blended, the mixture is moved to the granulation process. Granulation is crucial as it converts the fine powdered materials into larger, easy-to-handle and -apply granules. There are several granulation methods, such as drum granulation machinery, disc granulation, or extrusion granulator machine, each with its advantages and suitability for different kinds of raw materials.

Drying and Cooling Systems

After granulation, the next step is the drying process. The granules are passed through a dryer to reduce their moisture content, thus ensuring their stability and preventing caking. Post drying, the granules are often cooled to room temperature using a cooler. Cooling is necessary to help the granules retain their shape and increase their shelf life.

Quality Control and Enhancement

Quality control is paramount in NPK fertilizer production. The granules are sieved to separate the correctly sized particles from the oversized or undersized ones. The latter may be crushed and recycled back to the granulation process. Coating agents might be applied to the granules to prevent dust, reduce caking, and enhance their appearance.

Packaging and Storage

The final step in the production line is packaging the NPK fertilizer into bags or bulk containers for transportation and sale. Proper storage is vital to maintain the quality of the fertilizer. The product should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture.

Innovation and Environmental Considerations

Modern NPK fertilizer production lines are increasingly incorporating technological innovations for process optimization and to reduce environmental impact. This includes the use of advanced control systems for precise raw material input and waste reduction strategies to minimize the production line’s ecological footprint.


The production of NPK fertilizers is a critical component of modern agriculture, providing the necessary nutrients for crop growth and soil health. A well-designed NPK fertilizer production line ensures the efficient transformation of raw materials into high-quality fertilizers that meet the specific needs of plants and farmers alike. If you want to produce other compound fertilizer, we can also provide you with different solitions.


Why Choose Rotary Drum Dryer for Drying Solutions?

In the pursuit of efficient and effective drying solutions for the fertilizer industry, it proudly presents the rotary drum dryer. With its customization options and reliable performance, this dryer provides an array of benefits that position it as the optimal choice for fulfilling drying requirements.

Rotary Drum Dryer
Rotary Drum Dryer

Versatility and Customization

The fertilizer drum dryer is meticulously crafted to accommodate a diverse range of fertilizer materials, encompassing organic, inorganic, and compound fertilizers. Its adaptability allows seamless handling of various feedstock compositions, enabling the optimization of drying conditions for maximum efficiency. Whether dealing with powders, granules, or sticky materials, this dryer offers comprehensive solutions.

Enhanced Drying Efficiency

Equipped with an advanced rotary drum design, the dryer ensures exceptional heat transfer and ample drying space, leading to swift and uniform drying processes. This translates to reduced energy consumption and drying duration. By employing precise temperature and airflow controls, consistent moisture removal is achieved, ensuring the attainment of optimal moisture content for the fertilizer.

Cost-effective and Energy-efficient

Recognizing the significance of minimizing operational expenditures and conserving energy resources, the fertilizer drying process is meticulously engineered to deliver exceptional cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency. The innovative design enhances heat utilization, minimizes heat loss, and results in substantial savings on fuel costs. Moreover, the customizable drying parameters offer the flexibility to fine-tune the process, effectively eliminating unnecessary energy wastage, thereby promoting cost savings and sustainability.

Fertilizer Drying Production Line
Fertilizer Drying Production Line

Durability and Low Maintenance

The longevity of equipment is paramount for any business. The rotary dryer is constructed to endure the rigors of continuous operation in demanding environments. Utilizing high-quality materials, robust construction, and reliable components, this dryer ensures durability and longevity. Additionally, the user-friendly design and accessible features facilitate routine maintenance, mitigating downtime and maximizing operational productivity.

In the realm of customizable drying solutions for the fertilizer industry, the fertilizer dryer excels. Boasting versatility, enhanced efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and durability, it strikes an ideal balance for diverse drying needs. For the latest specifications and information, please refer to the official website:

How to Make Liquid Organic Fertilizer?

The process of creating liquid organic fertilizer involves turning organic materials into a nutrient solution. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the steps:

Section 1: Raw Materials Solid-Liquid Separation

Start by removing impurities like coarse particles and debris from the raw materials. Shunxin’s solid-liquid separation machine can help with this. It separates the solid and liquid components of the materials, ensuring a clean and homogeneous slurry for fertilizer production.

Solid-liquid Seperator Machine for manure Disposal
Solid-liquid Seperator Machine for manure Disposal

Section 2: Filtration and UV Sterilization 

To make sure the liquid organic fertilizer is free from pathogens, it goes through filtration and UV sterilization. This purification process eliminates harmful microorganisms, guaranteeing a safe and hygienic fertilizer solution.

units of liquid organic fertilizer production line
units of liquid organic fertilizer production line

Section 3: Fermentation & Chelation

Next, the sterilized liquid enters the fermentation tank, where beneficial bacteria break down the organic matter. This process transforms it into a nutrient-rich substance that can be easily absorbed by plants. The fermentation and chelation tanks provide optimal conditions for the development of high-quality liquid organic fertilizer.

liquid organic fertilizer manufacturing line
liquid organic fertilizer manufacturing line

Section 4: Finished Product Packing

Once the fermentation and chelation process is completed, the liquid organic fertilizer is ready for packaging. It is stored in a pot to maintain stability and preserve its nutrient content. SX automated filling machine ensures accurate and efficient packaging, boosting productivity and minimizing contamination risks.

In conclusion, making liquid organic fertilizer is easier with Shunxin’s equipment. Their machines offer efficiency and a high return on investment. Whether you’re into organic farming or planning to start a fertilizer production business, Shunxin provides top-quality machines, professional guidance, and after-sale services to support your journey. You can find more information at this link:

Corn flakes manufacturing process

Introduction to Corn Flakes Production

Corn flakes are a ubiquitous breakfast cereal, enjoyed by people all around the world. The process of transforming corn into these crunchy flakes is a testament to modern manufacturing, food science, and engineering. In this passage, we’ll delve into the detailed process by which corn flakes are made in a factory setting, delineating the journey from raw kernel to the finished product found on grocery store shelves.

Corn flakes production line
Corn flakes production line

Raw Material Procurement and Inspection

Selecting the Right Corn

The manufacturing process begins with the procurement of corn, which is the primary raw material. Factories typically source the corn from trusted suppliers who meet specific quality standards.

Quality Assurance

Upon arrival at the factory, the corn is subjected to rigorous quality checks. These checks ensure that the corn kernels are healthy, clean, and free from pests or contaminants. Only kernels that pass this inspection move forward to the next phase of production.

Cleaning and Preparation of the Corn

Removing Impurities

The selected corn then goes through a cleaning process where it is washed to remove dirt, dust, and other unwanted particles.

Kernel Conditioning

Subsequently, the corn kernels are soaked and conditioned with water, elevating their moisture content to an optimum level suitable for the cooking process. This step is essential for achieving the right texture in the final product.

Cooking and Gelatinization

The Cooking Process

The conditioned corn is cooked in large stainless-steel pressure cookers. Cooking the corn is necessary to gelatinize its starch content, a critical transformation that affects the texture and taste of the corn flakes.

Monitoring and Controlling

Throughout the cooking process, the temperature and pressure are closely monitored and controlled to ensure the corn is cooked evenly and to the desired extent.

Rolling the Corn into Flakes

Flattening the Cooked Corn

After cooking and once the right consistency is achieved, the cooked kernels are sent through heavy rollers that press them into flakes. The thickness of these flakes is carefully calibrated to ensure uniformity and quality.

Adjusting the Flaking Process

The rollers’ settings may be adjusted according to the desired flake size and thickness, reflecting the manufacturer’s specific product specifications.

Toasting the Flakes

Drying and Toasting

The flakes are then conveyed into a large oven where they are dried to remove excess moisture and toasted. Toasting not only imparts a desirable crispness but also develops a rich, nutty flavor profile.

Quality Control in Toasting

Consistent monitoring during this stage ensures that the flakes achieve the proper texture without becoming burnt or overly browned.

Fortification and Flavor Enhancement

Nutritional Enhancement

Many corn flakes are fortified with vitamins and minerals to boost their nutritional profile. This process typically involves a spray coating of the required nutrients onto the flakes.

Flavoring Process

Some varieties of corn flakes are also flavored to enhance consumer appeal. This could involve the addition of sugar, malt flavoring, or other taste enhancers, depending on the product variant being manufactured.


Weighing and Filling

The finished flakes are then weighed accurately and filled into packages, which could be boxes, bags, or cups, depending on the brand and product line.

Sealing and Preservation

The packaging is sealed to maintain the freshness and crispness of the corn flakes, protecting them from moisture and contaminants.

Labeling and Branding

Finally, the packages are labeled with product information, brand details, nutritional values, and expiration dates before being prepared for shipment.

Distribution and Retail

Final Quality Assurance

Before distribution, the batches of corn flakes undergo final quality assurance checks. These checks confirm that the products meet all regulatory and company standards.

Shipment to Stores

Once cleared, the corn flakes are shipped to distribution centers and retail outlets, where they will be purchased by consumers.

Conclusion: The Journey of Corn Flakes

From field to bowl, the manufacturing of corn flakes is a multi-step process that ensures a consistent, high-quality product. Through careful selection of raw materials, precise cooking, rolling, toasting, and enriching with nutrients, the humble corn kernel is transformed into a beloved breakfast cereal, ready to be enjoyed with a splash of milk or as the base for a variety of culinary creations.

Understanding the Cost Factors of Setting Up a Fertilizer Manufacturing Plant

The agricultural industry relies heavily on fertilizers to enhance soil fertility and boost crop yield. As such, the demand for both organic and compound fertilizers remains high. But, entrepreneurs looking to venture into the fertilizer production business must consider the cost of setting up a manufacturing plant. Here will provide an overview of the key expenses involved in establishing a fertilizer manufacturing facility.

Land Acquisition and Construction Costs:

Before any machinery can be installed, you must secure a location for your fertilizer production plant. The cost of land varies considerably based on geographic location, zoning regulations and size of your fertilizer plant area. Once the land is acquired, construction costs come into play. These include the actual building of the facility, utility connections like water, electricity, gas, and sewer systems, as well as any necessary infrastructure for storage and transportation.

Machinery and Equipment Investment:

The core of your fertilizer manufacturing plant is the machinery required to produce the fertilizer. The fertilizer equipment costs depend on the type of fertilizer you intend to manufacture (organic, compound, or both), the production capacity, and the level of automation. Some of the essential pieces of equipment include compost turners, crushers, mixers, granulators, dryers, coolers, screening machines, and packaging machines. Investment in quality equipment ensures efficiency, reliability, and a long-term operation of your plant. Click here to learn more.

Regulatory Compliance and Licensing:

Fertilizer production is subject to environmental and safety regulations. Compliance costs include obtaining necessary permits, zoning approvals, and environmental assessments. These costs can be significant and often require hiring experts to navigate the regulatory landscape. Additionally, ongoing costs are associated with maintaining compliance with these regulations.

Raw Materials and Supply Chain Management:

The cost of raw materials is a recurring expense that significantly affects the overall profitability of the plant. Animal manure for organic fertilizer making, urea, MOP, DAP for NPK fertilizer production. Factors such as the availability, transportation, and price volatility of raw materials must be considered. Efficient supply chain management can help reduce these costs by securing favorable contracts with suppliers, optimizing inventory levels, and managing logistics.

organic and compound fertilizer making
organic and compound fertilizer making

Labor and Training:

Skilled labor is essential for operating sophisticated machinery and ensuring quality production. The costs associated with labor include wages, benefits, and any necessary training programs to keep your staff up-to-date with the latest technology and industry standards. The size of your workforce will depend on the plant’s capacity and automation level.

Utilities and Operational Expenses:

Utility costs such as electricity, water, and gas are ongoing expenses necessary for production. Additionally, operational costs include maintenance and repair of equipment, insurance, and administrative expenses. Efficient operation and energy-saving technologies can help reduce these costs over time.

Marketing and Sales:

To successfully sell your fertilizer products, you’ll need to establish a brand presence, market your products effectively, and build a sales network. These efforts can include online marketing, attending trade shows, hiring sales personnel, and developing partnerships with distributors.


Setting up a fertilizer manufacturing plant is a significant investment with numerous cost factors to consider. While the initial setup costs can be substantial, the long-term profitability of such a venture is promising, given the essential role of fertilizers in agriculture. Prospective investors should conduct a thorough financial analysis, including a detailed business plan that accounts for all the expenses outlined above. By carefully planning and understanding the costs involved, entrepreneurs can set the foundation for a successful and sustainable fertilizer production business. For more details, you can visit

Революция в производстве удобрений: роль самоходной компостировочной машины

Производители сельскохозяйственной техники всегда стремятся облегчить и улучшить процессы, связанные с земледелием и уходом за почвой. Одним из ключевых аспектов в этой области является производство удобрений, в особенности, компостирование. Компост — это экологически чистое удобрение, получаемое из органических отходов, и играет центральную роль в поддержании плодородия земли и устойчивом сельском хозяйстве. Самоходная компостировочная машина значительно повысила эффективность этого процесса, предлагая ряд преимуществ для производства удобрений.

Самоходный компостер - оборудование для ферментации свиного навоза.
Самоходный компостер – оборудование для ферментации свиного навоза.

Ускорение процесса компостирования

Традиционное компостирование — это временной процесс, который может занимать от нескольких месяцев до двух лет. Самоходные компостировочные машины значительно ускоряют этот процесс, обеспечивая постоянное перемешивание компостной массы, что улучшает аэрацию и способствует более быстрому разложению материала. Это позволяет фермерам получать готовый к использованию компост в значительно более короткие сроки.

Повышение качества компоста

Качество компоста напрямую зависит от его состава и однородности. Самоходные компостировочные машины обеспечивают равномерное смешивание всех компонентов, что приводит к более балансированному и питательному продукту. Однородный компост более эффективен в улучшении структуры почвы и увеличении количества полезных микроорганизмов.

Продается самоходный компостер
Продается самоходный компостер

Сокращение трудовых ресурсов

Ручное компостирование — это трудоемкий процесс, требующий значительных трудовых ресурсов. Использование самоходной компостировочной машины автоматизирует процесс, что сокращает потребность в рабочей силе и позволяет перераспределить человеческие ресурсы на другие важные задачи в хозяйстве.

Уменьшение воздействия на окружающую среду

Применение химических удобрений может негативно сказаться на окружающей среде, в то время как компост является экологически безопасным вариантом. Самоходные компостировочные машины помогают производить больше органических удобрений, снижая зависимость от химикатов и способствуя устойчивым практикам ведения сельского хозяйства.

Экономия энергии и снижение затрат

Самоходные компостировочные машины являются более энергоэффективными по сравнению с традиционными методами. Они требуют меньше топлива и электроэнергии, что приводит к снижению операционных расходов для производителей удобрений. Таким образом, они не только экономят деньги, но и способствуют снижению выбросов углерода, связанных с производством удобрений.

Повышение производительности

Самоходные компостировочные машины позволяют обрабатывать большие объемы органических отходов за короткие промежутки времени. Это увеличивает производственные мощности и обеспечивает производителей удобрений стабильным источником качественного продукта для продажи или использования на собственных полях.


Самоходные компостировочные машины играют важную роль в современном производстве удобрений, предлагая улучшенный, более быстрый и эффективный способ превращения органических отходов в плодородный компост. С их помощью фермеры и производители удобрений могут сократить экологический отпечаток, повысить качество продукции и снизить операционные издержки. Будущее устойчивого земледелия связано с интеграцией таких инновационных решений в повседневные агротехнические практики. Если вы хотите узнать больше о самоходных компостерах, посетите:

What is the process of making 17:17:17 npk fertilizer

NPK fertilizers play a crucial role in enhancing plant growth and productivity by providing essential nutrients. The numbers on fertilizer bags, such as 17:17:17, represent the percentage of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the fertilizer. In this passage, we will delve into the intricate process of manufacturing 17:17:17 NPK fertilizer.

Raw Materials Selection: Foundation of NPK Fertilizer Production

The first step in producing 17:17:17 NPK fertilizer involves carefully selecting raw materials. Nitrogen sources, such as urea or ammonium nitrate, contribute to the nitrogen content. Phosphorus is derived from phosphate rocks or superphosphate, while potassium is obtained from sources like potassium chloride.

Blending: Achieving the Perfect Formula

Blending is a critical phase where the selected raw materials are mixed to achieve the desired NPK ratio. Precision is key, as the balanced combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is essential for optimal plant nutrition. The blending process ensures uniform distribution of nutrients throughout the fertilizer mixture.

Granulation: Forming the Fertilizer Granules

After blending, the next step is granulation. This process involves forming small granules from the blended mixture. Granulation not only facilitates ease of handling and application but also controls the release of nutrients, promoting a steady and sustained supply to plants. So you can use extrusion equipment, disc granulation machine and drum granulator.

Drying: Removing Moisture for Stability

The freshly formed granules contain moisture, which needs to be removed for the fertilizer to achieve stability and longevity. Drying is typically carried out using specialized equipment, ensuring that the final product meets quality standards and is suitable for storage and transportation.

Quality Control: Ensuring Fertilizer Purity

To guarantee the effectiveness of 17:17:17 NPK fertilizer, rigorous quality control measures are implemented. This involves testing samples for nutrient content, granule size, and absence of impurities. Quality control ensures that farmers receive a reliable and consistent product for their agricultural needs.

Packaging: Ready for Agricultural Application

Once the fertilizer passes quality control, it is ready for packaging. The packaging process involves filling bags with the precisely formulated 17:17:17 NPK fertilizer granules. Properly labeled bags provide essential information to farmers, guiding them on the correct application rates for different crops and soil types.

Conclusion: Nurturing Plants with 17:17:17 NPK Fertilizer

In conclusion, the production of 17:17:17 NPK fertilizer is a meticulous and well-defined process. From raw material selection to quality control, each step contributes to the creation of a balanced fertilizer that promotes plant growth, crop yield, and overall agricultural sustainability. Understanding this process sheds light on the science behind the bags of fertilizer that play a vital role in global food production. If you want to make other npk fertilizer, we can also provide you with the best solution.

How Does Wet Granulation Technique Enhance the Quality of NPK Fertilizers?

In the realm of agriculture, NPK fertilizers hold the key to robust and fruitful harvests. The quality of these fertilizers plays a pivotal role in ensuring optimal growth and yield. Which one standout technique to enhance NPK fertilizer quality is wet granulation.

At its core, wet granulation involves the agglomeration of fine NPK particles with the addition of a liquid binder to form larger, denser granules. This process has transformed the fertilizer industry, with products such as those offered by Shunxin, a leading manufacturer of wet granulation machines. SX rotary drum and disc granulators are examples of equipment that utilize this technique to produce high-quality NPK fertilizers.

NPK Fertilizer Granulators
NPK Fertilizer Granulators

One of the primary benefits of wet granulation technique is the improved nutrient content uniformity. In traditional fertilizer blending processes, the particles of different nutrients often vary in size and density, leading to segregation during handling and application. However, through wet granulation, nutrients are uniformly distributed within each granule, ensuring that every application delivers a balanced nutrient supply to the crops. This uniform distribution is a hallmark of the granules produced by Shunxin’s drum granulation machine, which meticulously combines the raw materials in a rolling motion to achieve homogeneity.

Rotary Drum Granulator
Rotary Drum Granulator

Another advantage of NPK fertilizer wet granulation process is the reduction of dust pollution. The fine dust particles that are prevalent in powdered fertilizers can cause respiratory issues for workers and lead to environmental pollution. With wet granulation, these fine particles are encapsulated within the granules, significantly reducing airborne dust. Shunxin’s pan pelletizer, with its state-of-the-art design, ensures that the granulation process is tightly controlled, thus minimizing dust emissions and making the handling of fertilizers much safer.

disc pelletizer models
disc pelletizer models

The process of wet granulation also improves the physical properties of the NPK fertilizers. The resulting granules are harder and more resistant to breakage during transport, storage, and application. This durability is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the nutrient composition until it reaches the soil. Shunxin’s npk fertilizer granulation equipment are engineered to produce granules with optimal hardness and size, ensuring that the fertilizers remain effective from production to field application.

Furthermore, wet granulation is a versatile technique suitable for a variety of raw materials. Whether the source is synthetic or organic, the process can be adjusted to suit the specific properties of the input materials. NPK fertilizer wet granulation technology, is designed to handle a wide range of raw materials, making it an ideal choice for fertilizer manufacturers looking to diversify their product offerings.

NPK Fertilizer Manufacturing Process
NPK Fertilizer Manufacturing Process

In conclusion, the wet granulation technique is a game-changer in enhancing the quality of NPK fertilizers. It offers uniform nutrient distribution, reduces dust pollution, improves physical properties, and ensures better nutrient solubility. With companies like Shunxin leading the way with their innovative wet granulation machines, the agricultural businesses can look forward to not only more effective but also more environmentally sustainable fertilizer production. You can visit this website for more details:


Los Equipos de Mezcladoras de Abonos Orgánicos: Su Aliado en la Producción de Fertilizantes de Alta Calidad

En la producción de abonos orgánicos, la mezcla es una etapa crucial que determina la calidad y eficacia del producto final. Para garantizar una mezcla completa y homogénea, es esencial contar con equipos de mezclado especializados que se adapten a las necesidades de cada proceso.

1. Mezcladora Horizontal: Un Clásico Indispensable
– Principio de funcionamiento: Nuestra mezcladora horizontal utiliza dos rotores opuestos para crear un movimiento compuesto que permite una mezcla rápida y uniforme.
– Capacidad de procesamiento: Con modelos que varían de 2-3 t/h hasta 10-15 t/h, la mezcladora horizontal se ajusta a diferentes escalas de producción.

Mezcladora Horizontal
Mezcladora Horizontal

2. Mezclador Horizontal de Eje Simple o Doble: Versatilidad y Precisión
– Principio de funcionamiento: Ideal para trabajar con materiales dosificados, este mezclador emplea cuchillas giratorias para una mezcla homogénea.
– Capacidad de procesamiento: Disponible en capacidades de 3-5 t/h y 10-15 t/h, adaptándose a sus necesidades específicas.

mezcladora de doble ejes
mezcladora de doble ejes

3. Mezcladora de Tambor de Abonos Orgánicos: Para Producción en Gran Escala
– Producción continua y masiva con capacidades de 30-40 t/h, perfecta para grandes volúmenes de fertilizantes orgánicos.
– Personalización con revestimiento anticorrosión disponible para asegurar la durabilidad del equipo.

Mezcladora de Tambor de Abonos Orgánicos
Mezcladora de Tambor de Abonos Orgánicos

4. Mezcladora de Disco: Innovación en Mezcla de Abonos
– Estructura de material: Fabricada en acero al carbono con cuchillas de aleación resistente al desgaste para una larga vida útil.
– Capacidad de producción: Ofrecemos cinco modelos que varían según el diámetro del disco, desde 2-4 t/h hasta 8-12 t/h.

Mezclador de Disco Para Fertilizantes Agrícolas
Mezclador de Disco Para Fertilizantes Agrícolas

Aplicaciones de Nuestras Mezcladoras: Dónde Brillan Mejor

Nuestras mezcladoras son perfectas para una amplia gama de escenarios, desde la producción de abonos orgánicos hasta la industria química y la minería.

Nuestros equipos de mezcladoras de abonos orgánicos están diseñados para cubrir las diferentes demandas de producción y asegurar que su fertilizante cumpla con los estándares de calidad más altos. Además de ofrecer equipos robustos y eficientes, brindamos servicios adicionales como diseño de planes de construcción, garantía de un año, piezas de repuesto a precio de fábrica, envíos económicos y asistencia en la instalación y mantenimiento.

En última instancia, nuestro objetivo es establecer una relación de confianza con nuestros clientes, ayudándoles a seleccionar el mejor equipo y ofreciéndoles un servicio postventa excepcional. Si está buscando mejorar la producción de abonos orgánicos, nuestros equipos de mezcladoras son la solución perfecta para un fertilizante de alta calidad.

What Can Wood Shredders Do in Recycling

In a world increasingly focused on sustainability and environmental responsibility, the importance of efficient waste management has never been clearer. One of the most promising areas in this arena is the recycling of wood waste. From construction debris to old furniture, wood is a versatile material that can enjoy a second life through the power of recycling, and it all starts with the unsung hero of the process: the waste wood shredder.

The Rising Tide of Wood Waste

As the global population grows and urbanization continues to expand, the production of wood waste is inevitably on the rise. Construction, demolition, and everyday household waste contribute to a growing pile of timber that, if not handled correctly, can contribute to landfill overflow and environmental degradation. However, with the right technology and processes in place, this “waste” can become an invaluable resource.

The Role of Wood Shredders in Recycling

Enter the wood crusher—a powerful tool designed to reduce large pieces of wood waste into smaller, more manageable chips or mulch. These machines come in various sizes and capacities, tailored to the needs of different industries and recycling operations. Let’s explore how these shredders work and their impact on the wood recycling process.

Wood waste crushing machines for sale
Wood waste crushing machines for sale

The Shredding Process

  • Feeding the wood waste: Wood waste is fed into the shredder, where it encounters a series of blades or hammers designed to tear and crush the material.
  • Size Reduction: The shredder’s blades break down the wood into uniform chips or shreds. This process not only makes the material easier to transport but also prepares it for further recycling steps.
  • Sorting the Output: Once shredded, the wood chips can be sorted by size and type for different end-uses, enhancing the efficiency of the recycling process.
    For differment wood waste, there are various wood crushing machines for you choice. Click here to learn more.

The Benefits of Wood Shredding

  • Volume Reduction: Shredders significantly reduce the size of wood waste, making it easier and more cost-effective to handle, transport, and store.
  • Resource Recovery: By converting waste into wood chips, materials that would have been discarded can be repurposed.
  • Versatility: Shredded wood can be used for a variety of applications, from biomass fuel to mulch for landscaping, particleboard manufacturing, and more.
  • Environmental Impact: Wood waste disposal through shredding helps conserve valuable natural resources and reduces the reliance on landfills.

Applications of Recycled Wood

Recycled wood chips have a myriad of uses across various industries:

  • Biomass Energy: You can make crushed wood chips in charcoal, which can be used as a renewable energy source, fueling power plants and providing heat.
  • Landscaping: When turned into mulch, recycled wood can enrich soil, retain moisture, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of gardens and parks.
  • Building Materials: Recycled wood can be reprocessed into particleboard, MDF, or other engineered wood products.

Overcoming Challenges

Despite the many benefits, wood recycling faces challenges, primarily in sorting and removing contaminants such as metal fasteners, which can damage equipment. Innovations in shredding technology, including stainless steel materials use, magnetic separators and advanced sorting systems, continue to address these issues, making wood recycling more efficient and accessible.


Waste wood shredders are pivotal in the journey from timber waste to recycled treasure. They not only contribute to a more sustainable future by diverting wood from landfills but also create economic opportunities by transforming waste into valuable commodities. As businesses and communities continue to recognize the benefits of wood recycling, the humble wood shredder will surely claim its place as an essential tool in the fight against waste. So the next time you see a pile of discarded wood, remember that with the help of a shredder, it has the potential to be so much more. If you are interested in it, you can visit for more details.

How to make bentonite pellets in disc pelletizer


Bentonite is a type of clay that has numerous uses in various industries, from drilling fluids in the oil industry to binder materials in the manufacturing of iron ore pellets. Pelletizing bentonite is an essential process to enhance its handling and application. A disc pelletizer is one of the tools used for this purpose, providing a method to convert bentonite powder into useful, uniformly-sized pellets. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of making bentonite pellets using a disc pelletizer.

Understanding Bentonite and Its Applications

The Unique Properties of Bentonite

Bentonite is known for its ability to swell and increase viscosity when mixed with water, which makes it a valuable material in many industries. Its absorbent and adhesive properties also make it suitable for use in environmental protection as a liner material for landfills.

Diverse Industrial Uses

In agriculture, bentonite is used as a soil conditioner. In the construction industry, it is utilized as a sealant. It is also a choice substance in the pharmaceutical field for its absorbent qualities and in the pet industry as a component of cat litter.

Preparing Bentonite for Pelletizing

Bentonite Powder Selection

For pelletizing, you must start with high-quality bentonite powder. Ensure that the powder is free from impurities and is of a consistent size. The moisture content of the powder should be controlled to optimize the pelletizing process.

Moisture Content Adjustment

Before the pelletizing process begins, adjust the moisture content of the bentonite powder, if necessary. The ideal moisture level is critical for pellet formation, as too much or too little moisture can lead to weak pellets that easily disintegrate.

The Pelletizing Process in a Disc Pelletizer

Setting Up the Disc Pelletizer

The disc pelletizer, also known as a pan granulator machine, is a circular, shallow, pan-like machine that has a slightly angled base. To prepare for pelletizing, ensure the disc is clean and set at the appropriate angle and rotational speed according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

The Feed

Introduce the bentonite powder into the disc pelletizer. The rotational movement of the disc causes the material to roll and gather, gradually forming small pellets. It’s crucial to feed the powder at a consistent rate to maintain an even distribution in the disc.

The Role of Binders and Additives

Enhancing Pellet Durability

Binders or additives are often added to the mix to enhance the durability and hardness of the pellets. For bentonite, additional binders might not be necessary due to its inherent binding properties, but in some cases, they may be used to meet specific industry standards.

Mixing Homogeneously

Any binders or additives should be mixed thoroughly with the bentonite powder before the pelletizing process to ensure uniform distribution within the pellets.

The Growth Phase of Bentonite Pellets

Nucleation and Growth

As the disc rotates, small particles stick together to form what is known as “nuclei” or “seeds.” These gradually grow in size as they pick up more material while rolling around in the disc. The process of layering and consolidation under the forces of rotation is known as coalescence.

Controlling Pellet Size

The size of the pellets can be controlled by adjusting the amount of material fed, the rotation speed of the disc, the angle of the pan, and the duration of the pelletizing process. It is important to balance these factors to achieve the desired pellet size.

disc pelletizer for pellets with water spray
disc pelletizer for pellets with water spray

Post-Pelletizing Treatments

Drying the Pellets

After forming, the pellets may require drying to remove any excess moisture. This can be done using a rotary dryer or by spreading the pellets out in a thin layer to air dry.

Screening and Separating

Once dry, the pellets are typically screened to separate and recycle fines or oversized pellets. The correctly sized pellets are collected and can be further processed or packaged for storage and transport.

Quality Control and Storage

Ensuring Consistent Quality

Throughout the pelletizing process, it is crucial to monitor pellet quality. Regular checks should be made for pellet size, shape, moisture content, and strength to ensure consistency and to meet any industry-specific requirements.

Proper Storage Techniques

Store the finished bentonite pellets in a dry, well-ventilated area to prevent moisture absorption and degradation. Packaging in air-tight bags or containers can also help maintain pellet quality during transportation and storage.

Conclusion: Bentonite Pellets Ready for Use

Using a disc pelletizer to form bentonite pellets is an efficient and effective way to prepare this versatile clay for a multitude of industrial and commercial uses. The process requires attention to detail, from selecting the right raw material and controlling moisture content to fine-tuning the pelletizer settings and performing quality control. By following these steps, you can produce high-quality bentonite pellets that are ready for a variety of applications, contributing to the smooth operation of diverse industrial processes.


Характеристики и применение дискового гранулятора.

Органические удобрения играют ключевую роль в устойчивом сельском хозяйстве, обеспечивая растения необходимыми питательными веществами и улучшая структуру почвы. Грануляторы для органических удобрений являются важным элементом в производстве удобрений, так как они позволяют преобразовать сыпучие материалы в гранулированную форму, что облегчает хранение, транспортировку и применение.

Один из популярных видов таких машин – это гранулятор-дисковый (или круглый) для органических удобрений. Давайте рассмотрим его более подробно.

Гранулятор-дисковый для органических удобрений

Гранулятор-дисковый представляет собой машину, в которой используется вращающийся диск с определенным углом наклона и скоростью вращения, чтобы смешать сырье и формировать гранулы определенного размера. Процесс гранулирования происходит благодаря центробежной силе, возникающей при вращении диска.

Тарельчатый гранулятор с несколькими углами
Тарельчатый гранулятор с несколькими углами

Особенности гранулятора-дискового:

1. Угол наклона диска: Угол наклона диска может быть регулируемым, что позволяет контролировать размер гранул и обеспечивает гибкость процесса производства.

2. Регулировка скорости: Скорость вращения диска также может быть регулируемой, что дает возможность менять интенсивность и время гранулирования.

3. Материалы для гранулирования: Гранулятор способен работать с различными органическими материалами, такими как навоз, компост, торф и другие органические отходы.

4. Эффективность и производительность: Машины обычно характеризуются высокой производительностью и могут производить гранулы с хорошо сбалансированным содержанием питательных веществ.

5. Конструкция: Грануляторы-дисковые имеют простую и надежную конструкцию, что облегчает их обслуживание и долговечность.

Применение гранулятора-дискового:

Грануляторы-дисковые широко используются на заводах по производству удобрений для изготовления органических удобрений из различных видов сырья. Готовые гранулы могут быть использованы непосредственно в сельском хозяйстве или проданы в качестве торгового продукта.


Внедрение таких технологий, как гранулятор-дисковый для органических удобрений, способствует расширению возможностей современного агропромышленного комплекса, повышению эффективности использования органических отходов и улучшению экологической обстановки в целом. Чтобы узнать больше о дисковом грануляторе, посетите:

What’s the Initial Investment Required for Setting Up a Fertilizer Production Plant?

Investing in an organic fertilizer plant can cultivates sustainability, meets market demands, and grows profits. However, for prospective investors and entrepreneurs considering entry into this fertilizer industry, the burning question remains: How much does it cost to start a fertilizer production plant cost?

Fertilizer Plant Setup
Fertilizer Plant Setup


1. Cost of Infrastructure and Plant Setup

The first major expense when setting up a fertilizer production plant is acquiring suitable land and constructing the required infrastructure. The plant layout, facilities, and processing units are essential considerations. Costs associated with land rents, building construction, and installation of necessary equipment can vary significantly depending on the plant’s size and capacity.

Small-scale fertilizer factory construction may require a lower upfront cost, focusing primarily on essential machinery and storage units. On the contrary, larger plants may demand more substantial investments to accommodate the increased production capacity.

Fertilizer Production Workshop Construction
Fertilizer Production Workshop Construction

2. Cost of Fertilizer Manufacturing Equipment

Investing in quality manufacturing equipment and machinery is crucial for efficient production. To find a famous fertilizer equipment manufacturer, such as and fertilizer granulators, SX drying machines and packaging machinery, each equipment contributes to the overall efficiency of the production process. The choice of equipment will depend on the type of fertilizer, production capacity, and level of automation. Shunxin provides a lot of manufacturing plans according to customers’ needs, 1-2 t/h, 5-8 t/h, 10 t/h, or 20t/h.

Budgeting for the purchase of equipment is necessary for accurate cost estimation. Investing in modern, state-of-the-art equipment might initially require a higher capital outlay but often proves to be a wise decision in the long run. Enhanced precision, reduced energy consumption, and increased production rates are among the benefits that can outweigh the initial costs.

Fertilizer Production Machinery
Fertilizer Production Machinery

3. Cost of Raw Materials

Understanding the raw materials needed for fertilizer production is integral to estimating the initial investment accurately. Organic fertilizers typically rely on biomass, animal manure, and other organic matter, while inorganic fertilizers may require chemicals like ammonia, phosphoric acid, and potash. The costs associated with sourcing these raw materials, along with transportation and storage, significantly affect to the initial investment. Additionally, transportation costs may arise if the selected raw materials are not readily available near the production facility.

Click here for more details!

Organic Fertilizer Raw Materials
Organic Fertilizer Raw Materials

4. Labor and Training

Skilled and trained labor is essential for the successful operation of a fertilizer production plant. The cost of hiring experienced personnel, including technicians, operators, and administrative staff, should be considered. Moreover, investing in employee training programs and hiring experienced professionals may contribute to the initial investment but pays dividends in terms of operational efficiency and product quality.

Click here for more details!

5. Regulatory Compliance and Licensing

Complying with regulatory requirements and obtaining permits is a crucial part of establishing a fertilizer manufacturing plant. Obtaining the necessary licenses, permits, and adhering to environmental regulations incur additional costs. However, compliance is not just a legal requirement; it’s an investment in the sustainability and reputation of the business.


Building a fertilizer plant requires a comprehensive understanding of the initial investment required, including infrastructure, raw materials, manufacturing equipment, labor, and compliance. While the upfront costs may seem substantial, it’s essential to view them as strategic investments in the long-term success and sustainability of the venture. Conducting a thorough cost analysis and seeking professional guidance from fertilizer equipment manufacturer can help entrepreneurs and investors make informed decisions and embark on a successful journey in the fertilizer production industry. Click here for more information:

How to make chicken manure pellets

Chicken manure pellets are an organic fertilizer that provide a rich source of nutrients for plant growth. They are an eco-friendly way to recycle waste from poultry farms and improve soil health. Making chicken manure granular fertilizer involves a series of steps from raw manure collection to the final pelleted product that is easy to store, transport, and use.

The Importance of Chicken Manure as Fertilizer

Nutrient-Rich Organic Matter

Chicken manure is loaded with essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are beneficial for soil fertility and plant growth. It also contains micronutrients that are crucial for the overall health of plants.

Benefits of Pelletizing Manure

Pelletizing chicken manure makes it more convenient to handle, reduces odor, minimizes pathogens, and facilitates a slow release of nutrients into the soil.

Collection and Preparation of Raw Manure

Gathering Manure

The first step in making chicken manure pellets is to collect the raw manure from poultry farms. This can be done manually or with the use of automated systems.

Drying the Manure

Moisture content in the manure should be reduced to make the pelleting process efficient. Sun drying is a natural method, while mechanical drying can be done using rotary drum dryers.

Composting the Manure

The Composting Process

Composting is a critical step that helps in the breakdown of organic matter and the reduction of pathogens. The manure is piled and regularly turned to maintain aeration and moisture content conducive to microbial activity.

Monitoring and Control

Temperature, moisture, and aeration are monitored and controlled to ensure the composting process is effective. This stage can take several weeks to a few months, depending on the method used.

Crushing and Mixing

Grinding the Composted Manure

Once the manure is fully composted, it is ground into a fine powder using a crusher or hammer mill. This increases the surface area, making the nutrients more accessible for release when applied to the soil.

Adding Additional Ingredients

To enhance the nutrient content or to achieve a desired nutrient balance, additional materials such as bone meal, blood meal, or other organic materials can be mixed with the composted manure.

The Pelletizing Process

Forming the Pellets

After mixing, the fine composted manure is fed into a pellet mill. The mill has a die and roller system that compresses the manure into dense, cylindrical pellets. And disc granulation equipment or drum granulation equipment can also produce chicken manure pellets.

Cutting and Cooling

Once the manure is extruded through the die, the elongated strands are cut into pellets of a specified size and then cooled to solidify and stabilize them.

Post-Pelletizing Processing

Screening and Quality Control

The pellets are screened to remove any dust or broken pellets, ensuring uniformity in size and quality. This step is crucial for the marketability of the final product.

Conditioning the Pellets

Optionally, the pellets can undergo further conditioning to improve their hardness and durability. This may involve additional moisture control or the application of a coating that reduces dust and improves nutrient retention.

Packaging and Storage

Bagging the Chicken Manure Pellets

The chicken manure pellets are then bagged in suitable packaging material that protects them from moisture and facilitates easy handling.

Storing for Optimal Preservation

The bagged pellets should be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent deterioration and preserve their efficacy as a fertilizer.

Application and Use in Agriculture

Dosage and Method of Application

When applying chicken manure pellets to the soil, it is crucial to follow recommended dosage guidelines and application methods to prevent over-fertilization and potential harm to plants.

Benefits to Soil and Crops

Regular use of chicken manure pellets can help improve soil structure, enhance water retention, and provide a slow and steady release of nutrients, leading to healthier plants and increased yields.


Making chicken manure pellets is a sustainable way to manage poultry waste and provide an organic fertilizer option for farmers and gardeners. The process involves several steps from raw manure collection to composting, pelletizing, and packaging. By converting chicken manure into a user-friendly pellet form, we can make the most of this valuable organic resource, closing the loop in agricultural nutrient cycles and contributing to a healthier environment.

The Modern Alchemy: Crafting NPK Fertilizer with Machines

In the world of agriculture, NPK fertilizer stands as the cornerstone of modern farming, delivering the vital nutrients plants need to grow, thrive, and produce abundant yields. NPK stands for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), the three most essential nutrients required by crops. The synthesis of these elements into a single, easy-to-use fertilizer has revolutionized the agricultural industry. Today, we’ll explore the fascinating process of transforming raw materials into NPK granules using sophisticated machinery and technological ingenuity.

Understanding NPK Fertilizer

Before delving into the manufacturing process, it’s crucial to comprehend why NPK fertilizer is so invaluable. Nitrogen is paramount for leaf growth, phosphorus for root development, flowering, and fruiting, while potassium is essential for overall plant health. The ratio of these nutrients can be customized to meet specific crop needs, and that’s where the manufacturing process comes into play.

Compound fertilizer manufacturing process
Compound fertilizer manufacturing process

Step 1: Ingredient Selection and Preparation

The journey to creating NPK fertilizer starts with the procurement of the raw materials: ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium chloride, phosphates, and potassium salts. These ingredients are carefully selected and prepared for processing. Depending on the desired NPK ratio, each material is measured and potentially ground into a uniform particle size to facilitate even mixing and granulation.

Step 2: Proportioning and Mixing

With the raw materials prepped, precise proportioning is critical. Electronic or mechanical scales ensure that the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium components are weighed accurately in accordance with the desired NPK formula. The ingredients are then introduced into a mixing unit, such as a horizontal blender or a vertical mixer, to create a homogeneous mixture. This step is pivotal because even distribution of nutrients is essential for making high quality NPK compound fertilizer.

Step 3: Granulation

Now we arrive at the heart of the process: granulation. The thorough mixture is fed into a granulator, which can be a SX rotary drum, an extruder, or a pan granulator, among others. The granulator applies mechanical force to the mixture, compacting it into uniform granules. The choice of granulator depends on the desired size, hardness, and shape of the final product. Water or steam may be added during the process to aid in the formation of granules. Go here for more details.

Step 4: Drying and Cooling

Fresh from the granulator, the NPK granules carry too much moisture, which might compromise their quality. Thus, drying machine is also important for NPK fertilizer plant setup, such as a rotary dryer, where heated air evaporates excess moisture. Following drying, the granules must be cooled to enhance their structural integrity and to reduce the risk of caking. This is typically performed in a rotary cooler or by natural air-flow cooling systems.

Step 5: Screening and Coating

After cooling down, the NPK granules are sized using a screening machine. Oversize or undersize granules are either crushed and recycled back into the system or discarded. The on-size granules might then be coated with a layer of liquid or powdered agents to improve their physical properties, like decreasing dust, enhancing nutrient release rates, or reducing hygroscopicity.

Step 6: Packaging and Storage

The final step in the NPK fertilizer production process is packaging. The finished granules are loaded into bags or bulk containers, sealed to protect them from moisture and contamination, and then stored in a dry, cool place until they are ready for distribution.

NPK fertilizer granulator for sale
NPK fertilizer granulator for sale

The Role of Machines in NPK Fertilizer Production

Throughout this process, specialized machinery ensures efficiency, accuracy, and quality control. Automated systems and sensors monitor every step, from raw material handling to the final product packaging, to ensure that the fertilizers meet strict industry standards.

The advantages of preparing NPK fertilizers with machines are manifold: they offer consistent nutrient content, ease of application, and improved crop performance. Moreover, the production process is highly scalable, allowing manufacturers to meet the ever-growing demand for agricultural inputs.

Embracing Technology for a Green Future

The creation of NPK fertilizer using machines is a perfect blend of science and technology, leading to products that support the global food supply chain. By understanding and appreciating the complexity and precision of this process, we can recognize the true value that these fertilizers bring to our tables. If you are interested in NPK fertilizer making, you can visit

As agricultural practices continue to evolve, so too will the methods of fertilizer production. By investing in and advancing these technologies, we are not just improving the efficiency of farming; we are also taking active steps towards sustainable agriculture that can feed the world while preserving our natural resources for generations to come.

How to Dry Chicken Manure?

In the dynamic landscape of poultry farming and livestock husbandry, finding sustainable solutions for waste management is crucial. So you can have a try — chicken manure drying equipment, particularly well-suited for large, medium, and small-scale chicken farms and regions with a thriving livestock industry.

Chicken Manure Drying Device
Chicken Manure Drying Device

Adaptable Heat Sources for Optimal Drying

Chicken manure dryer is a versatile solution that can cater to different drying requirements. Among the all machines on the market, Shunxin’s chicken manure dryer, depending on the product specifications, employ various alternative heat sources, such as gas generators, direct-fired hot air furnaces, indirect hot air furnaces, thermal oil, electric heating, biofuel particles and steam. Its adaptability ensures that the dung drying process adapts to the specific needs of the farm, providing efficiency and flexibility in operation.

Suitable Materials for Drying

This SX manure dryer is designed to handle materials with moisture content below 65%, the equipment is effective in drying a range of waste products, including chicken manure, duck droppings, poultry and livestock feces, and slaughterhouse by-products.

Click here for more details!

Raw Materials of Chicken Manure Dryer
Raw Materials of Chicken Manure Dryer

Components of Chicken Manure Drying Machine

The rotary drum dryer for drying chicken manure comprises several essential components, including the heating source, feeding machine, rotary drum, material crushing device, discharge machine, induced draft fan, unloading device, and electrical control cabinet.

Chicken Manure Drying Process

The wet chicken manure, after undergoing screw dehydration treatment, is introduced into the drying machine. Within the rotating drum equipped with lifting boards, the droppings are uniformly distributed, promoting thorough contact with hot air.

As the feces tumbles inside the drum, it interacts with the heated air, accelerating the drying, heat transfer, and mass transfer processes. Throughout this journey, the inclined lifting boards and the heat stream work in tandem, guiding the material to the discharge valve at the other end of the drying machine. This efficient process results in the production of dry chicken manure, ready for various applications.

Components of Drum Dryer
Components of Drum Dryer

Benefits and Applications of Chicken Manure Drying Equipment


1. Dry Chicken Manures Applications

In fact, SX chicken manure drum dryer is not just a waste disposal solution, for it transforms poultry waste into a valuable resource. For example, the finished products after manure drying process are suitable for fish feed, pig feed, fertilizer supplement, fruit tree fertilizer, and more. Additionally, the equipment contributes to dust and odor control, addressing environmental concerns associated with traditional waste management methods.


2. Features of SX Chicken Manure Dryer

  • The equipment can reduce the moisture content of fresh chicken manure from 70%-80% to below 10%.
  • The operation of the chicken dung drying machine is carried out in a fully enclosed state, contributing to waste utilization and energy conservation.


With its strong drying capabilities and practicality, coupled with the rapid development of the farming industry and increased demand for chicken manure compost, utilizing chicken manure rotary dryer provides significant advantages. It offers an excellent solution for the resource utilization and harmless treatment of farming waste, making it highly recommended for livestock enterprises and farmers. You can visit this page for more details:

Почему наполнитель для кошачьего туалета из тофу так популярен на рынке?

Тофу, или соевый белок, может использоваться в качестве основного компонента наполнителя для кошачьего туалета, поскольку частицы наполнителя для кошачьего туалета тофу обладают следующими преимуществами:

Экологическая устойчивость: Продукты на основе тофу часто рассматриваются как более экологически чистые, так как они могут быть биоразлагаемыми и производиться с меньшим воздействием на окружающую среду.

Безопасность для кошек: Тофу является безопасным материалом, не содержащим химических добавок или ароматизаторов, что важно для здоровья и комфорта кошек.

Способность к удержанию запаха: Некоторые производители утверждают, что наполнитель из тофу обладает хорошей способностью удерживать запахи, что важно для поддержания свежести в районе кошачьего туалета.

Наполнитель для кошачьего туалета тофу
Наполнитель для кошачьего туалета тофу

Меньшее количество пыли: Наполнители из тофу часто могут быть менее пыльными по сравнению с другими видами наполнителей, что может быть важным фактором для заботливых владельцев кошек и их здоровья.

Специфические требования рынка: Потребители все больше становятся осведомленными о своих покупках, и некоторые предпочитают выбирать продукты, которые соответствуют их экологическим ценностям.

Важно отметить, что популярность наполнителей для кошачьего туалета из тофу может изменяться со временем, и новые материалы могут появляться на рынке, предлагая различные преимущества. Хотите узнать больше, добро пожаловать в гости:

How Bio Fertilizer Plant Setup

Setting up a biofertilizer plant involves several key steps to ensure the efficient production of high-quality biofertilizers. Here is a general outline of the process:

1. Feasibility Study and Business Plan:

  • Market Analysis: Assess the demand for biofertilizers in the target market.
  • Cost Analysis: Estimate the costs of biofertilizer making associated with land, equipment, raw materials, labor, and operational expenses.
  • Revenue Projections: Project potential revenues based on market demand and pricing.
Biofertilizer pellets making system for sale
Biofertilizer pellets making system for sale

2. Site Selection:

  • Location: Choose a bio fertilizer plant setup location that is easily accessible, complies with environmental regulations, and has adequate water and power supply.
  • Zoning and Permits: Obtain necessary zoning approvals and permits for industrial operations.

3. Infrastructure Setup:

  • Land Preparation: Prepare the land for construction and install necessary infrastructure.
  • Buildings: Construct buildings for production, storage, and administrative purposes.
  • Utilities: Install water, electricity, and waste disposal systems.

4. Equipment and Technology:

  • Fermentation Tanks/Bioreactors: Acquire and install aerobic fermentation equipment or bioreactors for microbial fertilizer fermentation.
  • Other fertilizer equipment: For quality biofertilizer manufacturing, you may also need crusher, mixer, packaging machine, etc
  • Quality Control Instruments: Install instruments for quality control testing.

5. Microorganism Cultivation:

  • Microorganism Selection: Choose specific strains of beneficial microorganisms based on the crops and soil conditions in the target market.
  • Cultivation Process: Develop and implement protocols for microbial cultivation, including fermentation parameters. Or you buy finished functional bacteria.

6. Production Processes:

  • Fermentation: Carry out controlled fermentation processes to maximize microbial biomass production and kill harmful substances in organic waste.
  • Bio fertilizer manufacturing: By crushing, screen, mixing, granulation to make better biofertilizer. Click here to learn more

7. Quality Control:

Testing Protocols: Establish quality control protocols to ensure the viability, purity, and effectiveness of the biofertilizer.

8. Packaging and Distribution:

  • Packaging Materials: Select suitable packaging materials to maintain the viability of the biofertilizer.
  • Distribution Network: Establish a distribution network to reach farmers and retailers..

9. Continuous Improvement:

  • Research and Development: Invest in ongoing research and development to improve product efficacy and develop new formulations.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establish feedback mechanisms to continuously improve biofertilizer production processes.

10. Monitoring and Maintenance:

  • Monitoring Systems: Implement systems to monitor production processes, product quality, and overall plant performance.
  • Maintenance: Regularly maintain and upgrade equipment to ensure efficient and reliable operation.

Setting up a biofertilizer plant requires careful planning, adherence to regulatory requirements, and a commitment to quality and sustainability. Engaging with experts in microbiology, agriculture, and industrial processes can be beneficial during the planning and implementation stages. If you are interested in it, you can visit

How to produce bio NPK fertilizer in rotary drum granulation equipment

In the quest for sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices, the demand for bio NPK fertilizers has seen a significant rise. These fertilizers, rich in essential nutrients—nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)—are derived from organic sources, offering a greener alternative to conventional chemical fertilizers. One effective method for producing bio NPK fertilizer is through the utilization of rotary drum granulation equipment. This equipment provides an efficient and scalable solution for blending and granulating organic materials to create a nutrient-rich bio NPK fertilizer suitable for various crops.

Subtitle 1: Understanding Rotary Drum Granulation

Rotary drum granulation is a highly efficient technique that involves a rotating drum to agglomerate and granulate raw materials. The drum is a crucial component that facilitates the mixing, granulation, and drying processes within a single unit. This method ensures uniform distribution of nutrients and enhances the physical properties of the fertilizer, resulting in a high-quality end product.

Subtitle 2: Selecting Organic Raw Materials

The success of producing bio NPK fertilizer lies in the careful selection of organic raw materials. Common sources include animal manure, crop residues, and organic waste. These materials provide a diverse range of nutrients essential for plant growth while promoting sustainability through the recycling of organic waste.

Subtitle 3: Pre-treatment of Raw Materials

Before feeding the raw materials into the rotary drum granulation equipment, pre-treatment is necessary to optimize the composting process. This may involve shredding or grinding the materials to achieve a homogeneous mixture, facilitating efficient nutrient release during the granulation process.

Subtitle 4: Microbial Inoculants for Enhanced Bioavailability

To further enhance the bioavailability of nutrients, incorporating microbial inoculants into the raw material mixture is beneficial. These microorganisms aid in the breakdown of organic matter, releasing essential nutrients in a form readily accessible to plants. This step promotes a synergistic relationship between the organic components and microorganisms, fostering a nutrient-rich environment.

Subtitle 5: The Granulation Process

The rotary drum granulation process involves the controlled release of raw materials into the rotating drum. The drum’s design ensures a consistent mixing of the materials, allowing for the formation of granules through a combination of agglomeration and compaction. This controlled process results in the creation of uniform-sized granules with a balanced distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Subtitle 6: Drying and Cooling

Following granulation, the fertilizer is subjected to a drying and cooling phase. This step is crucial for removing excess moisture from the granules, preventing caking and ensuring a stable and shelf-ready product. The rotary drum’s internal design facilitates efficient heat transfer, contributing to the overall energy efficiency of the process.

Subtitle 7: Screening and Packaging

The final step involves screening the granulated fertilizer to achieve the desired particle size and uniformity. Once screened, the bio NPK fertilizer is ready for packaging. Utilizing eco-friendly and biodegradable packaging materials aligns with the sustainable principles of bio NPK fertilizers, offering an environmentally conscious end product for distribution and use in agriculture.


Producing bio NPK fertilizer through rotary drum granulation equipment represents a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to meeting the growing demand for nutrient-rich fertilizers. By integrating organic raw materials, microbial inoculants, and a well-designed granulation process, this method ensures the creation of high-quality bio NPK fertilizers that contribute to both agricultural productivity and ecological conservation.


How Can Sludge Drying Equipment Transform Various Industrial Processes?

Sludge drying equipment has emerged as a transformative solution for numerous industries, revolutionizing waste management and resource utilization. Its versatility and efficiency make it an invaluable asset across various industrial processes.

Excellent Features of SX Sludge Dryer


1. Advanced Thermal Technology

Sludge drying equipment integrates advanced thermal technologies, such as intelligent control systems, energy-saving mechanisms, and high drying rates, ensuring high energy efficiency. This not only accelerates the drying process but also minimizes environmental impact.

Drying Machine
Drying Machine


2. Diverse Raw Materials

Sludge drying equipment can effectively handle a diverse range of raw materials beyond agricultural sludge. It can process municipal sludge, industrial sludge, wastewater treatment residues, sewage sludge, organic waste, and more. By transforming these varied raw materials into valuable resources, sludge drying equipment facilitates sustainable waste management practices across industries.

Sludge Dry Equipment for Sale
Sludge Dry Equipment for Sale

Applications in Different Industries

1. Chemical and Petrochemical Industry

In the chemical industry, where complex effluents are a common byproduct, sludge drying equipment plays a vital role. It aids in the efficient drying of chemical sludge, facilitating cleaner and more sustainable processes.

2. Food Processing Industry

By drying food waste, sludge drying equipment can convert it into feed ingredients, reducing waste and promoting circular economy practices.

3. Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharmaceutical sludge can be efficiently dried, reducing its volume and facilitating proper disposal or potential extraction of valuable compounds.

4. Mining and Metallurgy

Sludge drying equipment aids in the drying of mining tailings, reducing water content and facilitating easier storage and transportation.

5. Municipal Water Treatment Facilities

Municipalities worldwide grapple with the challenge of managing sludge generated during water treatment. Sludge drying equipment proves invaluable by significantly reducing moisture content, streamlining disposal processes, and cutting down operational costs for municipal water treatment facilities.

Dryer for Fertilizer Production
Dryer for Fertilizer Production


Sludge drying equipment serves a wide range of customers across various industries. Wastewater treatment plants, chemical plants, food processing facilities, pharmaceutical companies, mining and metallurgy operations, and more can benefit from the versatility of this equipment. The advantages include reduced waste volume, lower transportation costs, improved operational efficiency, compliance with environmental regulations, and the generation of value-added by-products.

Discover the remarkable benefits of sludge drying equipment for your industry. Contact us today to explore how our advanced solutions can revolutionize your waste management practices, streamline operations, and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. Visit: for more details.

Какой процесс и оборудование используются для производства фосфорных удобрений?

Производство фосфорных удобрений включает несколько этапов, и для каждого этапа применяются определенные процессы и оборудование. Основным источником фосфора являются фосфориты, которые подвергаются обработке для получения фосфорных удобрений, таких как аммофос, суперфосфаты и др. Ниже приведен общий обзор процесса производства фосфорных удобрений:

  1. Добыча фосфоритов:
    • Процесс добычи зависит от месторождения, но обычно он включает в себя взрывное разрушение или механическое извлечение фосфоритов из земли.
  2. Обогащение фосфоритов:
    • Полученные фосфориты часто нуждаются в обогащении, чтобы повысить содержание фосфора. Это может включать в себя такие процессы, как флотация или гидромеханическая обработка.
  3. Выделение фосфора:
    • Обогащенные фосфориты обычно подвергаются химической обработке для выделения фосфора в форме, доступной для использования растениями. Это может быть достигнуто различными методами, такими как обработка кислотой. 
    • Измельченный фосфоритный порошок
      Измельченный фосфоритный порошок
  4.  Производство удобрений:
  5. Смешивание и гранулирование:
    • Удобрения могут быть смешаны с другими компонентами, такими как азот и калий, для создания комплексных удобрений. Затем производится гранулирование для создания удобных для применения форм.
  6. Упаковка:
    • Готовые удобрения упаковываются в соответствии с требованиями их транспортировки и хранения.

Оборудование, используемое в производстве, включает в себя дробилки, мельницы, сушилки, реакторы для обработки кислотой, а также оборудование для смешивания и гранулирования. В зависимости от конкретных технологических процессов и используемых методов, оборудование может различаться. Если вы хотите узнать больше о фосфорных удобрениях и ценах на них, посетите:

What equipment can produce alfalfa pellets

Producing high-quality alfalfa pellets requires specialized equipment designed to efficiently process alfalfa hay into a condensed, easily transportable form. Alfalfa pellets are a popular choice for livestock feed due to their nutritional value and ease of handling. In this discussion, we will explore the key equipment involved in the production of alfalfa pellets.

1. Harvesting Equipment:

The first step in alfalfa pellet production is the harvesting of alfalfa hay. Modern equipment such as swathers and mower-conditioners are used to cut and condition the alfalfa, ensuring an optimal moisture content for the subsequent pelletizing process. Efficient harvesting is crucial to obtaining high-quality alfalfa for pellet production.

2. Drying Systems:

Once harvested, alfalfa must undergo a drying process to reduce its moisture content. Various drying systems, including rotary drum dryers and fluidized bed dryers, are employed to achieve the desired moisture level. Proper drying is essential to prevent mold formation and ensure the pellets have the right consistency.

3. Pellet Mills:

The heart of the alfalfa pellet production process lies in the pellet mill. Pellet mills come in various types, including flat die and ring die pellet mills. These machines compress the dried alfalfa material into small, cylindrical pellets through a combination of pressure and heat. The choice between flat die and ring die pellet mills depends on factors such as production capacity and cost considerations.

4. Hammer Mills:

Before the alfalfa undergoes pelletization, it may pass through a hammer mill. This equipment is used to reduce the size of the alfalfa particles, making them more conducive to the pelletizing process. Hammer mills play a crucial role in achieving the optimal size and consistency of the raw material.

5. Cooling Systems:

After the pellets are formed, they need to be cooled to room temperature to ensure durability and stability. Cooling systems, such as pellet coolers, are employed to remove excess heat generated during the pelletizing process. Proper cooling enhances the quality of the alfalfa pellets and prevents them from breaking during handling and transportation.

6. Pellet Screening Equipment:

To ensure uniform pellet size and quality, pellet screening equipment is utilized. Vibrating screens and pellet sieving machines separate pellets based on size, removing any fines or oversized particles. This step is crucial in maintaining product consistency and meeting quality standards.

7. Packaging Machinery:

The final step in alfalfa pellet production involves packaging the pellets for distribution. Packaging machinery, such as bagging machines, is employed to efficiently pack the pellets into bags or other containers. This ensures convenient handling and transportation for end-users, whether they are farmers, feed manufacturers, or retailers.


In conclusion, producing high-quality alfalfa pellets involves a series of carefully orchestrated steps, each requiring specialized equipment. From harvesting and drying to pelletizing and packaging, the efficiency and precision of the equipment used significantly impact the final product’s quality. Choosing the right combination of equipment tailored to the specific needs of the operation is essential for successful alfalfa pellet production.

A Guide to Installing Your Fertilizer Drum Dryer

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on installing a fertilizer drum dryer, a crucial component in the organic fertilizer production process. Proper installation ensures optimal performance and longevity of your equipment. In this blog, we will walk you through the step-by-step process to help you set up your fertilizer drum dryer efficiently.

Dryer for Fertilizer Production
Dryer for Fertilizer Production

Step 1: Site Preparation

Start by selecting a suitable location for your drum dryer. It should be a level surface with ample space around for ventilation and maintenance. You should ensure there is proper electrical and ventilation access nearby.

Step 2: Assemble the Dryer Components

Carefully unpack all the components of your fertilizer drum dryer. Follow the instructions of professional equipment manufacturer like us to assemble the drum, frame, and other essential parts. You should make the double-check that all bolts and connections are secure before moving to the next step.

Components of Drum Dryer
Components of Drum Dryer

Step 3: Connect Power Supply and Ventilation

If your drum dryer requires electricity, connect it to a stable power supply following the provided electrical specifications. Additionally, ensure proper ventilation by connecting the dryer to an exhaust system to release heat and moisture generated during the drying process.

Step 4: Align and Secure the Drum

Proper alignment of the drum is crucial for efficient operation. You can use leveling tools to ensure the drum is perfectly horizontal and well-balanced. Also, you can secure it in place according to our manufacturer‘s guidelines to prevent any movement during operation.

Drying Machine
Drying Machine

Step 5: Install the Feeding and Discharge System

Integrate the feeding system to introduce wet organic material into the drum dryer efficiently. Similarly, you need to set up the discharge system to collect the dried fertilizer as it exits the drum. Please ensure these systems are properly connected and functioning smoothly.

Step 6: Check Safety Features

Modern drum dryers come equipped with various safety features. You ought to test emergency stops, thermal sensors, and other safety mechanisms to ensure they are working correctly. Understanding these features is essential for the safe operation of your equipment.

Step 7: Conduct Test Runs

Before starting full-scale production, you can perform several tests with a small batch of organic material. Meanwhile, you must monitor the drying process, temperature, and efficiency of the drum dryer. Using this testing phase can make any necessary adjustments to optimize performance.


You have successfully installed your fertilizer drum dryer. By following these steps and our guidelines, you ensure the smooth operation of your equipment, leading to high-quality organic fertilizer production. Remember to perform regular maintenance checks and follow safety protocols to prolong the lifespan of your drum dryer and maintain its efficiency. You can visit:…otary-drum-dryer/ for more details!

How Long To Compost Goat Manure

In natural conditions, composting goat manure, like composting other types of animal manure, can take several months to a year to fully decompose and become nutrient-rich compost. But for commercial goat manure fertilizer making, we need to compost goat manure quickly. The exact time it takes for goat manure to compost depends on various factors, including the size of the compost pile, the ratio of green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials, and the environmental conditions.

Here are some general guidelines for composting goat manure:

  • Build a Compost Pile: Start by creating a compost pile. A pile that is at least 3 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet (1 cubic yard) is a good size for efficient composting.
  • Mix with Carbon-Rich Material: Goat manure is considered a “green” or nitrogen-rich material. To create balanced compost, mix the goat manure with carbon-rich “brown” materials such as straw, leaves, sawdust, or shredded newspaper. A common ratio is roughly 3 parts brown materials to 1 part green material. In addition, you can add some fermentation bacteria to speed up the sheep manure compost making process.
  • Turn and Aerated: Regularly turn or aerate the compost pile to provide oxygen to the microorganisms responsible for breaking down the organic matter. This helps speed up the decomposition process. Here, manual turning is not easy, especially for large scale manure fermentation. So it is advisable to buy a goat manure compost machine. Click here to learn more.
  • Maintain Moisture: Keep the compost pile consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Adequate moisture is essential for the decomposition process. Here, you can use fertilizer dewatering machine to remove water from goat manure. And sheep waste compost turner with water tank can add water during composting.
  • Temperature and Environment: Composting occurs faster at higher temperatures. If possible, place the compost pile in a sunny area to encourage microbial activity. A well-insulated compost bin or pile can help maintain higher temperatures, especially in colder climates.
  • Patience: Composting goat manure typically takes several months to a year to produce finished compost. The exact time can vary based on the conditions and materials used. With suitable process and compost equipment, it only needs 15 -30 days.
Goat manure compost making process
Goat manure compost making process

You can speed up the process by ensuring the right balance of materials, adequate aeration, and the right moisture levels. Using a compost thermometer to monitor the temperature can also be helpful. When the compost is dark, crumbly, and has an earthy smell, it’s a sign that the goat manure compost fertilizer is finished.

Remember to consider the composted goat manure as a valuable organic fertilizer and soil conditioner for your garden or plants, as it will be rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. If you are interested in goat manure composting, you can visit

How to make limestone granules in rotary drum pelletizer equipment

Limestone is a versatile and widely used material in various industries, from agriculture to construction. One of the most efficient methods to process limestone into a usable form is by creating limestone granules. Rotary drum pelletizer equipment is an essential tool in this process, and in this guide, we will take you through the steps to make limestone granules using this equipment.

I. Selecting the Right Limestone

Before you begin the granulation process, it’s crucial to choose the right limestone. The quality and type of limestone will directly impact the quality of the granules. Ensure that the limestone is high in calcium carbonate and low in impurities. A thorough analysis of the limestone’s chemical composition is essential.

II. Preparation and Crushing:

  1. Mining and Crushing: Limestone is typically mined and then crushed into smaller pieces. The size of these pieces will depend on the specific requirements of your project.
  2. Drying: Ensure that the crushed limestone is adequately dried to remove excess moisture. Moisture content should be around 1-2% for effective granulation.

III. Feeding the Rotary Drum Pelletizer:

  1. Conveyor System: A conveyor belt system is used to feed the dried limestone into the rotary drum pelletizer.
  2. Adjustable Feeder: The equipment should have an adjustable feeder to control the flow of limestone into the drum. This allows for better control over the granule size.

IV. Inside the Rotary Drum:

  1. Agglomeration Process: The rotary drum pelletizer equipment is equipped with a series of flights or lifters that agitate and roll the limestone as it moves through the drum.
  2. Atomization: A liquid binder is sprayed onto the rolling limestone particles. This binder, usually water or a specialized solution, helps bind the limestone particles together.
rotary drum granulation plant
rotary drum granulation plant

V. Gradual Growth of Granules:

  1. Nucleation: As the rolling particles accumulate, granules begin to form. The binder helps create nucleation points, promoting the growth of granules.
  2. Size Control: The speed of the drum and the rate of binder application can be adjusted to control the size of the granules produced.

VI. Product Collection and Screening:

  1. Exit Point: The formed granules exit the drum and are collected.
  2. Screening: To ensure uniform granule size, the collected granules may be screened to remove oversized or undersized particles.

VII. Drying and Cooling:

  1. Drying: The freshly formed granules may have a higher moisture content. They need to be dried to the desired moisture level, typically below 1%.
  2. Cooling: After drying, the granules are cooled to ambient temperature, making them ready for storage and use.

VIII. Quality Control:

Regular quality checks should be conducted to ensure that the granules meet the required specifications and standards. Quality parameters may include size distribution, moisture content, and chemical composition.

IX. Packaging and Storage:

Once the limestone granules meet the quality standards, they are packaged in suitable containers and stored in a dry environment to prevent moisture absorption.

Conclusion: Creating limestone granules using a rotary drum pelletizer is a precise and efficient process. By selecting the right limestone, controlling the granulation process, and maintaining quality control, you can produce high-quality limestone granules tailored to your specific needs. These granules can be used in various industries, including agriculture, construction, and environmental remediation, contributing to a wide range of applications.

Is Your Packaging Process Optimized for Cost-Effectiveness? Our Palletizer Can Help!

It is essential for maintaining cost-effectiveness by optimizing operations. One area that often goes overlooked is the packaging process. Efficient and streamlined packaging not only reduces costs but also enhances productivity and customer satisfaction. SX packing machines will bring many benefits in your fertilizer production process and can help you achieve optimal cost-effectiveness.

Packing Machine
Packing Machine


1. Increased Productivity and Efficiency

Traditional manual palletizing processes are time-consuming and labor-intensive. By introducing a palletizer into your packaging line, you can significantly increase productivity and efficiency. Palletizers automate the task of loading products onto pallets, offering consistent and precise stacking patterns. With the ability to handle heavy loads and high volumes, a palletizer streamlines operations, reduces cycle times, and minimizes the need for manual labor, leading to improved overall productivity.

Automatic Palletizer
Automatic Palletizer


2. Cost Reduction through Labor Savings

Labor costs can be a significant portion of a company’s expenses. By implementing our automatic palletizer, you can reduce labor requirements in the packaging process. It eliminates the need for employees to manually stack, wrap, and load pallets, freeing them up for other value-added tasks. This not only reduces workforce expenses but also minimizes the risk of injuries related to manual handling. Investing in this machine is a cost-effective long-term solution that optimizes labor utilization and helps your business achieve higher profitability.

Automatic Packing Line
Automatic Packing Line


3. Enhanced Product Protection

Efficient packaging not only impacts cost-effectiveness but also ensures that your products reach customers in optimal condition. Automatic palletizers contribute to the overall protection of goods during transit. With their precision and consistency, they create stable and secure loads, minimizing the risk of product damage. By properly stacking and securing items, you can reduce the occurrence of product loss due to breakage or improper handling, safeguarding your reputation and customer satisfaction.


5. Scalability and Adaptability

As your business grows, scalability becomes crucial. Palletizers offer the advantage of scalability and adaptability to changing production needs. Whether you are dealing with increased volumes or new product lines, an efficient palletizing system can handle diverse load sizes, shapes, and weights. This flexibility allows you to quickly adapt to market demands and streamline your operations without major disruptions or costly investments.



Optimizing your packaging process is an integral part of achieving cost-effectiveness in your operations. The implementation of a palletizer can significantly enhance productivity, reduce labor costs, improve safety, protect products, and provide scalability and adaptability. By investing in the right palletizing solution, you can streamline your packaging operations, increase overall efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage in the market. Visit this website: for more details!

Какие материалы подходят для ферментационной обработки гусеничными ворошителями компоста?

Ферментационная обработка гусеничными ворошителями компоста – это процесс разложения органических материалов с использованием специальных микроорганизмов (ферментов) для ускорения процесса компостирования. Для этого процесса подходят разнообразные органические материалы. Вот некоторые из них:

1. Пищевые отходы: Остатки фруктов, овощей, кофейной гущи, чайного листа, яичные скорлупы и другие кухонные остатки.

2. Садовые отходы: Подстриженная трава, листья, ветки, цветы и другие растительные материалы из сада.

3. Солома и сено: Эти материалы могут быть использованы для добавления углерода в компост и улучшения его структуры.

4. Навоз: Компост можно обогатить навозом животных (например, коров, лошадей, свинья, кур) для добавления азота и других питательных веществ.

5. Древесные опилки и щепа: Древесные отходы также могут быть включены в компост, хотя их разложение может занять больше времени.

Ворошитель компоста гусеничный в движении
Ворошитель компоста гусеничный в движении

6. Остатки растений после уборки садов и огородов, а также некоторые ткани из растений, такие как конопля, лен или джут.

7. Цветы и растения, старые соломенные матрасы и подушки, шерсть, волосы, перья.

8. Бумага и картон: Подходящие для компостирования бумажные и картонные материалы, такие как газеты без красок и клея, коробки и карточки.

Убедитесь, что органические материалы, которые вы используете, не содержат вредных химических веществ, таких как пестициды, гербициды или загрязняющие вещества. Также следите за балансом между “зелеными” материалами (богатыми азотом) и “коричневыми” материалами (богатыми углеродом) в вашем компосте, чтобы обеспечить оптимальные условия для ферментации и разложения. Чтобы узнать больше о гусеничных ворошителях компоста, посетите:

What machine can make compound fertilizer granules

Compound fertilizer granules are essential agricultural products that provide a balanced mix of essential nutrients to plants. These granules are typically composed of a combination of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K) along with other secondary and micronutrients. The efficient production of these granules is crucial for modern agriculture. One of the key machines responsible for this production is a compound fertilizer granulation machine.

The Role of Compound Fertilizer Granulation Machine

Compound fertilizer granulation machines play a vital role in the agricultural sector by providing an efficient means to produce granules that contain the necessary nutrients for optimal plant growth. These machines are designed to take raw materials, which may include ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, and other components, and convert them into uniform granules that can be easily applied to crops.

Types of Compound Fertilizer Granulation Machines

Several types of machines are used for the production of compound fertilizer granules, each with its own advantages and characteristics. How to choose a suitable NPK compound granulator? The most common types include:

  1. Rotary Drum Granulator Machine: This machine operates by rotating a large drum, which allows for the uniform mixing of the raw materials. The rolling motion in the drum helps in the formation of granules as the material adheres to itself due to moisture and chemical reactions.
  2. Double Roller Press Granulator Machine: This machine uses two rollers to compact the materials into granules. The rollers exert pressure, causing the materials to stick together and form granules.
  3. Disc Granulator Machine: In this type of granulator, a rotating disc is used to agglomerate the raw materials. The angle of the disc and the speed of rotation influence the size and shape of the granules.
drum granulation machine for npk fertilizer granules
drum granulation machine for npk fertilizer granules
double roller granualtor for compound granular fertilizer
double roller granualtor for compound granular fertilizer
disc pelletizer for compound fertilizer production
disc pelletizer for compound fertilizer production

Key Features of a Compound Fertilizer Granulation Machine

Compound fertilizer granulation machines are designed to have the following features:

  1. Customizability: They can be adjusted to create granules of different sizes and nutrient compositions to suit specific crop and soil requirements.
  2. Efficiency: These machines are engineered for high throughput and consistent granule production, helping to optimize the use of resources.
  3. Environmental Considerations: Many modern granulation machines are designed with environmental sustainability in mind. They often include features that reduce dust emissions, waste, and energy consumption.

The Granulation Process

The granulation process typically involves several stages, including raw material preparation, mixing, granulation, drying, cooling, and screening. Each stage is crucial in ensuring that the final granules meet the desired specifications and quality standards.


In modern agriculture, compound fertilizer granules are indispensable for providing crops with the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and high yields. The machines used for granule production, such as rotary drum granulators, double roller press granulators, disc granulators, play a pivotal role in this process. Their ability to efficiently and precisely produce granules of various sizes and compositions makes them indispensable tools for farmers and agricultural professionals seeking to optimize their nutrient management and crop performance. These machines, along with sustainable practices, are essential for feeding the world’s growing population while preserving the environment.

How To Dispose Of Pig Poop Into Fertilizer

Disposing of pig manure in an environmentally responsible way that turns it into fertilizer involves a process called composting. Properly composted pig manure can be a valuable source of organic matter and nutrients for your garden or crops. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to dispose of pig poop into fertilizer:

Materials You’ll Need:

Pig manure
Straw, hay, or other carbon-rich materials (to balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio)
A compost dedicated area
compost machine
Water source
Temperature monitor

How to Use Pig Manure as Fertilizer
How to Use Pig Manure as Fertilizer

Pig manure fertilizer making Steps:

  • Collect Manure: Start by collecting the pig manure from your pig pens or housing area. This necessary for swine waste management . Make sure to remove any non-organic materials like rocks or plastic.
  • Gather Carbon Materials: To create a balanced compost pile, you’ll need to mix the pig manure with carbon-rich materials like straw, hay, dried leaves, or sawdust. The carbon materials provide the necessary balance of carbon to nitrogen for efficient composting.
  • Mixing: Mixing pig manure with cabon materials evenly for speeding up pig manure composting.
  • Moisten the Pile: Water is essential for composting. Make sure the compost pile is consistently moist, similar to a wrung-out sponge. This is essential for making quality organic fertilizer from piggery manure.
  • Aerate and Turn: Regularly turn or aerate the compost pile. This introduces oxygen, which is crucial for the decomposition process. If you have an aeration tool, use it to poke holes in the pile to promote airflow. Turning the pile with a shovel or pitchfork also accomplishes this.But for commercial pig manure fertilizer making, professional fertilizer compost turner is the best.

  • Maintain Temperature: The compost pile will heat up as it decomposes. This heat is a sign that the microbial activity is breaking down the organic matter. The pile’s internal temperature should ideally reach between 130°F to 160°F (54°C to 71°C). This temperature range helps kill pathogens and weed seeds.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly monitor the compost pile’s moisture level, temperature, and odor. Adjust the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio if needed by adding more carbon-rich materials or manure.
  • Maturation: Composting can take several months to a year, depending on various factors, including temperature, pile size, and management. The compost is ready when it has turned into dark, crumbly, earthy-smelling material. It should no longer resemble fresh manure.
  • Use as Fertilizer: Once the compost has matured, you can use it as a valuable organic fertilizer in your garden or on your crops. Spread it over the soil’s surface and incorporate it into the top few inches of the soil. If you want to make better organic fertilizer with pig poop, you can further process compost into powdery or granular organic fertilizer. Go here for more details.

Properly composted pig manure adds organic matter, nutrients, and beneficial microorganisms to the soil, improving soil structure and fertility. It also helps reduce the risk of environmental pollution associated with improperly managed manure. Always follow local regulations and guidelines for manure management to ensure environmental protection and compliance with any legal requirements. If you want to make pig poop into fertilizer, you can visit for more.

How to Dispose of Chicken Poop in a Friendly Environmently Way

Keeping backyard chickens is an increasingly popular and rewarding hobby. Not only do they provide fresh eggs, but they also offer a connection to nature and a sense of self-sufficiency. However, along with the joys of chicken ownership comes the responsibility of managing their waste in an environmentally friendly manner. Chicken poop, or manure, can be a valuable resource for your garden, but it must be handled properly to avoid negative environmental impacts.

Subtitle 2: Why Chicken Poop Is Valuable

Chicken manure is rich in essential nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, making it a valuable resource for gardeners. These nutrients enhance soil fertility and promote healthy plant growth. However, if not managed correctly, chicken poop can lead to water pollution, odors, and nutrient imbalances in the soil.

Subtitle 3: Composting Chicken Manure

Composting chicken manure is one of the most eco-friendly ways to manage it. Composting transforms the waste into a nutrient-rich, humus-like material that can be safely applied to your garden or used as a soil conditioner. Here’s how to compost chicken manure:

  1. Collect manure regularly: Place a collection bin beneath the roosting area to gather fresh droppings. This makes it easier to manage and speeds up decomposition.
  2. Combine with carbon-rich materials: Mix chicken manure with straw, leaves, or other carbon-rich materials to balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. This helps prevent odors and creates a more balanced compost pile.
  3. Turn the pile: Regularly turning the compost pile aerates it, allowing beneficial microorganisms to break down the waste more efficiently.
  4. Allow for decomposition: Let the compost pile sit for several months to ensure that harmful pathogens are killed during the process.
  5. Use the finished compost: Once the compost is dark, crumbly, and odor-free, you can use it in your garden as a natural fertilizer or soil conditioner.

For this, if you want to have a more friendly environment to dispose of chicken waste, in-vessel compost turner is the best choice for you.

Subtitle 4: Avoiding Runoff and Pollution

Improperly managed chicken manure can contribute to water pollution. Rainwater can wash the nutrients from manure into nearby water bodies, causing problems like algal blooms. To prevent this:

  1. Keep chickens away from water bodies: Position your coop and run away from streams, ponds, or any other water sources to reduce the risk of runoff.
  2. Use a manure containment system: Implement a system to catch and manage the liquid runoff from your compost pile. This liquid, known as “compost tea,” can be diluted and used as a liquid fertilizer for your garden.
  3. Be mindful of application: When using composted chicken manure in your garden, follow recommended application rates to prevent nutrient imbalances in the soil. Excess nutrients can leach into groundwater or nearby water bodies.

Subtitle 5: Alternative Uses for Chicken Manure

In addition to composting, consider these alternative ways to utilize chicken manure in an eco-friendly manner:

  1. Vermicomposting: Use red worms to break down chicken manure. The resulting vermicompost is highly concentrated and rich in nutrients, making it an excellent addition to potting mixes or for top-dressing plants.
  2. Biochar incorporation: Mix chicken manure with biochar, a stable form of carbon, to create a slow-release fertilizer that improves soil structure and retains moisture.
  3. Fermentation: Fermenting chicken manure with beneficial microorganisms can reduce its odor and enhance nutrient availability.

Subtitle 6: Conclusion

Properly managing chicken poop in an environmentally friendly way is essential for maintaining a healthy garden, preventing pollution, and reducing your environmental footprint. By composting, avoiding runoff, and exploring alternative uses, you can turn chicken manure from a waste product into a valuable resource for your sustainable gardening endeavors. Responsible management of chicken waste not only benefits your garden but also contributes to a cleaner and healthier environment.

How to Make 2TPH Organic Fertilizer?

Organic fertilizer is a vital component for promoting healthy and sustainable agricultural practices. Unlike chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers are derived from natural sources and provide numerous benefits to soil health, plant growth, and the environment. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the process of making 2TPH (2 tons per hour) of organic fertilizer. Whether you’re a small-scale farmer or a large agricultural operation, producing your own organic fertilizer can be a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution.

Chapter 1: Understanding Organic Fertilizers

Before diving into the production process, it’s essential to understand what organic fertilizers are and why they are beneficial. Organic fertilizers are made from organic materials such as compost, animal manure, biogas residues, and other natural substances. They improve soil structure, enhance nutrient availability, and promote beneficial microbial activity, leading to healthier crops and increased yields.

Chapter 2: Selecting Raw Materials

The first step in making 2TPH of organic fertilizer is selecting the right raw materials. The choice of raw materials depends on factors like availability, nutrient content, and the specific needs of your crops. Common organic materials used in fertilizer production include compost, poultry or livestock manure, crop residues, and green waste. Ensure that these materials are free from contaminants and pathogens.

Chapter 3: Composting

Composting is a crucial process in organic fertilizer production project. It involves the decomposition of organic materials into nutrient-rich humus. To start composting, create piles of your chosen raw materials, ensuring a balanced mix of carbon-rich (browns) and nitrogen-rich (greens) materials. Regular turning and aeration are essential to maintain proper decomposition and prevent odor issues. The composting process can take several months, so patience is key.

Chapter 4: Grinding and Shredding

Once your compost is fully decomposed and matured, it’s time to prepare it for further processing. Grinding and shredding the composted material into smaller particles is essential to ensure even distribution of nutrients in the final fertilizer blend. This step can be achieved using a grinder or shredder machine, depending on the scale of production.

Chapter 5: Mixing and Blending

Achieving a balanced nutrient profile in your organic fertilizer is vital for optimal plant growth. Mixing and blending various composted materials and additives can help achieve this balance. Consider adding supplementary ingredients like rock dust, bone meal, or fish meal to enhance the nutrient content. Use a mechanical mixer to ensure thorough blending of all components.

Chapter 6: Drying and Pelletizing

The next step is to reduce the moisture content of the mixed materials. Excess moisture can lead to clumping and deterioration of the fertilizer during storage. Drying can be accomplished using a rotary dryer or other suitable equipment. Once adequately dried, the material can be pelletized into uniform-sized granules for ease of application and efficient nutrient release. Pan Pellezizer Machine and rotary drum granulator are the best choice for you.

Chapter 7: Quality Control and Testing

Before packaging your organic fertilizer, it’s essential to conduct quality control tests. These tests include checking nutrient content, pH levels, and ensuring that the product is free from contaminants. Regular testing and quality assurance procedures are critical to producing a consistent and effective organic fertilizer.

Chapter 8: Packaging and Storage

Packaging your organic fertilizer in suitable containers is the final step in the production process. Ensure that the packaging materials are durable and can protect the product from moisture and pests. Proper labeling with nutrient content information and application instructions is also essential. Store the packaged fertilizer in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated area to maintain its quality.

Chapter 9: Application and Benefits

Now that you’ve successfully produced 2TPH of organic fertilizer, it’s time to reap the benefits. Organic fertilizer promotes soil health, reduces the risk of nutrient runoff, and enhances crop yields while minimizing the environmental impact. Follow recommended application rates and methods to maximize the positive effects on your crops and soil.


Producing 2TPH of organic fertilizer is a rewarding endeavor that contributes to sustainable agriculture and healthy ecosystems. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create high-quality organic fertilizer tailored to your specific agricultural needs. Remember that organic fertilizer production is a continuous process, and ongoing monitoring and adjustment are key to achieving consistent results. SX also can provide you with NPK fertilizer production project if you need.

Что нужно сделать, чтобы купить линию по производству органических удобрений?

Покупка линии для производства органического удобрения может быть сложным и дорогостоящим предприятием, так как оно включает в себя разнообразное оборудование и технологии. Вот несколько шагов, которые вы можете предпринять, чтобы начать процесс:

1. Разработайте бизнес-план: Определите, какого размера и масштаба будет ваше производство органического удобрения. Укажите необходимое оборудование, потребность в сырье, план производства и маркетинговую стратегию.

2. Исследуйте рынок: Проведите исследование рынка, чтобы определить спрос на органические удобрения в вашем регионе. Оцените конкуренцию и потенциальных клиентов.

3. Подготовьте местоположение и разрешения: Найдите подходящее местоположение для производства и убедитесь, что у вас есть все необходимые разрешения и лицензии для запуска бизнеса.

4. Выберите поставщиков оборудования: Исследуйте различных поставщиков оборудования для производства органического удобрения. Обратите внимание на качество оборудования, цены и условия поставки.

5. Подготовьте финансирование: Рассмотрите финансовые аспекты вашего бизнеса, включая расходы на оборудование, сырье, аренду, оплату рабочей силы и маркетинг. Ищите финансирование, если это необходимо.

Внедрение сырья и готовой продукции
Внедрение сырья и готовой продукции

6. Приобретите оборудование: После выбора поставщиков и получения финансирования приобретите необходимое оборудование для производства органического удобрения.

7. Начните производство: Установите оборудование и начните производство в соответствии с вашим бизнес-планом.

8. Маркетинг и продажи: Разработайте стратегию маркетинга и продаж, чтобы продвигать свои органические удобрения на рынке и привлекать клиентов.

Помните, что создание бизнеса по производству удобрений требует серьезных инвестиций и хорошего понимания процессов производства и рынка. Также убедитесь, что вы соблюдаете все местные и национальные законы и нормативы, касающиеся производства и продажи удобрений. Если вы хотите узнать больше о линии по производству гранулированных органических удобрений, посетите:

Каковы преимущества использования удобрений, изготовленных из свиного навоза?

Использование удобрений, изготовленных из свиного навоза, может иметь несколько преимуществ, включая:

1. Высокое содержание питательных веществ: Свиный навоз обогащен азотом, фосфором, калием и другими макро- и микроэлементами, необходимыми для роста растений. Эти элементы питания делают его эффективным удобрением для улучшения плодородия почвы.

2. Органическое происхождение: Свиной навоз является органическим материалом, что делает его безопасным для окружающей среды и позволяет улучшить структуру почвы, повысить ее влагоудерживающую способность и биологическую активность.

3. Повышение урожайности: Применение удобрений на основе свиного навоза может значительно повысить урожайность сельскохозяйственных культур, так как они обеспечивают растениями необходимые питательные элементы для оптимального роста.

4. Снижение затрат: Использование свиных навозов как удобрений может снизить затраты на приобретение химических удобрений, что может быть экономически выгодным для фермеров.

гранулы из свиного навоза
гранулы из свиного навоза

5. Уменьшение отходов: Переработка свиного навоза в удобрения позволяет снизить количество отходов и снизить негативное воздействие на окружающую среду, так как уменьшается необходимость в его вывозе и утилизации.

6. Улучшение структуры почвы: Органический материал свиного навоза способствует улучшению структуры почвы, делая ее более рыхлой и обеспечивая лучшую циркуляцию воздуха и воды.

Однако при использовании свиного навоза как удобрения следует учитывать некоторые аспекты, такие как обработка и хранение навоза, чтобы предотвратить распространение болезней и негативное воздействие на окружающую среду. Также важно следить за дозировкой, чтобы избежать избыточного внесения питательных веществ, что может быть вредным для почвы и окружающей среды. Чтобы узнать больше о свином навозе как удобрении, посетите:

How Many Types of Granulators for you Can Make Fertilizer?

Fertilizer plays a vital role in modern agriculture, ensuring that crops receive the essential nutrients they need for optimal growth. However, raw fertilizers are often in a form that is not easily absorbed by plants. To address this issue, fertilizer granulation processes are employed to convert raw materials into granules, making them easier to handle, transport, and apply to crops. There are various types of granulators available for fertilizer production, each with its own advantages and applications. In this article, we will explore how many types of granulators you can use to make fertilizer, highlighting the key characteristics of each.

  1. Rotary Drum Granulator

The drum pelletizer machine is one of the most commonly used granulation methods in fertilizer production. It consists of a large rotating drum that tumbles the raw materials, promoting agglomeration and granule formation. This type of granulator is suitable for a wide range of raw materials, including urea, ammonium sulfate, and phosphates. It produces spherical granules with consistent size and is known for its high production capacity.

rotary drum granulation machine
rotary drum granulation machine
  1. Disc Granulator

Disc granulators, also known as pan granulators, utilize a rotating disc to agglomerate and shape the raw materials into granules. These granulators are versatile and can handle various fertilizer formulations, including organic and inorganic materials. They are especially well-suited for producing round, uniform granules ideal for slow-release and controlled-release fertilizers.

dic pelletizer from SX
dic pelletizer from SX
  1. Double Roller Press Granulator

The double roller press granulator, as the name suggests, uses two counter-rotating rollers to compact and shape the fertilizer materials into granules. It is particularly effective for producing compound fertilizers, where multiple nutrients are combined into a single granule. This type of granulator is valued for its ability to control the size and hardness of the granules, making it suitable for customized fertilizer formulations.

double roller granualtor for granular fertilizer
double roller granualtor for granular fertilizer
  1. Flat Die Extrusion Granulator

Flat die extrusion granulators work by forcing the raw materials through a flat die with specially designed holes. This process results in cylindrical or strip-shaped granules. These granulators are often used for organic fertilizer production, as they can handle materials with high fiber content. They are also known for their low energy consumption and ease of operation.

flat die granulation from SX
flat die granulation from SX
  1. New Type Organic Fertilizer Granulator

New type organic fertilizer granulators are designed specifically for organic fertilizer production. They utilize a wet granulation process that involves mixing the organic materials with a binder solution to form granules. These granulators can produce high-quality organic fertilizer granules with improved nutrient content and enhanced soil benefits. They are also capable of handling a wide range of organic materials, including crop residues and animal manure.

new type stirring machine to make organic fertilizer
new type stirring machine to make organic fertilizer
  1. Stirring Tooth Granulator

Stirring tooth granulators are particularly suitable for the production of compound fertilizers with high nitrogen content. They feature a unique stirring tooth design that helps mix and granulate the materials effectively. These granulators can produce granules with a high nitrogen content, making them suitable for crops with high nitrogen requirements, such as corn and wheat.

rotary drum churning pelletizer production line
rotary drum churning pelletizer production line


Fertilizer granulation is a crucial step in the fertilizer production process, as it transforms raw materials into a more convenient and effective form for agricultural use. The choice of granulator depends on the specific requirements of the fertilizer formulation, the raw materials available, and the desired granule characteristics. Whether you opt for a rotary drum granulator, disc granulator, double roller press granulator, flat die extrusion granulator, new type organic fertilizer granulator, or stirring tooth granulator, each type has its unique advantages and applications. Understanding the different types of granulators and their capabilities is essential for optimizing fertilizer production and meeting the nutritional needs of crops worldwide.

Tips For Best Organic Fertilizer Making Machine Purchasing

Purchasing the best organic fertilizer making machine for your business is crucial to ensure efficient production of high-quality organic fertilizer. Here are some tips to consider when buying such a machine:

Identify Your Needs and Scale:

Determine the scale of production you need. Are you a small-scale or large-scale producer? Knowing your production capacity requirements will help you choose the right organic fertilizer machine size and capacity.

Research Machine Types:

Understand the different types of organic fertilizer making machines available, such as compost turners, granulators, mixers, and pelletizers. Each serves a specific purpose in the production process.

Equipment commonly used in organic fertilizer production
Equipment commonly used in organic fertilizer production

Quality and Durability:

Invest in a high-quality organic waste fertilizer making machine that is durable and built to last. Look for machines made from robust materials(such as carbon steel , stainless steel, etc) and components that can withstand the rigors of continuous use.

Ease of Use and Maintenance:

Consider machines that are user-friendly and easy to operate. Maintenance should also be straightforward, with accessible parts and clear instructions.

Efficiency and Productivity:

Look for machines that can process organic waste into fertilizer efficiently and have a high production output. Efficiency can significantly impact your operational costs.

Customization Options:

Determine if the machine can be customized to meet your specific needs and the type of organic fertilizer you plan to produce. Different organic materials may require different processing methods. Click here to learn more

Customized plan for large scale organic fertilizer production
Customized plan for large scale organic fertilizer production

Energy Efficiency:

Choose machines that are energy-efficient to minimize operational costs and reduce environmental impact.

Supplier Reputation:

Research and choose a reputable organic fertilizer equipment supplier or manufacturer known for producing reliable and high-quality organic fertilizer making machines. Read customer reviews and ask for references if necessary.

Warranty and Support:

Ensure that the machine comes with a warranty and that the manufacturer or supplier offers reliable after-sales support, including spare parts availability and technical assistance.

Safety Features:

Prioritize machines with safety features to protect operators from accidents. This includes emergency stop buttons, safety guards, and clear safety instructions.

Cost Considerations:

While cost of fertilizer production is an important factor, prioritize quality and suitability over the lowest price. A cheaper machine may require more maintenance and repairs, ultimately costing you more in the long run.

Local Regulations and Standards:

Make sure the machine complies with local regulations and safety standards for equipment used in your industry.

Testing and Trials:

If possible, request a machine trial or demonstration to assess its performance and suitability for your needs before making a purchase.

Long-Term Planning:

Consider your long-term business plans and whether the machine can accommodate potential future expansions or changes in production processes.

Environmental Impact:

If environmental sustainability is a concern, consider machines that have low emissions and use eco-friendly technologies.

Before finalizing your purchase, compare multiple options, obtain quotes, and thoroughly evaluate each machine’s features and capabilities. Don’t hesitate to consult with experts or seek advice from others in the organic fertilizer production industry to make an informed decision. On, there are helpful information for your reference.

La producción de fertilizantes orgánicos en gran escala

La producción de fertilizantes orgánicos en gran escala es un proceso vital en la industria de la agricultura, ya que facilita la producción de  alimentos ecológicos de alta calidad. Sin embargo, su implementación supone retos significativos, como el aseguramiento de un suministro estable de materias primas, la elección de un proveedor de equipos confiable, el embalaje y almacenamiento adecuado, y el manejo de los costos de construcción.

Primero, asegurar un suministro estable de materias primas es crucial para la producción de fertilizantes orgánicos a gran escala. Para ello, es esencial establecer relaciones sólidas y a largo plazo con proveedores confiables. También es recomendable diversificar las fuentes de suministro a través de múltiples canales para mitigar el riesgo de interrupción en el suministro.

En segundo lugar, la elección de los equipos apropiados es vital para la eficiencia de la producción. Para la producción de fertilizantes orgánicos a gran escala, se pueden considerar equipos como el separador de líquidos y sólidos, el volteador de compost, la máquina de trituración, el sistema de dosificación automática, el mezclador horizontal de doble eje, el granulador de tambor rotatorio, la máquina de secado y enfriamiento de tambor rotatorio, la máquina de cribado rotatoria, la máquina de recubrimiento rotativo, y la báscula de embalaje automática de doble cubo.

La producción a gran escala de fertilizantes orgánicos granulados
La producción a gran escala de fertilizantes orgánicos granulados

Al seleccionar estos equipos, se deben tener en cuenta factores como la capacidad de producción, la eficiencia energética, la automatización del proceso y la durabilidad de los equipos. Además, es importante que los equipos se adapten bien a las condiciones específicas de la producción, como el contenido de humedad de las materias primas y los requisitos de contenido de humedad para los fertilizantes orgánicos.

En tercer lugar, el embalaje y almacenamiento del producto final es un aspecto crucial en la línea de producción. Un adecuado embalaje facilita el transporte y almacenamiento de los fertilizantes, y también permite su venta a diferentes clientes de manera más específica.

Finalmente, la planificación de los costos de construcción es esencial para el éxito del proyecto. Según las estimaciones, la línea de producción de granulación de fertilizantes orgánicos a gran escala, con una capacidad de 10-20t/h, puede costar entre 360,000 y 550,000 dólares estadounidenses. Por lo tanto, es importante discutir y negociar en detalle con los proveedores y los profesionales relevantes para obtener una estimación precisa de los costos.

En conclusión, la implementación exitosa de una línea de producción de granulación de fertilizantes orgánicos a gran escala requiere una planificación cuidadosa, la elección de equipos adecuados y la gestión eficiente de los costos. Con la correcta implementación de estos aspectos, es posible producir fertilizantes orgánicos de alta calidad a gran escala, beneficiando a la industria agrícola y, en última instancia, a los consumidores de alimentos.

Почему для производства таблеток стоит выбрать роликовый гранулятор?

Выбор между различными методами для производства таблеток зависит от многих факторов, включая тип активного вещества, требования к качеству таблеток, производительность, бюджет и другие технические и экономические аспекты. Роликовый гранулятор – это один из методов гранулирования, который может быть предпочтительным для определенных случаев. Вот несколько причин, почему выбор роликового гранулятора может быть обоснованным:

1. Управляемость процесса: Роликовые грануляторы позволяют более точно контролировать процесс гранулирования и получать равномерные гранулы. Это особенно важно, если требуется соблюдение узких спецификаций к размеру, форме и плотности гранул.

2. Минимизация пыли и образования агломератов: Роликовые грануляторы обеспечивают более низкий уровень образования пыли и агломератов по сравнению с некоторыми другими методами гранулирования. Это может быть критичным, если работа с определенными веществами требует соблюдения стандартов безопасности и качества.

3. Сохранение свойств активного вещества: Роликовые грануляторы могут обрабатывать активные вещества, которые более чувствительны к теплу и механическому воздействию, сохраняя их свойства. Это важно для таблеток, содержащих легко разрушающиеся или термически нестабильные компоненты.

Частичный вид роликовового гранулятора
Частичный вид роликовового гранулятора

4. Эффективное смешивание и гранулирование: Роликовые грануляторы обеспечивают хорошее смешивание и равномерное распределение компонентов, что может быть важно для обеспечения однородности и стабильности качества таблеток.

5. Высокая производительность: Роликовые грануляторы могут обеспечивать высокую производительность, что позволяет эффективно масштабировать производство и сократить затраты на рабочую силу и время.

Однако следует помнить, что каждый метод гранулирования имеет свои преимущества и ограничения. Перед выбором роликового гранулятора (или любого другого метода) рекомендуется провести тщательное исследование, анализировать требования к производству и провести пробные тесты, чтобы убедиться в его подходящем соответствии вашим потребностям. Мы очень профессиональная компания, которая тщательно производит для вас высококачественное оборудование для грануляции. Более подробную информацию о роликовом грануляторе можно найти на сайте:

Tips for Poultry Manure Fertilizer Making

Poultry manure is a valuable organic resource that can be transformed into nutrient-rich fertilizer for improving soil fertility and promoting plant growth. The process of converting poultry manure into fertilizer requires careful attention and proper techniques to ensure its effectiveness and minimize environmental impacts. Here are some essential tips for poultry manure fertilizer making:

1. Proper Collection and Storage of Manure:

Effective poultry manure fertilizer production begins with proper collection and storage of the manure. It’s crucial to have well-designed poultry housing and waste management systems to prevent contamination and maintain the quality of the manure. Regular cleaning of the poultry facilities and proper segregation of manure from bedding materials contribute to a higher-quality end product.

2. Composting for Pathogen Reduction:

Composting is an essential step in poultry manure fertilizer production as it helps reduce pathogens, weed seeds, and odors. Combine the manure with carbon-rich materials like straw, leaves, or wood chips to create a balanced carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. Turn the compost regularly to ensure proper aeration and decomposition. The composting process generates heat that helps eliminate harmful microorganisms.

3. Monitoring Temperature and Moisture:

During composting, monitoring temperature and moisture levels is crucial. The ideal temperature range for composting poultry manure is between 130°F and 150°F (54°C to 65°C). Use a compost thermometer to track the temperature and adjust the moisture content to around 40-60%. Proper moisture and temperature control accelerate the breakdown of organic matter and facilitate the development of nutrient-rich compost.

4. Ensuring Nutrient Balance:

To create a balanced poultry manure fertilizer, it’s essential to consider the nutrient composition. Poultry manure is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, but its nutrient content can vary based on factors such as bird diet and manure age. Conduct regular soil tests to determine the nutrient needs of your crops and adjust the manure application rates accordingly to avoid overloading the soil with certain nutrients.

5. Compost Curing and Maturation:

After the active composting phase, allow the poultry manure compost to cure and mature. This process further stabilizes the compost and reduces the risk of nutrient loss when applied to the soil. Curing usually takes a few weeks to several months, depending on local climate conditions. Turn the compost periodically during this phase to promote even maturation.

6. Granulation for Easy Application:

Granulating the composted poultry manure can make it easier to handle and apply. Granulation involves forming the compost into small, uniform pellets or granules. This not only enhances the nutrient distribution but also improves the convenience of application using machinery such as spreaders. The granules release nutrients slowly, promoting consistent plant growth over time. For this, you can choose SX disc pelletizer and rotary drum pelletizer machine.

7. Testing Fertilizer Quality:

Before applying the poultry manure fertilizer to your crops, it’s advisable to test its quality. Analyze the nutrient content of the fertilizer to ensure it meets the specific requirements of your plants. You can send samples to a reputable agricultural laboratory for comprehensive nutrient analysis. Adjust the application rates based on the lab results to achieve optimal plant nutrition.

8. Application Techniques:

When applying poultry manure fertilizer, adopt appropriate techniques to minimize nutrient runoff and maximize uptake by plants. Incorporate the fertilizer into the soil during planting or use top-dressing methods for established crops. Avoid direct contact with plant foliage to prevent burning and nutrient imbalances. Click here to learn more

9. Environmental Considerations:

While poultry manure fertilizer can greatly enhance soil fertility, its application should be carried out with environmental responsibility. Avoid over-application to prevent nutrient leaching into water bodies, which can lead to water pollution. Adhere to local regulations and guidelines for proper manure management to protect ecosystems and water quality.

10. Continuous Learning and Improvement:

Poultry manure fertilizer production is a dynamic process that can benefit from ongoing learning and improvement. Stay updated with the latest research and best practices in organic farming and nutrient management. Experiment with different composting techniques, application rates, and crop rotations to optimize the use of poultry manure as a valuable resource for sustainable agriculture.

In conclusion, poultry manure fertilizer making is a multi-step process that involves careful handling, composting, nutrient balancing, and responsible application. By following these tips, farmers and gardeners can effectively harness the potential of poultry manure to enhance soil health, increase crop yields, and contribute to a more sustainable agricultural system. If you need poultry manure composting, you can visit

Tips For Cattle Manure Fertilizer Manufacturing

Manufacturing fertilizer from cattle manure involves several steps to ensure the production of high-quality, nutrient-rich fertilizer while minimizing environmental impacts. Here are some tips to consider for cattle manure fertilizer manufacturing:

1. Raw Material Collection and Preparation:

Collect fresh cattle manure and any additional organic materials required for the composting or fermentation process.

2. Nutrient Management:

According to local crop requirements, determine the nutrient content and composition of the cattle manure fertilizer. And develop suitable manure management systems for cattle. For example, consider mixing the manure with carbon-rich materials (such as straw, sawdust, or leaves) to achieve the optimal carbon-to-nitrogen ratio for composting.

3. Composting or Fermentation:

Composting or fermenting the cattle manure is crucial to break down organic matter, reduce pathogens, and enhance nutrient availability.
Turn the compost pile regularly to provide oxygen and ensure even decomposition. Monitor temperature and moisture levels.

4. Quality Control:

Regularly test the compost for temperature, moisture, and nutrient content to ensure proper decomposition and maturity.
Adjust the composting process if necessary to achieve optimal results.

5. Granulation or Pelletization:

If producing granulated cow dung fertilizer, consider using cow manure granulation equipment to form uniform fertilizer granules.
Ensure that the granules are of consistent size and composition. Click here to learn more

6. Drying and Cooling:

If required, dry the granulated fertilizer to reduce moisture content and prevent caking.
Allow the fertilizer to cool before packaging is a tip for faster cow manure fertilizer production..

7. Packaging and Storage:

Package the finished fertilizer in appropriate containers, such as bags or bulk storage.
Store the fertilizer in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated area to prevent deterioration.

8. Environmental Considerations:

Implement proper odor control measures to minimize nuisance odors.
Ensure that runoff and leachate from the manufacturing process are properly managed to prevent pollution.

9. Compliance with Regulations:

Familiarize yourself with local regulations regarding composting, fertilizer production, and waste management.
Ensure that your manufacturing process adheres to these regulations.

10. Worker Safety:

Provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers involved in the manufacturing process, especially during compost turning and equipment operation.

11. Record Keeping:

Maintain detailed records of the manufacturing process, including raw materials used, composting/fermentation parameters, testing results, and application rates.

12. Continuous Improvement:

Continuously monitor and evaluate your manufacturing process to identify areas for improvement and optimize efficiency and product quality.

By following these tips, you can effectively manufacture high-quality fertilizer from cattle manure, contributing to sustainable agriculture practices and soil enrichment. If you need cow manure fertilizer making, you can visit for more information.

How to Make Organic Fertilizer in New Type Organic Fertilizer Granulator?

Organic fertilizer is gaining popularity among gardeners and farmers due to its environmentally friendly nature and ability to enhance soil fertility. One effective method of producing organic fertilizer is by using a New Type Organic Fertilizer Granulator. This innovative equipment not only helps in converting organic materials into high-quality fertilizer granules but also ensures a sustainable and eco-conscious approach to farming. In this guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of making organic fertilizer using a New Type Organic Fertilizer Granulator, complete with detailed instructions and important tips.

new type granulator for making organic pellets
new type granulator for making organic pellets

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

Before you begin the process of making organic fertilizer, it’s crucial to gather all the necessary ingredients. Organic materials such as kitchen scraps, yard waste, livestock manure, and crop residues are excellent choices. These materials contain essential nutrients that, when processed, will enrich the soil and promote plant growth.

Step 2: Pre-Treatment of Organic Materials

To ensure that the organic materials are in the optimal condition for granulation, pre-treatment is necessary. This may involve shredding or crushing larger materials, such as branches or crop residues, into smaller pieces. Smaller particles are easier to granulate and result in more uniform fertilizer pellets.

Step 3: Mixing and Fermentation

Proper mixing and fermentation of organic materials are crucial for creating high-quality organic fertilizer. Mix the various materials in appropriate ratios to achieve a balanced nutrient content. This mixture should then be left to undergo a controlled fermentation process. Fermentation not only breaks down complex organic compounds but also helps eliminate harmful pathogens, ensuring the safety of the final fertilizer product.

Step 4: Drying the Fermented Mixture

After fermentation, the mixture may contain excess moisture. Drying the fermented material is essential to achieve the right consistency for granulation. Spread the fermented mixture in a thin layer and allow it to dry naturally under the sun. Alternatively, a mechanical dryer can be used to speed up the drying process.

Step 5: Granulation Process

The highlight of this guide is the use of the New Type Organic Fertilizer Granulator for creating fertilizer granules. This advanced equipment utilizes high-speed rotary mechanical stirring force, combining the dried organic materials with a binder. As the materials are mixed and stirred, they form into small granules.

Step 6: Curing the Granules

Once the granulation process is complete, the newly formed fertilizer granules need to be cured. Curing involves allowing the granules to rest and stabilize, ensuring that they maintain their shape and nutrient content. This step usually takes place in a controlled environment with proper ventilation to prevent moisture buildup.

Step 7: Screening and Packaging

After curing, the fertilizer granules should be screened to separate any oversized or undersized particles. The screened granules are then ready for packaging. Use environmentally friendly packaging materials to maintain the organic and sustainable theme of the fertilizer. Clearly label the packages with the nutrient content and usage instructions.

Step 8: Application of Organic Fertilizer

The final organic fertilizer product can now be applied to your garden or farm. Follow the recommended application rates based on the specific needs of your plants. Organic fertilizer improves soil structure, enhances nutrient retention, and promotes microbial activity, leading to healthier plants and increased yields.


Making organic fertilizer using a New Type Organic Fertilizer Granulator is a rewarding and eco-conscious way to enhance soil fertility and plant growth. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can produce high-quality organic fertilizer that nourishes your crops while minimizing environmental impact. Remember, organic fertilizers not only benefit your garden but also contribute to the overall health of our planet. If you want to make organic fertilizer in this machine, you can but a new type stirring granulator production line in your factory.

Как превратить свиной навоз в органическое удобрение?

Превращение свиного навоза в органическое удобрение включает в себя процесс компостирования, при котором органические материалы разлагаются под воздействием микроорганизмов, тепла и влаги. Вот шаги, которые можно предпринять:

1. Сбор и подготовка навоза: Соберите свиной навоз и убедитесь, что в нем нет посторонних материалов, таких как пластик или металл. Лучше всего использовать навоз, смешанный с соломой или другими подстилочными материалами.

2. Измельчение: Если навоз не в достаточно мелкой форме, его можно измельчить, чтобы ускорить процесс разложения.

3. Смешивание с другими материалами: Желательно смешивать свиной навоз с другими органическими материалами, такими как солома, опилки, листья, чтобы обеспечить хороший баланс углеродных и азотных соединений. Это поможет ускорить процесс компостирования.

4. Создание компостной кучи: Сформируйте кучу из смешанных материалов на специальной компостной площадке или в контейнере. Размер кучи должен быть достаточно большим для поддержания тепла и влаги внутри.

Линия по производству органических удобрений в гранулах свиного навоза мощностью 10 000 тонн
Линия по производству органических удобрений в гранулах свиного навоза мощностью 10 000 тонн

5. Повороты и перекладывание: Регулярно перекладывайте и переворачивайте компостную кучу. Это поможет обеспечить хорошую циркуляцию воздуха и распределение влаги. Также это поможет ускорить процесс разложения.

6. Слежение за влажностью: Убедитесь, что компост всегда остается достаточно влажным, но не слишком мокрым. Влага важна для активности микроорганизмов.

7. Время компостирования: Процесс компостирования может занять несколько месяцев до года, в зависимости от условий, размера кучи и других факторов.

8. Завершение компостирования: Когда материалы полностью разложатся и превратятся в темную, крошечную массу, компостирование завершено. Получившийся компост можно использовать как органическое удобрение для почвы, чтобы улучшить ее плодородность и структуру.

Помните, что правильное компостирование требует внимания к деталям и поддержания оптимальных условий. Важно также соблюдать гигиенические стандарты, особенно если вы планируете использовать получившийся компост на плодовых и овощных культурах. Чтобы узнать больше о том, как использовать свиной навоз в качестве удобрения, посетите:

Línea de Fermentación y Compostaje a Gran Escala: Optimizando la Transformación de Estiércol en Fertilizantes Orgánicos de Calidad

Cuando se trata de utilizar el estiércol animal como un recurso valioso para enriquecer el suelo, la fermentación y el compostaje son pasos esenciales. Sin embargo, el proceso de fermentación es crucial, ya que el estiércol crudo puede contener compuestos dañinos para el crecimiento de las plantas. Entonces, ¿cómo podemos acelerar y facilitar este proceso en una escala más grande? Aquí es donde entran en juego nuestras máquinas especializadas, diseñadas para transformar los residuos en fertilizantes orgánicos de alta calidad.

Selección de Equipos para Compostaje y Fermentación a Gran Escala

  1. Separador Sólido-Líquido para Controlar la Humedad: Los niveles de humedad en los excrementos animales sin procesar pueden ser muy elevados, lo que dificulta el proceso de fermentación. Aquí es donde el separador sólido-líquido juega un papel fundamental. Con capacidad de deshidratar hasta 30-40m³/h, esta máquina es ideal para escala grande. Elimina la humedad de manera eficiente, dejando el estiércol con un contenido de humedad óptimo del 30-50% antes del compostaje. Además, esta acción reduce el volumen y mejora la calidad del compost resultante.

    Separador Sólido-Líquido para Controlar la Humedad
    Separador Sólido-Líquido para Controlar la Humedad
  2. Cultivos Microbianos para Acelerar la Fermentación: Los cultivos microbianos son esenciales en el proceso de fermentación y descomposición de los materiales orgánicos. Al agregarlos después de la etapa de deshidratación, se acelera la descomposición y transformación de nutrientes en el compost. Estos cultivos, seleccionados por su capacidad de descomponer materia orgánica y convertirla en nutrientes asimilables, optimizan la calidad del fertilizante orgánico.
  3. Volteadora de Composta con Rueda para Eficiencia: La volteadora de ruedas es un elemento fundamental en el proceso de fermentación a gran escala. Con su amplio ancho de volteo de hasta 30 metros y profundidad de hasta 3 metros, es altamente eficiente. Su diseño de transmisión eficaz reduce el consumo de energía en un 70%, mientras que su alto grado de automatización aumenta la eficiencia al eliminar la intervención manual.

    Volteadora de Composta con Rueda para Eficiencia
    Volteadora de Composta con Rueda para Eficiencia
  4. Fermentación en Tanques para Espacios Limitados: Si el espacio es un desafío pero aún deseas llevar a cabo la fermentación a gran escala, los tanques de fermentación son tu respuesta. Con capacidades de hasta 150 metros cúbicos, estos tanques controlan el proceso de fermentación de manera automática, optimizando la calidad del fertilizante orgánico en un proceso rápido de solo 10 horas.
  5. Trituradora Vertical de Nuevo Tipo para Calidad del Fertilizante: Después de la fermentación, el fertilizante orgánico puede presentar problemas de aglomeración. Una trituradora adecuada es vital para garantizar la calidad. Nuestra trituradora vertical de nuevo tipo ofrece alta adaptabilidad, larga vida útil y facilidad en el reemplazo de piezas desgastables.

    Trituradora Vertical de Nuevo Tipo para Calidad del Fertilizante
    Trituradora Vertical de Nuevo Tipo para Calidad del Fertilizante

Los sistemas de fermentación y compostaje a gran escala implican la utilización de equipos especializados para maximizar la eficiencia y la calidad del producto final. Desde la deshidratación hasta la trituración, cada paso es crucial en la transformación del estiércol en fertilizantes orgánicos de alto valor. Adaptamos nuestras soluciones a las necesidades específicas de los clientes, proporcionando consultas y servicios profesionales para asegurar el éxito de tu proyecto.

How to Adopt Wet Granulation Process to Make Fertilizer?

Fertilizers play a pivotal role in enhancing agricultural productivity and ensuring food security. Among the various manufacturing processes, wet granulation stands out as an effective method to produce high-quality fertilizers with improved properties. This article delves into the intricacies of adopting the wet granulation process to manufacture fertilizers, outlining the steps, benefits, and considerations involved.

Introduction to Wet Granulation Process

Wet granulation is a widely employed technique in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and agricultural industries to convert fine powders into granules. In the context of fertilizer production, wet granulation involves the agglomeration of individual fertilizer components, such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), along with micronutrients and additives, into uniform granules. This process imparts several advantages to the final product, including improved flowability, reduced dustiness, and enhanced nutrient release characteristics.

Step-by-Step Guide to Wet Granulation for Fertilizer Production

  1. Material Selection: Begin by carefully selecting the raw materials for your fertilizer formulation. Consider factors such as nutrient content, solubility, and compatibility. It’s essential to strike the right balance to ensure optimal granulation and subsequent plant uptake.
  2. Mixing: Thoroughly mix the selected materials to create a homogenous blend. This step is critical to ensure uniform nutrient distribution throughout the final granules.
  3. Granulation Solution: Prepare a granulation solution by dissolving a binder, often a water-soluble polymer, in water. This solution will act as the adhesive that binds the powder particles together.
  4. Granulation Process: Introduce the granulation solution into the mixer containing the powdered fertilizer materials. Gradually add the solution while agitating the mixture. The binder will form bridges between particles, leading to granule formation. Hence, you can use rotary drum granulator equipment or disc pelletizer machine.
  5. Wet Screening: After granulation, the moist mass needs to be screened to obtain granules of the desired size range. Oversized or undersized granules can be recycled or adjusted during subsequent processing.
  6. Drying: The wet granules must undergo a drying process to reduce their moisture content to a suitable level, usually around 10%. This step is crucial to prevent caking during storage and transportation.
  7. Sizing and Sieving: Granules may undergo additional sizing and sieving to ensure uniformity in particle size, further improving their flowability and application properties.
  8. Coating (Optional): In some cases, a protective or controlled-release coating may be applied to the granules. This can enhance nutrient release patterns, increase shelf life, and minimize nutrient losses due to volatilization or leaching.
  9. Quality Control: Rigorous quality control measures should be implemented throughout the process to monitor granule size, nutrient content, and physical properties.
  10. Packaging: Once the granules meet the desired specifications, they can be packaged in appropriate containers for distribution and use.
Rotary Drum Pelletizer
Rotary Drum Pelletizer
disc pelletizer for organic fertilizer
disc pelletizer for organic fertilizer

Benefits and Considerations

The wet granulation process offers several benefits for fertilizer production:

  • Enhanced Nutrient Release: Granules produced through wet granulation tend to release nutrients in a controlled manner, optimizing their availability to plants.
  • Improved Handling and Application: Granules possess better flowability, reducing dust generation during handling and ensuring more uniform application in the field.
  • Customization: The process allows for flexibility in formulation and nutrient composition, catering to specific crop and soil requirements.
  • Environmental Considerations: Wet granulation can minimize nutrient losses, leading to a more environmentally sustainable fertilizer production process.

However, certain considerations should be taken into account:

  • Equipment and Infrastructure: Adopting wet granulation requires specialized equipment such as mixers, granulators, dryers, and sieves.
  • Binder Selection: The choice of binder and its compatibility with the fertilizer components is crucial for successful granulation.
  • Energy Consumption: Drying is an energy-intensive step in wet granulation, and optimizing energy usage is important.


The wet granulation process offers a valuable avenue for fertilizer manufacturers to produce high-quality, effective, and environmentally friendly products. By following the step-by-step guide and considering the benefits and challenges, fertilizer producers can adopt wet granulation to enhance their production processes and contribute to sustainable agriculture.

How To Choose Machine For Cattle Manure Compost

Choosing the right machine for cattle manure composting is crucial to ensure efficient and effective composting of the organic material. Here are the steps and considerations to help you select the appropriate composting machine for cattle manure:

  1. Determine Your Requirements:

Define the scale of your operation. Are you composting on a small, medium, or large scale?

Consider the amount of cattle manure you need to compost regularly.

Determine the available space for composting and equipment setup.

  1. Composting Method:

Different composting methods include windrow compost production, in-vessel composting and groove type composting. Choose a method that suits your space, available resources, and desired composting method to process cow manure.

  1. Key Considerations:

  • Aeration and Mixing: Effective aeration and mixing are important for proper decomposition. Choose a machine that provides sufficient agitation to ensure oxygen supply and uniform mixing of materials. SX compost machine for cow manure processing is an ideal choice.
  • Moisture Management: Look for a machine that helps maintain the right moisture levels within the compost pile. Proper moisture content is essential for microbial activity. So you can compost cow manure quickly.
  • Temperature Control: Some machines, particularly in-vessel systems, offer better temperature control, which can speed up the composting process and eliminate pathogens.
  • Size and Design: Ensure the machine fits within your available space and is designed for easy loading and unloading of materials.
  • Turner Type: If opting for a compost turner (common in windrow composting), consider options like a self-propelled, tractor-mounted, or wheel-type turner based on your specific needs.
  • Durability and Maintenance: Choose a machine that is built to withstand the demands of composting and requires minimal maintenance. Go here to learn more.
  1. Budget and Costs:

Evaluate your budget for cattle manure fermentation equipment purchase, installation, and ongoing operation.

  1. Environmental Considerations:

Consider the environmental impact of the chosen composting method and machine. Some methods may require more energy or resources.

  1. Training and Expertise:

Consider the level of expertise required to operate the machine. Ensure your team is trained to use the equipment effectively.

  1. Manufacturer Reputation:

Choose equipment from reputable manufacturers known for producing reliable composting machines.

  1. Space Requirements:

Some machines, like in-vessel systems, may require less space, while windrow systems need adequate outdoor area.

In-vessel compost machine
In-vessel compost machine
  1. Future Expansion:

Consider whether the chosen machine can accommodate future increases in your composting operation.

  1. Regulatory Compliance:

Ensure that the chosen equipment meets local regulations and standards for waste management and aerobic composting.

  1. Expert Consultation:

If needed, consult experts or professionals in the field of composting to guide your decision.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can choose the right composting machine for cattle manure that aligns with your production goals, resources, and environmental considerations. You can visit for reference.

В чем преимущества ворошитель компоста гусеничный?

Ворошитель на гусеничном ходу также называется ворошителем на гусеничном ходу.Он имеет раздвижную конструкцию.После работы он образует новую полосовую кучу, и нет необходимости тратить рабочую силу на организацию компостной кучи. По сравнению с самоходным ворошителем компоста он имеет большую мощность. Ворошилка на гусеничном ходу имеет разумную структуру, сбалансированное усилие, простоту в обращении и лучшую адаптируемость к месту. В то же время этот ворошитель оснащен кабиной, которая может изолировать тепло и запах, создаваемые компостом, и очень удобна для оператора.


1. Передовая технология: он имеет высокое накопление ферментированных материалов, большую мощность поворота и выброса, расстояние поворота составляет 0,8-1 м, а высота поворота составляет 0,6-1,8 м.

2. Сбалансированная мощность: используется поворотная муфта, используется плавный пуск, барабан поднимается и опускается за счет гидравлического давления, ферментация достаточна, а загрязнение небольшое.

3. Снижение затрат: он подходит для полосового компостирования, что может сэкономить инфраструктурные проекты, сэкономить место, сэкономить инвестиционные затраты и облегчить расширение.

Ворошитель компоста гусеничный в движении
Ворошитель компоста гусеничный в движении

4. Разумная структура: характерная конструкция гусеницы не только устраняет недостаток низкой производительности традиционного токарно-метательного станка, который использует только легкорельсовый транспорт, но также устраняет недостатки высокой стоимости обычных стоек и легкорельсового токарно-метательного станка, аксессуары для трансмиссии.

5. Удобное управление: низкое энергопотребление, простота управления, сокращение времени работы, короткий цикл ферментации и т. д.

Принцип работы: когда гусеничный токарь работает, двигатель запускается оператором в кабине, и следующие функциональные инструкции могут быть реализованы путем манипулирования группой гидравлических клапанов: управляйте штоком клапана «шагающего двигателя», чтобы заставить машину двигаться вперед, назад и поворачиваться влево и вправо: управлять «роликом». Шток клапана «Роллинг Джейн подъемный цилиндр» позволяет помещать барабан в кучу на нужной высоте от земли, и барабан можно поднять на определенную высоту, что удобно для быстрого перемещения машины и перемещения рабочего места, а шток клапана «цилиндр сцепления двигателя» используется для реализации вращения и остановки барабана; Управляйте штоком клапана «изменение скорости двигателя хода», чтобы реализовать Переключение состояния двойной передачи на высокой и низкой скорости машины.

Чтобы узнать больше, посетите:

How To Buy Suitable NPK Fertilizer Production Equipment

Choosing suitable equipment for NPK fertilizer production involves considering several factors to ensure efficiency, product quality, and cost-effectiveness. NPK fertilizer production typically involves blending or granulating nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) nutrients with other essential micronutrients and additives. Here are some key considerations when selecting equipment for NPK fertilizer production:

4 things you need to consider for NPK fertilizer equipment choosing

NPK fertilizer production line equipment
NPK fertilizer production line equipment

Production Capacity

Determine the desired production capacity based on the anticipated demand for NPK fertilizer. Choose equipment that can handle the required volume of raw materials and produce the desired quantity of finished NPK fertilizer within the desired timeframe. large capacity equipment for large scale NPK fertilizer manufacturing, small equipment for small scale NPK fertilizer making.

Raw Material Compatibility:

Consider the types of raw materials you will be using to produce NPK fertilizer, such as ammonium nitrate, urea, phosphoric acid, potassium chloride, and other micronutrients. Ensure that the chosen equipment is compatible with the specific materials to be used. Or you can buy NPK fertilizer machines with stainless steel material.

Automation and Control

Opt for equipment that offers automation and precise control features. Automation NPK fertilizer production system can improve production efficiency, reduce human errors, and ensure consistent product quality.

Cost and Return on Investment

Compare the cost of NPK equipment and the expected return on investment based on your production capacity and market demand. Choose equipment that balances cost-effectiveness with performance and quality.

Commonly machines used in NPK fertilizer production

Mixing or Blending Equipment

In the process of NPK fertilizer production, blending equipment is essential to ensure a homogeneous mixture of all the nutrients. Choose a high-quality mixer or blender that can evenly distribute the different components to achieve the desired NPK ratio in the final product.

Granulation or Pelletizing Equipment

If you plan to produce granular NPK fertilizer, select a suitable granulation or pelletizing machine. There are various options available, such as rotary drum granulators, pan granulators, and extrusion granulators. Each type of equipment has its advantages and is suitable for different production scales and raw material characteristics. Click here to larn more.

NPK fertilizer granulator for sale
NPK fertilizer granulator for sale

Drying Equipment

After granulation, the fertilizer may require drying to reduce moisture content and improve shelf life. Choose a drying system that can efficiently and evenly dry the granules while minimizing energy consumption.

Cooling Equipment

For granular NPK fertilizer, cooling equipment is essential to bring down the temperature of the hot granules after drying. This process helps prevent caking and ensures a stable final product.

Screening Equipment

A screening machine is crucial to separate oversized or undersized granules from the desired particle size range, ensuring a consistent and uniform product.

Packaging Equipment

Consider the type of packaging needed for the final NPK fertilizer product. Choose appropriate packaging equipment that can efficiently fill and seal bags, sacks, or other containers.

Before finalizing the equipment, it’s essential to consult with experts, manufacturers, or suppliers to get detailed information about the equipment specifications, maintenance requirements, and technical support. Additionally, ensure that the chosen equipment complies with safety and environmental regulations. Here, can help you a lot.

Каковы преимущества использования самоходного ворошителя компоста для вас?

Cамоходный компостер для компостирования представляет собой энергосберегающее и экологически чистое оборудование для компостирования биоорганических удобрений, также известное как самоходный компостный ворошитель. Им управляет один человек, и он подходит для мелкомасштабного компостирования. Использование самоходного компостера имеет много потенциальных преимуществ для вас.

1. Эффективность и автоматизация. Самоходный ворошитель компоста предназначен для автоматического перемешивания и переворачивания компостных куч. Они могут делать это с большой точностью и эффективностью, сокращая трудозатраты и время, необходимые для компостирования.

2. Улучшение качества компоста: регулярное перемешивание компостной кучи самоходным ворошителем способствует более равномерному распределению кислорода и влаги, что может способствовать более быстрому и равномерному разложению органического материала. В результате получается компост более высокого качества с более высоким содержанием питательных веществ.

3. Уменьшает запахи и вредные газы. Правильное смешивание и переворачивание компоста помогает уменьшить образование неприятных запахов и образование вредных газов, таких как метан, тем самым способствуя более экологически чистому процессу компостирования.

4. Снижает потребность в человеческом вмешательстве: использование самоходного ворошителя снижает потребность в ручном перемешивании компостных куч, что может быть физически сложной задачей, особенно при больших объемах компоста.

5. Повышение производительности. Автоматизированные процессы с использованием таких машин, как самоходные ворошители, могут перерабатывать больше материала за меньшее время, повышая производительность компостирования.

6. Экономические выгоды: несмотря на то, что инвестиции в самоходный ворошитель компоста могут быть высокими, в долгосрочной перспективе это может помочь снизить общие затраты на компостирование за счет снижения затрат на рабочую силу и повышения эффективности процесса.

Вид слева на самоходный компостер
Вид слева на самоходный компостер

В целом использование самоходного ворошителя компоста позволяет значительно улучшить процесс компостирования, сделав его более эффективным, экологичным и простым в эксплуатации. Конечно, существуют и другие методы компостирования, такие как емкости для ферментации органических удобрений, ворошитель компоста колесного типа и так далее. Если вы хотите узнать больше, вы можете посетить:

Volteadora de Composta Móvil: Optimizando el Compostaje Orgánico

El compostaje es un proceso esencial para producir abono orgánico de alta calidad, y la clave para un compostaje exitoso es el volteo adecuado. En este articulo, exploraremos la “Volteadora de Composta Móvil“. Aprenderemos por qué es necesario voltear, las ventajas que ofrece y los equipos complementarios para obtener un abono orgánico óptimo. También descubriremos cómo determinar si la fermentación ha sido exitosa.

Volteadora de composta móvil para compostaje
Volteadora de composta móvil para compostaje

¿Por qué voltear el compost?
El volteo juega un papel crítico en el proceso de compostaje y proporciona beneficios clave:

Mejora la aireación: La Volteadora de Composta Móvil mejora la circulación del aire en la pila de compostaje. El oxígeno es vital para los microorganismos aeróbicos que descomponen la materia orgánica. Al voltear el compost, se permite la entrada de aire fresco, estimulando la actividad microbiana y una descomposición más eficiente.

Distribución uniforme del calor: Durante la fermentación, se genera calor. El volteo regular evita la acumulación de calor en ciertas áreas y el enfriamiento en otras, asegurando una temperatura óptima para la descomposición y acelerando el proceso.

Control de la humedad: La Volteadora de Composta Móvil permite controlar y ajustar la humedad del compost. Un equilibrio adecuado de humedad es esencial para la descomposición y previene problemas como la putrefacción o malos olores.

frente de volteadora de composta móvil
frente de volteadora de composta móvil

Ventajas de la Volteadora de Composta Móvil:
Esta máquina ofrece diversas ventajas que mejoran significativamente el proceso de compostaje:

Alta capacidad de procesamiento: Con un ancho de volteo de 2,2 metros y una altura de volteo de 0,6 a 0,8 metros, la máquina puede procesar aproximadamente 300-400 m³ de compost por hora, mejorando la productividad y eficiencia.

Diseño único y versátil: Equipada con cuatro ruedas, la máquina es fácil de maniobrar por una sola persona. Los dientes mezcladores bajo el cuerpo de la máquina voltean y mezclan los materiales de manera efectiva, asegurando una fermentación homogénea. Además, su capacidad para trabajar tanto en interiores como en exteriores la hace versátil.

Equipos complementarios para el proceso de compostaje:
Para optimizar el proceso de compostaje con la Volteadora de Composta Móvil, se requieren equipos adicionales:

Máquina deshidratadora de tornillo: Previo al volteo, es necesario deshidratar el estiércol. Esta máquina separa el líquido del estiércol, reduciendo significativamente su contenido de humedad y preparándolo para la fermentación en pilas.

Máquina trituradora y máquina de envasado: Una vez que la fermentación ha concluido, el abono orgánico puede ser triturado y vendido en forma de polvo. Estos equipos adicionales maximizan el valor del producto final.

Volteadora de composta móvil esta cargando
Volteadora de composta móvil esta cargando

¿Cómo determinar si la fermentación está completa?
Para evaluar la fermentación exitosa, considere los siguientes factores:

Temperatura durante la fermentación: El compost que ha estado fermentando durante dos o tres días debería alcanzar una temperatura de 40 grados Celsius o más, y posiblemente más de 60 grados Celsius en el quinto día, indicando una fermentación satisfactoria.

Duración de la temperatura alta: Si la temperatura se mantiene alta por un período prolongado, la fermentación ha sido profunda y completa.

Olor característico: Un abono orgánico completamente fermentado tiene un aroma agradable, como limón o ácido láctico.

Presencia de micelio: La aparición de sustancias blancas en forma de hilo en la superficie de los materiales indica una fermentación exitosa.

La Volteadora de Composta Móvil es una herramienta esencial en el proceso de compostaje, mejorando la calidad del abono orgánico mediante una aireación adecuada, distribución uniforme del calor y control de la humedad. Con equipos complementarios, se optimiza aún más el proceso. Determinar si la fermentación ha sido exitosa es esencial para obtener un compost de alta calidad. Al invertir en equipos de calidad y seguir pautas adecuadas, podemos producir un abono orgánico beneficioso para el crecimiento de los cultivos y amigable con el medio ambiente.

Equipo de granulación de abono orgánico de estiércol de cerdo

El uso de abonos orgánicos en la agricultura tiene múltiples beneficios para el suelo y las plantas, y el estiércol de cerdo es una excelente opción como fertilizante. Para producir abono orgánico a partir de estiércol de cerdo, se requiere un proceso de fermentación aeróbica que convierta los materiales orgánicos en humus estable. A continuación, te explicaremos cómo realizar este proceso y qué equipos necesitas seleccionar.

Deshidratación del estiércol: Antes de la fermentación, es necesario reducir el contenido de humedad del estiércol de cerdo. Nuestro equipo separador sólido-líquido de pantalla puede deshidratar el estiércol eficientemente, cumpliendo con los requisitos de humedad adecuada para el compostaje. Su capacidad de procesamiento alcanza hasta 30-40 toneladas por hora, lo que asegura el manejo de grandes volúmenes de estiércol.

equipo separador sólido-líquido de pantalla
equipo separador sólido-líquido de pantalla

Fermentación aeróbica: La remoción periódica y el volteo regular de los materiales durante la fermentación son fundamentales. Al voltear los materiales, se mejora la ventilación y se incrementa el suministro de oxígeno, lo cual estimula el crecimiento y la actividad de los microorganismos beneficiosos. Para esta tarea, recomendamos el uso de una volteadora de cadena. Este equipo facilita el volteo en profundidad de los residuos orgánicos sólidos, mejorando así la calidad y estabilidad del fertilizante orgánico.

Trituración de materias primas: Antes de la granulación, es necesario triturar los materiales para obtener un tamaño adecuado. Nuestra trituradora vertical es perfecta para esta tarea, ya que tiene una alta eficiencia de trituración y puede manejar materiales con alta humedad sin obstrucciones.

trituradora vertical para estiercol de cerdo
trituradora vertical para estiercol de cerdo

Granulación: Para producir abonos orgánicos comerciales en forma de gránulos, se utiliza la técnica de granulación. La máquina de disco de granulación es ideal para este proceso, ya que permite la formación rápida de partículas de fertilizante a través de la fuerza centrífuga y la gravedad. Ajustando el ángulo del disco y la humedad de los materiales, podrás obtener gránulos con un diámetro de 1-8 mm.

granulacion de disco para estiercol de cerdo
granulacion de disco para estiercol de cerdo

Secado, enfriamiento y tamizado: Posteriormente a la granulación, es necesario secar y enfriar los gránulos. Nuestras máquinas de tambor rotatorio son ideales para estas tareas, ya que tienen una gran capacidad de secado y enfriamiento, consumo de energía reducido y fácil operación. Además, puedes utilizar nuestro tamizador para obtener gránulos uniformes y consistentes.

Secadora de Tambor Rotativo y Enfriador de Tambor Rotativo
Secadora de Tambor Rotativo y Enfriador de Tambor Rotativo

Empaquetado automático: Por último, utilizando nuestra máquina de empaque automática, podrás empacar los gránulos de forma rápida y eficiente, listos para su venta o transporte.

En resumen, contar con una línea de producción de abonos orgánicos de estiércol de cerdo te permitirá producir fertilizantes de alta calidad de manera eficiente. Desde la deshidratación inicial hasta el empaquetado final, los equipos especializados te ayudarán a optimizar el proceso y obtener productos consistentes. Si deseas más información o asistencia en la configuración de tu línea de producción de abonos orgánicos de estiércol de cerdo, no dudes en contactarnos. ¡Estaremos encantados de ayudarte!

how to compost pig manure

Composting pig manure is an effective way to transform a waste product into a valuable resource. Pig manure is high in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, making it an excellent source of nutrients for plants. However, it can also be a source of pollution if not managed properly. In this article, we will discuss the steps for composting pig manure to create a nutrient-rich soil amendment for your garden.

Aniaml Manure for Organic Fertilizer Production
Aniaml Manure for Organic Fertilizer Production

Step 1: Collecting Pig Manure

The first step in composting pig manure is to collect it. Pig manure can be collected using a shovel or a manure scraper. It is important to collect only the manure and not the bedding material, as the bedding material will slow down the composting process. Pig manure can be collected in a pile or a bin. If collecting in a pile, it is recommended to turn the pile regularly to ensure proper aeration and decomposition.

Step 2: Preparing the Composting Site

The composting site should be located in a well-drained area and away from water sources, such as streams or ponds. The site should be sunny, as the heat from the sun will help to accelerate the composting process. The composting site should be level and have good air circulation. The site should be prepared by removing any grass or vegetation, and a layer of gravel or wood chips should be added to the bottom to aid in drainage.

Step 3: Building the Compost Pile

The compost pile should be built in layers, starting with a layer of dry, carbon-rich material such as straw or leaves. This layer should be about 6 inches thick. Next, add a layer of pig manure, about 2 to 3 inches thick. Repeat this layering process until the pile is about 3 to 4 feet tall. The top of the pile should be covered with a layer of straw or leaves to help retain moisture.

Step 4: Maintaining the Compost Pile

The compost pile should be kept moist but not wet. If the pile is too wet, it may become anaerobic, which will slow down the composting process and create an unpleasant odor. The pile should be turned regularly to ensure proper aeration and decomposition. The pile should be turned every 3 to 5 days, or when the internal temperature of the pile drops below 100°F. The internal temperature of the pile can be measured using a compost thermometer.

Step 5: Harvesting the Compost

The compost pile will be ready to harvest when it has decomposed into a dark, crumbly, soil-like material. This process can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months, depending on the size of the pile and the environmental conditions. To harvest the compost, the pile should be turned onto a tarp or into a wheelbarrow. Any large pieces of material should be removed, and the compost should be screened to remove any remaining debris.

Windrow Compost Turner
Windrow Compost Turner

In conclusion, composting pig manure is an effective way to transform a waste product into a valuable resource. By following these simple steps, you can create a nutrient-rich soil amendment for your garden while reducing waste and preventing pollution. Remember to always wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after handling pig manure. Happy composting!

Of course, you can check this page for more details about the design and structure of the pig manure machine!

How to Compost Pig Manure

How to Choose a Suitable NPK Fertilizer Production Line?

NPK fertilizer, which contains three essential elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, is widely used in agriculture to increase crop yields and improve soil fertility. Different nutrients have different effects.However, producing NPK fertilizer is not a simple task, and it requires a reliable and efficient production line to ensure the quality of the final product. In this passage, we will discuss how to choose a suitable NPK fertilizer production line.

Consider Your Production Capacity

Before choosing an NPK fertilizer production line, you need to determine your production capacity. The production capacity of the production line should match your expected production volume. If you have a small farm, you may need a small production line, while a large farm requires a larger production line. It’s essential to choose a production line that can meet your production needs and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Evaluate Your Budget

Another crucial factor to consider is your budget. An NPK fertilizer production line is a significant investment, and you need to ensure that you have enough funds to cover the cost of the production line. However, you don’t want to overspend on a production line that is too large for your needs. Determine your budget and look for a production line that fits within your financial constraints.

Choose a Reliable Manufacturer——SX

When choosing an NPK fertilizer production line, you need to select a reliable manufacturer. A reputable manufacturer will provide you with high-quality equipment that meets your production needs. SX has a good reputation and a track record of producing quality equipment. You can check online reviews and ask for referrals from other making fertilizer people to find a reliable manufacturer.

Consider the Production Process

The production process is another critical factor to consider when choosing an NPK fertilizer production line. The production process should be efficient and environmentally friendly. Look for a production line that uses advanced technology to minimize waste and reduce energy consumption. A good production line should also have a high level of automation to increase production efficiency and reduce labor costs.

Select the Right Equipment

An NPK fertilizer production line consists of several pieces of equipment, including a batching system, a mixer, a granulator, a dryer, a cooler, a screening machine, and a manure packaging machine. You need to choose the right equipment based on your production needs and the characteristics of your raw materials. The equipment should be easy to operate, maintain, and repair.

Consider After-Sales Services

Finally, you need to consider the after-sales services provided by the manufacturer. A good manufacturer should provide you with technical support, equipment maintenance, and repair services. Look for a manufacturer that has a reliable customer service team that can respond to your needs promptly.

In conclusion, choosing a suitable NPK fertilizer production line requires careful consideration of several factors, including your production capacity, budget, manufacturer reputation, production process, equipment selection, and after-sales services. By following these guidelines, you can choose a production line that meets your needs and ensures the quality of your final product. For details you can visit

How to Turn Chicken Manure into Fertilizer?


Chicken manure is a fantastic source of fertilizer for gardens and agricultural fields. It is packed with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that plants need to grow healthy and strong. However, using raw chicken manure as fertilizer can be dangerous for your plants and your health. To make it safe and effective, it’s important to compost and age chicken manure properly. Using a fertilizer machine can make this process even easier and more efficient.

chicken manure disposal
chicken manure disposal

Four Steps From Chicken Poop to Fertilizer

Step 1: Collection

Collect fresh chicken manure from your chicken coop or chicken farm. It’s essential to collect the manure regularly to prevent it from accumulating and attracting pests.

Step 2: Composting

The next step is to compost the chicken manure. Composting is the process of breaking down organic matter into a nutrient-rich fertilizer. A chicken manure compost turner can help speed up this process by shredding the chicken manure and mixing it with other organic materials like leaves and grass clippings. This creates a more uniform mixture that will break down more quickly and evenly. The compost should be turned regularly to ensure that it breaks down evenly and doesn’t smell.

groove type chicken manure compost turner
groove type chicken manure compost turner

Step 3: Aging

After the compost has been created, it needs to age. This process allows the compost to mature and stabilize, making it safe to use as fertilizer. Again, a fertilizer machine can make this process more efficient by shredding and mixing the compost. Spread the compost out in a sunny area and let it sit for a few weeks. Turn the compost regularly to ensure that it ages evenly.

Step 4: Application

Once the chicken manure has been composted and aged, it’s time to use it as fertilizer. A fertilizer machine can help spread the compost evenly and quickly over your garden or agricultural field. Simply load the compost into the machine’s hopper and drive the machine over your garden or field. The device will distribute the compost evenly, ensuring your plants get the necessary nutrients.

Tips for Success Chicken Manure Fertilizer:

  • Always wear gloves and a mask when handling chicken manure to avoid contact with bacteria and dust.
  • Avoid using fresh chicken manure as fertilizer, as it can burn plants and spread harmful bacteria.
  • Store chicken manure compost in a dry and cool area to prevent it from becoming moldy or attracting pests.
  • Use chicken manure compost in moderation, as too much nitrogen can harm plants and pollute waterways.
  • Choose a fertilizer machine that is appropriate for your needs. Consider the size of your garden or field, the type of soil, and the amount of compost you need to apply.

In conclusion, using a fertilizer machine can help make turning chicken manure into fertilizer easier and more efficient. Composting and aging the chicken manure is essential to make it safe and effective as fertilizer. By following these tips and using a fertilizer machine, you can turn chicken manure into a valuable resource for your garden or agricultural field.

Choose Double Roller Granulator for Making Fertilizer Pellets

Double roller granulator is a popular choice for making fertilizer pellets due to its high efficiency, durability, and versatility. Click here to get more information. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose double roller granulator for making fertilizer pellets:

  1. High Efficiency:

Double roller granulator is designed to produce high-quality fertilizer pellets efficiently. It uses a unique pressing technology to compress the raw materials into granules, which results in a high yield and a low waste ratio.

  1. Durability:

Double roller granulator is made of high-quality materials that are resistant to wear and tear, which means that it can withstand the demands of continuous operation.

  1. Versatility:

Double roller granulator is capable of producing different types of fertilizer pellets, including organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, and compound fertilizer. This makes it a versatile option for farmers and fertilizer manufacturers.

  1. Low Maintenance:

Double roller granulator for fertilizer requires minimal maintenance, which reduces the overall cost of production. Its simple design and few moving parts mean that it is easy to operate and repair.

  1. Environmentally Friendly:

Double roller granulator is an environmentally friendly option for making fertilizer pellets. It reduces the amount of waste generated during the fertilizer manufacturing process and helps to conserve natural resources.

Overall, double roller granulator is an excellent choice for making fertilizer pellets due to its high efficiency, durability, versatility, low maintenance, and environmental friendliness.


A double roller granulator is a machine that uses a unique pressing technology to produce fertilizer pellets. Here are the steps involved in the process of making pellets using a double roller granulator:

  1. Raw Material Preparation:

The first step is to prepare the raw materials for granulation. The raw materials can be in the form of powder, granules or other forms. The raw materials need to be selected and mixed in appropriate proportion to ensure the quality of the pellets.

  1. Feeding:

The prepared raw materials are then fed into the feeding hopper of the double roller granulator.

  1. Granulating:

The feeding system pushes the raw materials into the compacting chamber of double roller granulator , where two rollers compress the raw materials into small, dense granules. The rollers are made of high-quality materials and are designed to exert a high pressure on the raw materials.

  1. Cutting:

As the rollers rotate, the granules are cut into the desired size by a knife that is fixed on the side of the compacting chamber.

  1. Screening:

The granules are then screened to remove any oversize or undersize particles, ensuring that only the desired size pellets are collected.

  1. Packaging:

The finished pellets are then packaged for storage or transportation.

The double roller granulator uses a dry granulation process, which means that no water or binder is added during the process. This makes it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option for producing high-quality fertilizer pellets.

How to use organic fertilizer fermentation tank to compost in your production line

Organic fertilizer fermentation tanks are useful tools for composting organic materials into nutrient-rich fertilizers. Here are the basic steps for using an organic fertilizer fermentation tank in your production line.


Choose your materials

The first step in using an organic fertilizer fermentation tank is to choose the materials you will compost. This can include kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials. It’s important to ensure that your materials are free of contaminants and that you have a good balance of carbon-rich and nitrogen-rich materials.


Load the tank

Once you have your materials, load them into the fermentation tank. It’s important to fill the tank to the recommended level, as overfilling can prevent proper airflow and hinder the composting process in your fertilizer production line.

Add a starter

To help jumpstart the composting process, add a starter to the tank. This can include composted material by windrow compost turner in SX, animal manure, or a commercial compost starter.


Monitor the temperature

Composting generates heat, and it’s important to monitor the temperature inside the fermentation tank to ensure that it stays within the ideal range. This can typically range between 120-160°F (49-71°C), depending on the materials being composted.


Mix the materials

Periodically mixing the manure materials in the fermentation tank can help promote even decomposition and prevent the formation of hotspots that can slow down the composting process.


Wait for the compost to mature

Depending on the materials being composted and other factors such as temperature and humidity, the compost can take anywhere from several weeks to several months to mature. Once the compost is fully decomposed and has a dark, crumbly texture, it’s ready to use. Click to read more.


Remove the compost

When the compost is ready, it can be removed from the fermentation tank and used as a nutrient-rich fertilizer for your plants.

Overall, using an organic fertilizer fermentation tank can be a highly effective way to turn organic materials into valuable fertilizer. By following these basic steps, you can optimize the composting process and produce high-quality compost for your production line. Therefore, you can visit for your reference.

How to Make Fertilizer Pellets by Disc Granulation Machine?

Disc granulation machine is an efficient equipment for making fertilizer pellets. Here are the steps to make fertilizer pellets by disc granulation machine, and you can click here to get more information:

  1. Prepare the raw materials:

Collect the required raw materials of granulator for fertilizer, such as nitrogen-rich materials like urea, ammonium nitrate, and poultry manure, phosphorus-rich materials like superphosphate, and potassium-rich materials like potassium chloride.

  1. Mix the raw materials:

Mix the raw materials in the right proportion to achieve the desired NPK ratio. The mixture should be homogeneous and without lumps.

  1. Add the binder:

Add a binder such as water or clay to the mixture to improve the pelletization process. The binder helps to hold the particles together and improves the strength of the pellets.

  1. Feed the mixture into the disc granulation machine:

The disc granulation machine has a rotating disc where the mixture is fed. The disc rotates and the mixture is evenly distributed on the disc.

  1. Spray the liquid:

Spray a liquid binder onto the mixture as the SX disc pelletizer for sale rotates. The liquid binds the particles together, forming small pellets.

  1. Adjust the disc inclination angle:

Adjust the inclination angle of the disc to control the size of the pellets. A higher inclination angle produces smaller pellets, while a lower inclination angle produces larger pellets.

  1. Collect and dry the pellets:

The pellets are discharged from the disc and collected. The pellets are then dried in a rotary dryer to remove excess moisture and improve their strength.

  1. Sieve the pellets:

Sieve the pellets to remove any oversized or undersized pellets. The final product is a uniform size of fertilizer pellets.

  1. Package and store:

Package the fertilizer pellets in bags and store them in a cool, dry place.


By following these steps, you can make fertilizer pellets efficiently by disc pelletizer for sale.
Besides, there are several benefits of using a disc granulator to make fertilizer pellets:
  1. Efficient and uniform pelletization:

Disc granulators have a rotating disc that uniformly distributes the raw materials, resulting in even-sized and shaped pellets. This makes the fertilizer more efficient and easier to apply, as the nutrients are evenly distributed in each pellet.

  1. Versatility:

Disc granulators can process a wide range of raw materials, including organic materials, inorganic materials, and waste products, making it a versatile tool for making different types of fertilizer.

  1. Low cost:

Disc granulators are relatively inexpensive compared to other types of granulators, making them a cost-effective option for small and medium-sized fertilizer manufacturers.

  1. Easy maintenance:

Disc granulators are simple to operate and maintain, and require minimal downtime for maintenance.


Overall, large scale disc granulators for sale offer a cost-effective and efficient way to make high-quality fertilizer pellets, with a range of benefits for both the manufacturer and the environment.

How To Setup a Organic Fertilizer Making Plant

Setting up an organic fertilizer making plant can be a complex process, but here are some general steps you can follow:

Conduct Market Research

Conduct research to understand the demand for organic fertilizers production in your region. Identify the different types of organic fertilizers that are in demand.

Develop a Business Plan

Create a organic fertilizer manufacturing business plan that outlines the scope of the project, the capital required by a organic fertilizer plant setup, the marketing plan, and the expected returns.

Organic fertilizer making business plan design
Organic fertilizer making business plan design

Identify a Suitable Location

Identify a location for the plant that is easily accessible to the raw materials required for your organic fertilizer making process. The location should also be near potential customers for the end product.

Obtain Permits and Licenses

Obtain the necessary permits and licenses required to start a organic fertilizer production project. This may include environmental permits, zoning permits, and business licenses.

Purchase Equipment

Purchase the equipment necessary for the manufacturing process. And SX fertilizer making machines are excellent choice. Whether you want to make granular organic fertilizer or powdery. It can provide you with mixers, grinders, pelletizers, dryers, and packaging machines. Click to learn more

Equipment commonly used in organic fertilizer production
Equipment commonly used in organic fertilizer production

Source Raw Materials

Source the raw materials required for the fertilizer making process. This may include organic waste materials such as animal manure waste, industrial waste, and agricultural waste.

Hire Employees

Hire employees with experience in fertilizer manufacturing and operations. Here, SX can provide you full automatic organic fertilizer making lines with fewer workers employment.

Test and Optimize the Manufacturing Process

Test the manufacturing process and optimize it for efficiency and quality.

Develop a Marketing Plan

Develop a marketing plan to promote the organic fertilizer and reach potential customers. This may include advertising, attending trade shows, and working with distributors.

Monitor and Improve

Monitor the manufacturing process, customer satisfaction, and market trends. Continuously improve the process and product to remain competitive in the market.

It is important to note that the process of setting up an organic fertilizer making plant may vary depending on the specific location and market conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to seek advice from experts and professionals in the industry. You can visit for reference.

How To Produce Bio Fertilizer

Bio fertilizer is essential for plant growth. The core of this fertilizer is the microorganism’s life activity. It allows the crop to get fertilizer effects. The biofertilizer comes with both organic fertilizer and microbial fertilizer effects. It has live organisms which are beneficial for soil and plants.


The best about biofertilizer is that it comes with complete nutrients for your crops. Now that you’re familiar with biofertilizers, let us proceed with how to produce biofertilizers.

Biological Fertilizer Fermentation Tank
Biological Fertilizer Fermentation Tank

Making A Biofertilizer


Biofertilizer is perfect for agricultural use. The primary raw materials include functional microorganisms and organic waste. In your biofertilizer plant project, you should remember that the process consists of several factors. These include fermented materials, adding live microorganisms, mixing all of the materials, biofertilizer screening, granulating, coating, etc.


There are several materials used in making a biofertilizer, which means that you may need machines. Some of these machines include fertilizer shredders, compost turning machines, granulators, mixers, coating machines, drum screening machines, etc.

Windrow Compost Turner
Windrow Compost Turner

Fermenting Biological Waste to Make A Biofertilizer


It is a fact that biological waste disposal is a concern. Thus, biological waste may be harmful to our lives and can pollute the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to dispose of them properly.


In manufacturing biofertilizers, animal manure fermentation is an essential step. Then, you can make biological waste a biofertilizer which can offer you economic benefits. You can use windrow type composting for treating bio waste. Pile them up into windrow type, and you can place the compost pile in a deep groove or on the ground. You can use the best machine to turn the compost pile. It can help to moisture and adjust the temperature and oxygen content.


Composting Biological Waste for Biofertilizer


You can compost in an organic fertilizer fermentation pot. You will place the biological waste in the fermentation pot for the fermentation process. It will not produce odor during the process.


You can also use a fermentation tank that automatically works. It can give the best moisture, temperature, and air content for the microorganism activities.


In producing a biofertilizer, you can choose from two types, including granular biofertilizer or powdered biofertilizer.


Production of Granular Biofertilizer


In producing a granular biofertilizer, you should add bacteria or function microorganisms. You can add functional microorganisms in or after granulation based on your needs. Since granulation is the main element in producing granular biofertilizer, you will need to use granulating equipment.

Our Compost Turner in Argentina
Our Compost Turner in Argentina

Production of Powdery Biofertilizer


If you want an easy and low production cost for a biofertilizer, you can prefer a powdery biofertilizer. In this process, you will add microorganisms to fermented materials based on a specific ratio for mixing.

You need a blending machine for mixing microorganisms and organic materials evenly. After the mixing process, dry and pack them.




In the production of bio fertilizer, you need to consider several factors like using machines, choosing the microorganism, water content and temperature control, etc. So you can successfully make your bio fertilizer! As a result, your crops can grow efficiently and avoid diseases.

Now, check our website for more about bio organic fertilizer production and get an affordable bio fertilizer production line!



Process of NPK Fertilizer Production

NPK Fertilizer Production is the process of creating three key nutrients required for healthy plant growth: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These ingredients are combined in a particular ratio to make a fertilizer that provides optimal sustenance for plant growth. Phosphates, potash, and urea are among the basic minerals utilized in the production of NPK fertilizers. The entire NPK fertilizer production line is highly automated and efficient, allowing farmers to produce their own fertilizer without any difficulties.

The production of NPK fertilizers is an important step in ensuring that crops reach their full potential, which is why it is crucial to comprehend the entire process. The following is a detailed description of the NPK fertilizer manufacturing process:

Mixing of Raw Materials

The first step in producing high-quality NPK fertilizer is mixing basic components. During the mixing process, a variety of vital components and minerals are combined to create a strong, nutrient-rich fertilizer. This material mix must be regularly monitored and altered to ensure the highest quality end product. The fundamental components are measured and combined in precise ratios to make a well-balanced fertilizer that supports robust, vigorous plant growth while enhancing soil health. When used properly, NPK fertilizer can increase crop yields, improve soil fertility, and provide a regular source of nutrients for your plants. Here, SX can provide you with quality npk fertilizer making machines to finish it easily and quickly.

Granulation of NPK Fertilizer

This complex procedure is necessary to guarantee that the fertilizer is of fantastic quality and can be utilized effectively. Many pieces of compound fertilizer granulation equipment and cutting-edge technologies are needed for the granulation process, such as a drum granulator, rotary granulator, disc pelletizer, or extruder. Each of these machines creates granules of various sizes, enhancing the flexibility for NPK fertilizers pellets manufacturing.

NPK fertilizer granules produced by drum pelletizer
NPK fertilizer granules produced by drum pelletizer

Drying of NPK Fertilizer

NPK fertilizer drying is a critical stage in manufacturing this key nutrient-rich fertilizer. This is the third stage of NPK fertilizer production, and it is critical to ensure that the fertilizer is of good quality and safe for use on plants and crops. The NPK fertilizer is rigorously dried during this process to reduce moisture content and guarantee it stays in good form for use. This is accomplished by passing the fertilizer through hot air, which removes all of the moisture.  Click here to know more about npk fertilizer processing

Cooling of NPK Fertilizer

The NPK fertilizer is placed in big rotary cooling machine that are outfitted with a slew of fans. The fans cool the NPK fertilizer as it tumbles in the drums. This cooling method guarantees that the NPK fertilizer retains its fine texture and content for longer periods of time. Cooling NPK fertilizers is an important phase in the manufacturing process and is critical for producing high-quality fertilizer that is useful for crops and gardens.

Packaging of NPK Fertilizer

The final step in the production of NPK fertilizer is packaging, which is just as critical as the previous steps. Packaging ensures that the fertilizer is free of contaminants and convenient to transport. The packaging must be strong and resilient enough to withstand the demands of transportation and storage. It must also be appealing in order to captivate potential consumers. Furthermore, the package must be capable of providing clear and accurate information about the product and its application. If you need more details of how to make npk fertilizer, you can visit


How To Produce Powdery Organic Fertilizer Effectively

A powdery organic fertilizer production line is a new type of fertilizer production line with high efficiency and high automation. The whole powder fertilizer production line is composed of a batching system, a crushing system, a screening system, and a packing system. The production line has the advantages of high efficiency, low energy consumption, and a good granulation effect.

Key components of a powdery prganic fertilizer production line

The organic fertilizer production line is a complete set of equipment for processing organic wastes into organic fertilizer. The main equipment includes a compost turner, crushing, screening machine, packaging machine, belt conveyor, and so on.

As the name suggests, the organic fertilizer production line is a line of equipment that produces organic fertilizer from organic waste. The production process is simple: organic waste is first composted, then crushed, dried, screened and finally packaged for sale.

There are many organic fertilizer production lines on the market, but not all of them are created equal. When choosing an organic fertilizer production line, it is important to consider the key components that will make the production process efficient and effective.

The production process of powdery organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer is made from natural materials and is a key component in sustainable agriculture. It can be used to improve soil health, supply nutrients(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc) to plants, and increase crop yields.

There are many different types of organic fertilizer, but they all generally fall into two categories: solid or liquid. Solid organic fertilizer is usually in the form of pellets or granules, while liquid organic fertilizer is typically a liquid solution or suspension.

The production process of powdery organic fertilizer generally involves mixing the desired ingredients together and then grinding them into a fine powder. This type of fertilizer is often used as a top dressing for crops or as a way to fortify compost before using it in the garden.

Quality control of powdery organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer is an important part of sustainable agriculture. It is essential for maintaining soil health and fertility, and it can provide many benefits for crops and plants. However, organic fertilizer can also be a source of pollution if it is not managed properly.

Powdery organic fertilizer can be a particularly difficult type of fertilizer to control. It can easily become airborne and be transported long distances by the wind. This can cause problems for both the environment and for human health.

There are a number of ways to control the quality of powdery organic fertilizer. Farmers and agricultural businesses should work closely with their suppliers to ensure that the fertilizer meets their needs and does not contain harmful levels of contaminants. They should also have a plan in place for storing and using the fertilizer to minimize the chances of it becoming a pollution problem. Click here for more details of powder organic fertilizer making.

Process of powdery organic fertilizer production line
Process of powdery organic fertilizer production line

The cost of setting up a powdery prganic fertilizer production line

A powdery organic fertilizer production line is not a cheap investment. The cost of setting up a powdery fertilizer production line will vary depending on the size and scale of the operation. But there are some basic costs that are associated with setting up a powdery organic fertilizer production line. These costs include the cost of raw materials, the cost of equipment, and the cost of labor. If you need the latest quote of powder organic fertilizer line, you can check

Double roller granulator for sale

You will need a good double roller granulator in order to ensure that you produce the right amount of compound fertilizer. The best double roller granulator for sale can actively help speed up the process and ensure that your business only gets the best results and work quality. There will be some trial and error that can arise, but if you manage it right the benefits can indeed be second to none. What really matters is how you are implementing these solutions, since a granulator like this can speed up the production process.

Roller Extrusion Granulation Production Line For Compound Fertilizer Production
Roller Extrusion Granulation Production Line For Compound Fertilizer Production

Why should you buy the double roller granulator for sale?

The double roller granulator doesn’t need a drying process, it also just has a few simple steps to follow. You also save time and money, there are also no gas emissions or waste water. It also has a very compact structure, it’s easy to maintain and the materials used here are really durable. So the double roller press granulator will indeed last for a very long time.

In addition, it can be used for a variety of industries, aside from just making fertilizer. Which is what makes the double roller granulator such a versatile tool, as it brings you all kinds of amazing features and it will surely convey a great return on investment if you manage this accordingly. But do not worry, ShunXin Fertilizer Plant Design Project can help you.

Double Roller Press Granulator in SX Fertilizer Production Plant Business Plan
Double Roller Press Granulator in SX Fertilizer Production Plant Business Plan

Is the double roller granulator expensive?

The advantage you get from buying a double roller granulator is that it can help speed up the production process. That means you will save money, which makes investing in the double roller granulator a very good idea. Of course, prices can vary, but overall you are indeed getting a tremendous experience and quality for what you are paying. We believe that a granulator like this is always worth the money, especially for a business like this.

So, if you have a fertilizer business you need a dry equipment double roller granulator. This is the type of product that speeds up the production process, it helps save time and money, and it really is very durable and dependable. Plus, being able to speed up the production process helps quite a lot, and it certainly adds the character and value that you need. Don’t hesitate and buy the double roller granulator for sale, it can help your business immensely, while offering a very good result and quality no matter the situation. Welcome to consult us!

The ways to dispose your manure

One of the things many farmers and people in the agricultural world know is that manure disposal can be quite tricky. You always need to ensure that you have access to the right solutions and systems to do something like this. But it can be a challenge more often than not, depending on the situation. Which is why we are here to help figure out the best manure disposal solutions.

Compost facilities

If you want the best manure disposal solution, that has to be a compost facility. These facilities are created specifically to process manure, so they need as much manure as possible. It’s a very good idea to take your manure to the compost facilities, as that’s where you will have the best possible results and quality. Yes, there will be obvious solutions to keep in mind, but overall the benefits that you can receive here are great.

Windrow Compost Turner for Manure Disposal  Working Site
Windrow Compost Turner for Manure Disposal Working Site


Landfills seem like the simplest option, but they are also quite a challenge to work with. The thing is, many of them will usually charge you extra in order to process manure. Plus, it’s not the most environmentally friendly way to tackle manure. That’s why compost facilities are usually the better option.

Farmers and area nurseries

Tree farms, area nurseries and crop farmers, but agricultural crop producers in general will need all kinds of manure for their processes. So it makes a lot of sense to try and assist them with high quality manure. Of course each situation comes with its fair share of features. But in the end, it’s the quality that matters and the experience as a whole is set to shine thanks to that.

Organic farmers

Organic farmers need manure in order to ensure that their products are organic. So yes, they use manure and they will need it very often. That’s why it can be a good manure disposal solution as well.

Moving Type Compost Turner in SX Manure Disposal Plant
Moving Type Compost Turner in SX Manure Disposal Plant


One thing is certain, manure disposal is going to have its fair share of challenges, and you will find it incredibly engaging and rewarding. At the end of the day, every method is good in its own right, and it all comes down to what manure disposal solution works for your own situation. We do recommend avoiding any rush just to be on the safe side, and in the end the outcome can be a really good one! Read more please click:

How To Choose Right Organic Compost Turner

How can you choose the best organic fertilizer compost turner is one of the things that a lot of people want to focus on. The reason is simple, a good organic fertilizer compost turning machine is one of those important machines your business needs, and it can actively make a huge difference. Here you have a few great tips to help you choose this properly.

Organic fertilizer compost turner functions

Upon selecting the organic fertilizer compost turner, you want to ensure that it features all the functions you need. The idea here is to have a mixing function to ensure everything is mixed adequately. You also want to see if it can adjust the temperature for raw material piles, something that’s really important to think about in a situation like this. Other features include things like adjusting the moisture and also boosting the permeability of the ingredient piles. You also want to realize the special requirement of the composting process too. Click here to know more 

What kind of organic fertilizer compost turner should you use?

There are various options to keep in mind, and they all come with a large variety of features. These include things like a hydraulic window turner, a groove type turner, a self propelled turner and so on. The idea here is to understand how each organic fertilizer compost turner works and which one is going to give you the better value and quality for the money.

Wheel type compost machine for large scale fertilizer fermentation
Wheel type compost machine for large scale fertilizer fermentation

That’s why it makes a lot of sense to think about it and ensure that it delivers the right experience. It will be worth the investment, so try to keep that in mind when you want to buy this type of product. We are firm believers that the best organic fertilizer compost turners are durable and reliable, so the investment is indeed worth it. Here, SX fertilizer compost turning equipment is an ideal choice

You do want to check warranty too, just to ensure you have some assistance in case anything goes wrong. On top of that, adding in any safety features is important and certainly a thing that people really want to think about as much as possible. That on its own can make it well worth it all the time,


Yes, selecting the best organic fertilizer compost turner can take a bit of a trial and error. Then again, it’s going to be worth it since it conveys an extraordinary experience and quality. Rest assured that if you pick the best organic fertilizer compost turner, it can be a valuable asset for your business! If you need it, you can check to buy suitable compost turner.

2 windrow compost turners for sale

Investing in the best windrow composting equipment is very important if you want to create a great fertilizer business. These window compost turners are crucial when it comes to delivering the best possible quality and value. On top of that, you are getting the ultimate experience when you buy the best equipment, since it helps create the best fertilizer and thus generate the utmost profits.

The Crawler Compost Turner of Windrow Compost Turner in SX
The Crawler Compost Turner of Windrow Compost Turner in SX

What type of compost turners should you buy?

When it comes to windrow composting equipment, the 2 windrow compost turners are the most efficient because they have a professional solution to help tackle composting solutions. You can manage a lot of compost at once and ensure that everything is turned to ensure fertilizer quality. That’s why these compost turners are the most reliable, because they are large, you can process a lot of product, and it gets the job done fast and easy.
With that being said, the quality that you can receive from this windrow composting equipment is unprecedented. That’s why we think this is a great product, because it always gets the job done and it will convey the experience and solutions that you need at the highest possible level. That on its own goes to show just how impressive and incredible it can really be in a situation like this.

The Crawler Compost Turner of Windrow Compost Turner
The Crawler Compost Turner of Windrow Compost Turner

Why should you buy windrow composting equipment from us?

We create some of the best 2 windrow compost turners for sale, and you can rely on Shunxin Fertilizer Making Machine Supplier to offer the efficiency and help that you need. We know that nothing is impossible when you work with a team that you can trust. That’s why we actively work on providing customers with great windrow composting equipment that they can always rely on. Once you start using our services, you will be amazed with the experience and the quality will be second to none.
At the same time, SX have a very stringent quality control system to ensure that all the windrow composting equipment is working as expected. That way you can always rely on our team to offer all the support and assistance that you may need. Rest assured that great compost turners will always be great to use, all you have to do is to work closely with our team and the experience will be incredible every time. Give us a try today and buy our windrow composting equipment for sale if you want great results. If you are interested, please contact us!

Tips of quality compound fertilizer production

What’s very important to keep in mind when you create any fertilizer is that it has to fit the requirements of those plants you want to grow. That’s why compound fertilizer production can be a great option, because it brings great benefits and tremendous value quite often. On top of that, the experience itself is great and it’s definitely a thing to take into consideration.

Dry granulator compound fertilizer production line
Dry granulator compound fertilizer production line

What are compound fertilizers?

These compound fertilizers have 2 or even more nutrients, and the focus is to bring in more nutrients to plants. The idea here is to ensure that you have all the compounds and nutrients a plant needs in order to grow and thrive properly. It’s imperative to do that and the benefits can indeed be second to none. Which is what makes it such an incredible option to say the least.

Ensure that you have the right amount of compound fertilizer based on the soil type

Clay soils need less fertilizer, while light soils will need more fertilizer. Knowing all the information can help quite a bit, and it will surely offer a vast array of benefits and an incredible quality. That’s certainly a thing to keep in mind here.


Monitor the compound fertilizer quality during production

The idea here is to ensure every detail is monitored to prevent any possible issues. Sometimes problems might arise during production, so having the right quality is crucial and it will make a difference. Which is exactly the thing to keep in mind. Let’s see how Shunxin does it.

See if the nutrients mix together well

One of the challenges when you create compound fertilizer is that you combine multiple nutrients. Sometimes these nutrients work well, other times less so. Which means a lot of experimentation is needed to ensure it all works as expected. It’s going to be well worth it, and certainly a thing to focus on when you prepare the fertilizer.

Rotry drum granulator compound fertilizer production line in Shunxin
Rotry drum granulator compound fertilizer production line in Shunxin

Aside from that, you also want to see if it’s possible to do a controlled release for the fertilizer. Depending on the nutrients, a controlled release might be necessary and certainly a thing to keep in mind. At the end of the day, creating compound fertilizer will require testing and experimentation, but it’s going to be worth it since you will have some amazing plants. More info please click:

Tips of Quality Compound Fertilizer Production

What’s very important to keep in mind when you create any fertilizer is that it has to fit the requirements of those plants you want to grow. That’s why compound fertilizer preparation can be a great option, because it brings great benefits and tremendous value quite often. On top of that, the experience itself is great and it’s definitely a thing to take into consideration.

What are compound fertilizers?

These compound fertilizers have 2 or even more nutrients, and the focus is to bring in more nutrients to plants. The idea here is to ensure that you have all the compounds and nutrients a plant needs in order to grow and thrive properly. It’s imperative to do that and the benefits can indeed be second to none. Which is what makes complex fertilizer manufacturing such an incredible option to say the least.

Ensure that you have the right amount of compound fertilizer based on the soil type

Clay soils need less fertilizer, while light soils will need more fertilizer. Knowing all the information can help quite a bit, and it will surely offer a vast array of benefits and an incredible quality. That’s certainly a thing to keep in mind during compound fertilizer production. Click here for more details of compound fertilizer making

Compound fertilizer production line for sale
Compound fertilizer production line for sale

Monitor the compound fertilizer quality during production

The idea here is to ensure every detail is monitored to prevent any possible issues. Sometimes problems might arise during production, so having the right quality is crucial and it will make a difference. Which is exactly the thing to keep in mind. In this case, SX complex fertilizer production system will help you a lot.

See if the nutrients mix together well

One of the challenges when you create compound fertilizer is that you combine multiple nutrients. Sometimes these nutrients work well, other times less so. Which means a lot of experimentation is needed to ensure it all works as expected. It’s going to be well worth it, and certainly a thing to focus on when you prepare the fertilizer.

Aside from that, you also want to see if it’s possible to do a controlled release for the fertilizer. Depending on the nutrients, a controlled release might be necessary and certainly a thing to keep in mind. At the end of the day, creating compound fertilizer will require testing and experimentation, but it’s going to be worth it since you will have some amazing plants. If you want to start compoun fertilizer manufacturing, can tell you more.

Best way to produce organic fertilizer

Finding the best way to produce organic fertilizer is very important and that’s one of the things you need to consider. Ideally, you want to buy organic fertilizer from a business that makes it. But that might not be possible all the time. So it makes sense to know how to produce organic fertilizer properly. Here are some ideas to keep in mind.

composted manure in SX orgarnic fertilizer production line by groove type compost turner
composted manure in SX orgarnic fertilizer production line by groove type compost turner

Sugar Mill Waste

What a lot of people don’t realize is that sugar scraps can be a great type of compost. The idea here is to acquire these and then make your own compost. It’s a good option because it helps slowly release nutrients, so you can have a properly composted garden. And that’s without having to rely on any other fertilizer. That’s certainly a thing to consider. If you want recycle your sugar litter, you can make sugar mill waste into organic fertilizer through the organic fertilizer production line.

Animal Manure

Another way to produce organic fertilizer is to acquire manure and compost it with groove type compost turner. Natural manure is very acidic and that might end up bringing more nutrients than needed. Why composted manure is better, it will help you protect your plants, while also boosting the water retention of your soil. It’s a nifty idea and it works incredibly well too, which is always a major plus. Click here to know more about animal manure disposal method.

Coffee grounds

Another best way to produce organic fertilizer is to use coffee grounds. Many people don’t know this, but coffee grounds are perfect as a garden fertilizer. Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen and a small amount of phosphorus and potassium, which are nutrients needed for plant growth. You do need to recycle them through producer line for fertilizer and add them to the soil. You can easily combine these grounds with water, or you sprinkle the grounds on soil without water. It works either way.

Tree leaves

Composting tree leaves is a very good idea because you get to protect your plants too. They are rich with minerals, and also retain moisture. They also make it easy for the heavier soils to become lighter. It’s a very good option and certainly a thing to keep in mind. It’s also possible to use these as mulch if you want. It can also be used as an auxiliary material for the production of organic fertilizers.

granules in SX machinery
granules in SX machinery


Finding the best way to produce organic fertilizer is always great, especially if you have a large farm. There’s no denying that good fertilizer should have an organic origin. That’s why we think it’s a very good option to consider start with SX organic waste composting machine, and you will appreciate the way it all comes together. We highly recommend avoiding any rush and using any of these ideas to create your own organic fertilizer. Maybe Shunxin Engineering Equipment can help you. It’s enjoyable, helpful and you will certainly appreciate the benefits and quality. Learn more about please click:

How To Compost Chicken Manure Fast

Using a Chicken Manure Composting System is the best way to compost chicken manure fast and with great results. The truth is that composting chicken manure is not as complicated and as challenging as you expect. However, it depends on the method you use. Traditional systems still work, but the Chicken Manure Composting System is a modern, more dependable solution, especially when it comes to a farm or commercial use in general.

Chicken manure compost machine
Chicken manure compost machine

Hot composting

The fastest way to compost chicken manure is via hot composting. The idea here is to heat up chicken manure up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit and then keep that temperature for 15 days. This speeds up the composting process, and also pathogens usually die at high temperatures. You can make a hot bed for growth during the winter, and it’s also possible to use water pipes via a hot composting pile so you can heat the water. Hot composting is great, but it’s still not the best option. For this SX,  can provide you with professional hot composting machine for chicken manure

Cold composting

Here you can use a cold composting bin or heap. The downside is that the process is slowed down, due to the cold temperature. You can end up composting like this for a year. The deep litter bed requires you to add new material at the top as the old material breaks down. It can work very well, but again, it takes time and it’s definitely not a fast method.

Chicken manure composting details
Chicken manure composting details

Use a Chicken Manure Composting System

The Chicken Manure Composting System is by far the most efficient because it’s all automated. The system has a manual and you can learn how to program and adapt everything from the start. Then once you know how it all works, you add materials to the Chicken Manure Composting System and set it up. You will know when everything is done, and usually this is the fastest way to compost chicken manure. All you have to do is to find the ideal composting system and use it right away. Click here to learn more about chicken manure system

We highly recommend using a chicken manure composting system because it’s efficient and it will help you save a lot of time. Yes, it does take some trial and error, but it’s also the best and most reliable. Automating the process is highly important, and this system has the potential to process lots of chicken manure, while also making the composting process pretty much hands-free. You have to try it, since it conveys great efficiency. If you need it, check professional equipment.

What Do You Need to Know to Buy an NPK Fertilizer Production Line?

Buying an NPK fertilizer production line can help you improve and optimize your production processes. It can also reduce your production costs to save you more money in the long term. However, you need to invest in the best NPK fertilizer production line.

Here are some of the things you need to know before you buy an NPK fertilizer production line:

Rorary Drum NPK Production Line for Sale
Rorary Drum NPK Production Line for Sale

1. Quality

You need to know the quality of the NPK fertilizer production line before you buy it. It is beneficial to buy a high-quality NPK fertilizer production line. It can last longer. And it is cheap to maintain. It can, therefore, serve your business for several years and reduce your production costs.

Do not buy poor-quality NPK fertilizer production lines. They are expensive to maintain, so they can increase your maintenance costs. They can, therefore, increase your production costs and cost you more money in the long term. Do not use them to produce NPK fertilizer.  Click here for high quality NPK fertilizer line.

2. Price

Nowadays, it is easy to find affordable NPK fertilizer production lines. This is because there are so many companies and manufacturers to choose from. Do not just choose the cheapest companies and manufacturers. Check their history before making your final decision. Make sure they have a good history.

If you are looking for affordable manufacturers, you might want to choose overseas manufacturers. Overseas manufacturers can access cheap labor and raw materials. So, they can produce top-notch NPK fertilizer production lines. Then, sell them at affordable prices.

NPK fertilizer production equipment
NPK fertilizer production equipment

3. Maintenance Cost

You have to know the maintenance cost of the NPK fertilizer production line before buying it. If you are spending too much money to maintain your NPK fertilizer production line, it can lower profits. In fact, you might lose more money in the long term.

Ask the seller to tell you the cost of maintaining their NPK fertilizer production lines. If you cannot afford to maintain them, do not purchase them. Proper maintenance can extend the life of your NPK fertilizer production line. So, make sure you can afford to maintain it.

4. The Manufacturer

You need to know the reputation, experience, and even the location of the manufacturer. Reputable and experienced manufacturers are the best. They usually have great customer service. They are reliable. They have affordable prices. And they provide a warranty.

However, some manufacturers are unreliable and have poor customer service. Do not select them. In fact, they might not honor their warranty. Choosing the right manufacturer can give you peace of mind. The manufacturer can even handle repairs and maintenance to save you more money.

Fertilizer equipment manufacturing in SX
Fertilizer equipment manufacturing in SX

5. The Warranty

All machines come with a warranty. The purpose of the warranty is to protect people from losing money to the wrong companies and manufacturers. That is why almost all companies and manufacturers provide warranties. Unfortunately, some do not honor their warranty.

You need to know if the manufacturer honors their warranty. Do not forget to read and understand their warranty before buying their NPK fertilizer production line. The warranty can save you money. You can even compare multiple warranties to find the company that suits your needs.

These are what you need to know before you buy your NPK fertilizer production line. Take your time and do proper research before you make your final decision.

More details please check

Machinery Needed To Produce Organic Fertilizer

If you’re planning to produce organic fertilizer, there are several different types of machines that you’ll need. Hence, you’ll need to find a reputable manufacturer to ensure that you’ve got the full range and access to parts if need be. Reputable manufactures will ensure that you’re able to produce organic fertilizer from just about any raw material. Read on as we dive into the equipment that you’ll need to produce organic fertilizer.

The first main piece of equipment is compost turner equipment. Compost turners can easily convert your raw materials into fermented fertilizer. If you didn’t already know, raw materials can’t be thrown onto farmland or even potted for a number of reasons. Some of these being that it contains a ton of parasites, fungi, nematodes, and even the eggs of worms which can all lead to a serious disease outbreak and pest problem.

200000 Ton Large Scale Compost Fertilizer Production Line from SEEC
200000 Ton Large Scale Compost Fertilizer Production Line from SEEC

Another main and crucial piece is the machinery for making the pellets of fertilizer. In order to store fertilizer in an efficient way, you’ll need a fertilizer pelletizer. While these two are essentially important, you’ll need to use other machines if you don’t have the manpower.

Hence, organic fertilizer making machine is important. These machines are known for producing top-notch fertilizers. As such, you’ll need a solid-liquid separator. These separators will ensure that the water is removed.

In addition to those mentioned before, you’ll also need a crusher to ensure that all the fertilizers are crushed, an organic granulator, a drying machine, a rotary cooling machine, a screening machine, and lastly, a packing scale. If you opt for the fertilizer making machine, all of this will be done in a very short space of time.

large capacity organic fertilizer granulating plan
large capacity organic fertilizer granulating plan

After you’ve gathered the necessary equipment, there are still a couple of things that you’ll need to do. The following is some extra preparation that is needed to ensure that you have quality organic fertilizer:
* Prepare raw materials – Before you can get organic fertilizer, your raw materials are a huge part of the process. Hence, you should think of looking into a source of stable materials. An animal farmer is your best bet when it comes to stabilized raw materials.
* Organic fertilizer equipment – As previously mentioned, you’ll need to ensure that you have the right setup for producing quality fertilizer. A reputable equipment manufacturer will ensure that you have everything needed to begin production.
* Produce a clear plan – Before you can get into the business, you’ll need a stable plan for production. In essence, this relates to workers, cost, the site, and detailed research of the market to ensure that you’re well on your way to success.

As we conclude, we have just looked at the machinery that you’ll need to produce organic fertilizer. When fertilizer is produced from an organic source, plants, and even the humans and animals eating them will be in better health. Organic fertilizers are a great way to nourish your plants. So if you’re looking for the best way to turn your fertilizer dream into reality, organic fertilizer is the way to go!

How About The Price Of Setting Up An Organic Fertilizer Making Factory?

When people want to have crops that are healthy and produce great results, they will most likely want to use organic fertilizer as part of their routine to take care of them properly. Since they have to make the fertilizer anyway, in many cases, they decide to go ahead and make a factory for organic fertilizer. It will allow them to make a lot and they can turn around and sell it also. It will prove to be a great enterprise that they will undertake.

How About The Price Of Setting Up An Organic Fertilizer Making Factory?

They will need to consider how much it will cost them when they are setting it up. Since it can be either costly or they can save money in so many ways. When they purchase the equipment for the factory, they can purchase it as a used piece that was treated gently. If they decide to do this, they will need to look at it closely to make sure that it works ok. When they decide that they want something like this, they will usually need to pay for it with a check or plain cash and the sale is usually final.

large capacity organic fertilizer granulating plan
large capacity organic fertilizer granulating plan

Consider Having The Help That They Need For The Organic Fertilizer Factory

Since having an organic fertilizer factory can be a lot of work, the person that is running it may need to hire someone to help them to take care of it. They may wish to use their friend, neighbor, coworker, or a hired hand and they will want to make sure that they pay them in a decent way.

Having The Right Equipment

They need to make sure they have the right equipment too. Making sure that they understand the latest techniques and technologies in order to make organic fertilizer in the easiest way possible. It will make a huge difference when they are using the latest in order to make sure that they will be able to meet their needs to reach the goals that they have set for themselves.

New Type Organic Fertilizer Production Line
New Type Organic Fertilizer Production Line

Knowing What All Needs Done

Making good plans for the factory is what also needs to be completed. They should sit down and write down all that they need to do. This will allow them to do what is necessary so that they can operate at full capacity. When they do this, there virtually is no end to how much organic fertilizer they can make. The more that they make, the better that they will be able to do.

Having an organic fertilizer factory will prove to be profitable for someone that studies what they need to do. Once they are sure that they understand what all is involved, they can begin to set it up so that they can sell it to other people that need it. For many people that do this, there is no limit to how much money they will be able to make. It will prove to be a lucrative industry to be in at any time.

Issues To Consider When Selecting A Manure Fertilizer Machine

If you’re going to be buying a manure fertilizer machine, you’ll wish to take a number of things under consideration. You’ll want an improved understand of what you’re buying and what you ought to be looking for. These are a few things you’ll want to be aware of.

Compost Turners to Make Manure Compost
Compost Turners to Make Manure Compost

There Are Many Available Choices

There are many kinds of fertilizer machines, and it’s smart for more information in regards to the choices you might have prior to making any sort of commitment. Have you been thinking about machinery that may convert manure into fertilizer pellets? Just how much fertilizer are you looking to produce within the typical day?

Solid Liquid Seperator to Make Dewatering Manure Wastes
Solid Liquid Seperator to Make Dewatering Manure Wastes

In the event you find out more about your alternatives, and if you think carefully about the thing you need from your equipment that you’re buying, you’ll be able to make a decision on machinery  to make fll use of the nutrient in the manure that will do exactly what exactly you need it to accomplish. There’s no reason to rush to produce a purchase. Instead, you should spend some time to explore different choices.

It’s Important To Find The Right Supplier

You’ll must find the proper fertilizer machine to get, and you’ll also need to make sure that you purchase that machine from the right spot. Try to find a supplier that may be dependable, and you ought to also look for a vendor that includes a large selection and fair prices. Here the author recommend you a manure fertilizer machine supplier, details about this supplier, go to

Complete Production Line to Make Granular Fertilizer from Manure Waste
Complete Production Line to Make Granular Fertilizer from Manure Waste

Should you haven’t bought machinery this way from the supplier before, you’ll might like to do some research before making a decision on where to purchase your equipment from. You shouldn’t hesitate to contact a supplier directly should you need additional information before purchasing your manure disposal machinery.

Find Out More About Manufacturers

Together with taking a close look at the supplier you’re will be utilizing, it might be helpful for additional information in regards to the manufacturers that produced the machine you wish to buy.

Animal manure granulator
Animal manure granulator

Certain manufacturers have got a track record of excellence, and if you buy machinery that they made, you’re probably going to be happy with your purchase. Other manufacturers are very likely to problems. In order to avoid these types of issues, it’s wise to seek out additional information ahead of time.

You Should Look Beyond Initial Costs

When you’re making an investment in equipment like this, it’s important to search for options that are affordable for you. However, you should know the upfront costs you’ll be paying aren’t really the only expenses that you’ll have to cover. It’s essential for you to pay attention to other expenses at the same time, such as utility costs and the price of maintenance.

Try to have a better feeling of just what it would cost to purchase a manure fertilizer machine. For those who have accurate specifics of what you’re will be paying, you’ll be able to spend your cash wisely and make up a smart purchase.

These are some of those things you’ll want to be aware of before getting a manure fertilizer machine. For those who have a definite picture of your own options, and also you make time to evaluate a number of your different choices, you’ll be capable of choose machinery that can work efficiently for you.

Finding The Optimum Organic Waste Fertilizer Machine Manufacturer

If you’re seeking to get a high-quality organic waste fertilizer machine, it’s wise to pay close attention to the maker that made that machine. Your primary goal must be to look for a dependable manufacturer that produces the sort of equipment you need. How can you get the best brands? Keep these tips in mind if you’re looking to determine who you should purchase from.

Do Your Research

One can learn quite a lot about the manufacturers that produce this type of equipment in the event you research these firms independently. Take time to identify a number of the manufacturers that supply sx machinery you’re enthusiastic about. From there, you’ll want to learn more about these brands.

Pan Granulation Fertilizer Production Line from SX
Pan Granulation Fertilizer Production Line from SX

You can get a great deal of information regarding a manufacturer by just visiting the company’s website. In case you are investigating a brand, one of the things you’ll desire to pay especially close focus on is how long the corporation continues to be operating. Ideally, you’ll want to use a firm which has been producing equipment like this for years or even more.

Speak To Your Colleagues

If you have colleagues which may have dedicated to equipment such as this recently, you’ll wish to consult with them to see once they can present you with any kind of advice. When they have had positive experiences by using a brand, they can suggest that you look more closely at this brand down the road.

Fertilizer Granules made by the granulation plant
Fertilizer Granules made by the granulation plant

Have an open conversation with colleagues as to what you would like. If anyone has valuable specifics of these brands, they’ll be capable of pass it along to you personally, which will enable you to make a knowledgeable purchasing decision in organic fertilizer production line selection.

Find Out If The Company Delivers A Guarantee

Some manufacturers offer some form of protection or guarantee on the products which they sell. If you’re capable of buy from a manufacturer that offers a warranty like that, (sx is the one you can rely on) you should take advantage of the opportunity.

Having addition protection can give you assurance. It’s a way to guarantee that you’re protected even though something goes wrong with the equipment that you’re buying. Learn more about the protection a manufacturer is willing to offer you prior to deciding if you’re comfortable buying from their website.

Glance At The Brands Carried By Trusted Vendors

You’ll want to make sure that the producer that produced the fertilizer machine you’re buying lives approximately your standards of quality. In addition to that, you’ll want to make sure you’re purchasing that machine from your vendor that you’ll be able to be determined by.

Check out trustworthy vendors having an excellent reputation. See what types of brands these vendors are carrying. If you notice how the top vendors are typical carrying a specific brand, that manufacturer is a that you’ll wish to take a closer inspection at.

Finding the optimum organic waste fertilizer machine manufacturer is definitely worth any additional effort. If you’re able to buy reliable machinery, you’ll have fewer problems later on. Be sure you have zero regrets concerning this purchase. More details on fertilizer machine selection, welcome go to

Tips For Setting Up An Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing Plant

Setting up an organic fertilizer manufacturing plant can be a long and difficult process. If you’re trying to get a plant up and running, and you’re feeling overwhelmed, you should keep these guidelines in mind. These are a few of the things you’ll want to do to keep your plant in great shape.

Aniaml Manure for Organic Fertilizer Production
Aniaml Manure for Organic Fertilizer Production

Invest In The Right Equipment

You should make sure you have all of the equipment that you need to keep your plant in good running order. It’s possible to buy the equipment you need piece by piece, but in many cases, you’ll find that the most effective way for you to handle things is to purchase a full production line.

If you do choose to buy your equipment bundled, you’ll want to look closely at all of the organic fertilizer machinery that is included as part of that bundle. You should make sure that the equipment you’re buying meets or exceeds your standards.

Be Aware Of Legal Requirements

You can’t just say that the fertilizer you’re producing is organic. There are actually strict legal guidelines that will need to be met. You should make sure that you’re familiar with any and all legal requirements that you need to follow. Start looking into these guidelines as soon as possible.

Industrial vermicomposting equipment
Industrial vermicomposting equipment

If these guidelines seem difficult to comply with, or if you’re going to be manufacturing fertilizer for your own personal use, you may want to consider making natural orgnaic fertilizer instead. “Natural” is not a legal term, and because of it, it doesn’t have the same kinds of guidelines that “organic” does.

Use Your Space Efficiently

You’ll have a limited amount of space for the machinery in your plant, which is why you’ll want to make sure you use the space that you have wisely. Before purchasing equipment, you should measure the space that your equipment will be housed in.

200000 Ton Large Scale Compost Fertilizer Production Line from SEEC
200000 Ton Large Scale Compost Fertilizer Production Line from SEEC

When you’re deciding what machinery to buy and where to place it, you’ll want to make sure that people are able to move around the equipment. If your equipment is packed together too tightly, it may be difficult for you to access your machinery when basic maintenance tasks need to be performed. That could cause major issues down the line. Detailed info on organic fertilizer production process, welcome to

Make Maintenance A Priority

Once everything has been set up, you’ll want to work to keep the equipment you’ve purchased in the best condition possible. To aid in this, you should make maintenance one of your main priorities. Ideally, all of the organic fertilizer production equipment that you’re purchasing should be cleaned and inspected regularly.

You may want to establish a maintenance schedule so that these important tasks aren’t neglected. Make sure that workers know what they need to do to keep this machinery in good working order.

Follow these tips if you want to have a better experience when setting up an organic fertilizer manufacturing plant. You should take steps to ensure that your plant runs efficiently and steps to avoid problems down the road. With this advice, you’ll be able to produce organic fertilizer and maintain a profitable plant.

Selection Of Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing Plans

When people have a lot of crops that they are growing, they need to make sure that they are taking care of them properly. Water and fertilizer will help to keep the plants healthy so that they can produce good fruits and vegetables.  When a person wants to make sure that they are doing the best that they can when it comes to fertilizing, they need to have the right plans to carry out so that they are able to get the most from it.

As they are proceeding to make plans for their fertilizing efforts, they should have several to choose from.  They may need to change their direction of the plan that they are undertaking at the moment due to unforeseen events like weather conditions and other things that can interrupt their original plan. When this happens, they just will use the other plan that they have developed.  Here are some ways that they can change their plans:

large capacity organic fertilizer granulating plan
large capacity organic fertilizer granulating plan
  1.  Equipment

Should their equipment become faulty while they are carrying out their plan of manufacturing the fertilizer, they may need to pick from another machine that will work for their particular situation.  Having a backup piece of equipment is a good idea for anyone that is making the fertilizer so that they are always as prepared as they can be.

  1.  Timing

When the weather changes and there is no time to do the fertilizing efforts, they will need to change their plan.  Making it work on another day will be what they will need to do.  They will want to have alternate choices so that they can still get in a full day’s work when the weather clears up.

New Type Organic Fertilizer Production Line
New Type Organic Fertilizer Production Line
  1.  Storage

Alternate places to store the fertilizer may be necessary.  They will want to have several places in mind so that when they need the extra room for storage, they will have it available for them. Making sure that they have the plans for this is essential and it will go smoothly when they have these other spaces intact(Fertilizer packing machine used for making your fertilizer much easier to store).

  1.  Help

When people are in the business, they will have a need for additional help to keep their company in the red and the work running smoothly.  They may need to have plans to bring in more people that can assist with the daily duties.  They will work hard and a replacement for them may be something that is needed.  When they are aware of this, they can make great strides in their goals that they have set.

Having other plans that can work is essential for a person that wants to have a fertilizer company in place.  They need to make sure that their plans are foolproof so that they will be able to move forward with their company and their goals.  Making the most out of what they have is necessary and they will be better off when they take the time to formulate plans that they can count on through anything.

Efficient Fertilizer Making Line for Sale:

Machines Needed For Producing Organic Fertilizer From Animal Manure.

Are you searching for information on machines required for turning animal manure into organic fertilizer? Do you have any experience in this industry? Are you aware of the major brands in this industry? In this article, we will cover all the information you need to know about the machines required for making organic fertilizer using animal manure.

Aniaml Manure for Organic Fertilizer Production
Aniaml Manure for Organic Fertilizer Production

Before we step into the nitty-gritty of the machines required for making organic manure fertilizer, here’s everything you need to know about how manure is made if you do it manually. One of the most important things you need to keep in mind is that the organic manure or animal manure needs to be fermented (How to compost manure, these machines can help you.) first before it can be processed to turn it into fertilizer. It is due to the reason that manure that has not been fermented might have some toxic metals including harmful bacteria that can cause a lot of harm to the soil and plants. You do not want that and your customers do not want that and if you do not ferment the manure, it could lead to big problems. Therefore, fermentation is the first step in the processing of animal manure.

Organic Fertilizer Machine for Manure Management
Organic Fertilizer Machine for Manure Management

When you are producing organic fertilizer in commercial quantities, you need machines for each step in the process. Therefore, for proper fermentation in huge quantities, you will need a fermentation machine. It will not only help in enhancing the production efficiency but will also increase the fertility of the organic fertilizer. For composting, there are a number of industrial capacity compost turners available in various designs. In certain cases, you might also need to reduce the moisture content in case the moisture content is too high in the organic manure you have sourced. For reducing the moisture content, a machine can be extremely useful. This step needs to be done before the process of composting can take place. This machine will help in reducing the moisture content before the manure is composted.

Indoor manure compost making equipment
Indoor manure compost making equipment

Once the manure has been properly composted and fermentation has taken place, it will need to be crushed into powdered form and for this step, you will need access to a crushing machine. Again, a number of machines are available in the market to help you with this process. It is important to invest in a high-capacity industrial strength crushing machine for making fertilizer powder. Another step in this process is the mixing of different kinds of fertilizer powder. All the fertilizer powders are not equal in strength and sometimes, different kinds of powders need to be mixed together in order to create a powerful organic fertilizer. For this purpose, different kinds of fertilizers are mixed before being sold and for this, you will need a mixing machine. Some of the other machines you will need for this process include granulation machine as well as a sieve for maintaining the quality of the product as well as a machine for accurate weighing and packing of the final product.

Rotary Drum Granulator for Fertilizer Pellet Production
Rotary Drum Granulator for Fertilizer Pellet Production

You are going to sell organic fertilizer in bags of various capacities and for packing, you will need access to a machine designed for weighing and packing. To conclude, these are the different steps involved in the production of organic manure fertilizer. There are a number of manufacturers in the market that provide machines for every single step in this process. Now that you are aware of the whole process, it is time for you to begin researching the reputation of various manufacturers supplying these machines to get the best value for your money when you buy these machines.

How Much Will Commercial Compost Equipment Cost?

If you’re going to be investing in commercial compost equipment, it’s likely that you have questions about cost. You’ll want to make sure that the machinery you do invest in delivers an excellent value for the price. These are a few factors you should keep in mind when looking at prices.

Commercial Compost Machine for sale
Commercial Compost Machine for sale

Cost Can Vary Based On The Vendor You Buy From.

Vendors don’t charge the same rates for the same types of equipment. If you compare options, you’ll find that some vendors charge lower rates for the same equipment. Because of this, it’s essential to look at different vendors so that you can find the ones offering the best deals.

While you should seek out vendors with excellent rates, you should also make sure that the vendor you’re buying from is reliable. Vendors should provide detailed information about the equipment that they carry so that you can determine if that equipment would be a good fit for your needs. Like ShunXin Machinery, they can customize the machine for meet your needs and provide the technology for free.

Quality Is Worth Paying More For.

The cheapest compost equipment on the market won’t necessarily be a smart investment. If you want to use this equipment on a long-term basis, you’ll be better off paying more for equipment that meets higher quality standards. It’s wise to look at the materials equipment is made from, and you’ll also want to look at the brand that manufactured that equipment. For example, there are two large-scale composting equipment for you to choose, one uses SKF brand bearings, but the other uses an unknown brand bearing. Which one would you choose?

You should be buying equipment that was made to last. It can be helpful to look for equipment that comes with some sort of warranty or guarantee. This means you’ll be covered if you have an issue with your equipment in the future.

Large Scale Commercial Compost Equipment for Turning Cow Manure
Large Scale Commercial Compost Equipment for Turning Cow Manure

Never Overlook Operating Costs.

It’s easy to focus on the upfront costs when purchasing equipment like this. However, a lot of strain will be placed on your compost equipment. It’s important to choose durable small-sized compost turner that won’t be expensive to operate, if your plant is not big.

When evaluating equipment, you’ll want to look at what it’s likely to cost you over time. What will it cost in utilities? What kind of maintenance will you need to provide? If you’re able to answer these kinds of questions, you’ll be able to avoid investing in equipment that will cost you a lot in the future.

Windrow Compost Turner Machine Working Process
Windrow Compost Turner Machine Working Process

Be Aware Of Other Additional Costs.

In addition to long-term costs, there are other factors that can influence the total cost of compost equipment. For example, if you’re purchasing equipment from an online retailer, it’s likely that you’ll have to cover shipping costs.

Calculate these costs and keep them in mind when you’re comparing prices. If you have the complete picture when it comes to costs, you’ll be able to make the most of the budget you have and find options that will genuinely be affordable for you.

How much commercial compost equipment will cost will vary based on the type of equipment you need and what you choose to buy. Make sure you’re accurately comparing costs when you explore your options. Keep this advice in mind so that you can identify some of the best options within your budget.

Rotary Drum Granulator For Compound Fertilizer Production

There is a molding machine that is referred to as a rotary drum granulator. It is typically made in the shape of the barrel. It will have a rubber lining inside, or perhaps one that is made of stainless steel that is acid resistant, and it is typically use for the granules production of fertilizer. When fertilizer is produced, there is a large amount of phosphoric acid or ammonia added to the drum. Steam is also part of the process. There will be other materials which will serve as the fertilization components. This will be calcium, phosphorus ammonia, and nitrogen which are needed by plants to grow effectively. The basis of the machine is to take all of these materials and consolidate them into either small sands like components or even pellets. These are then used by the farming industry, as well as people with gardens, to fertilize what they are growing. If you are interested in producing compound fertilizer using a rotary drum pelleting machine, this is what you need to know.

What Is A Compound Fertilizer?

A compound fertilizer is simply a fancy name for any type of fertilizer that uses two or more components or elements. An example of this would be combining nitrogen with calcium or combining phosphorus with nitrogen and potassium. These are the top three fertilizers that are used with both large and small agricultural businesses as it can help improve crops dramatically. When you make these, you are going to need a rotary drum granulator, and there are many different types to choose from.

Choosing The Right Rotary Drum Granulator

When you choose one, this is usually based upon a couple different factors. First of all, you need to consider the size. The size is representative of how much room you will need to have at your facility to produce the fertilizer. It is also representative of how much fertilizer you can produce with each batch. The other factors to consider is what type of fertilizer it is capable of manufacturing. In this case, you could easily combine two or three different elements together such as potassium, phosphorus, or nitrogen. The final result will be small particulates or pallets that can be spread evenly across the surface of a garden or farm, allowing for them to decompose via water and seep into the ground. The roots of the plants will then extract these minerals which can help them grow. One final thing to consider is the manufacturer as not all of them charge the same prices for that material.

How To Find The Best Manufacturer For These Rotary Drum Granulators?

The best manufacturers tend to be those that are well established. They have likely been producing this material for years. Professional and experienced equipment factory may have older models which will be adequate for your needs which will be priced at a much lower price point. The key is to find out how much fertilizer they can make. It needs to be at least as much as you need on a regular basis. Once you have assessed all of these, and received quotes back from these companies, you can then make a logical decision on which one will be best for you.

Using a rotary drum granulator is the first step toward avoiding the high cost of purchasing fertilizer from other companies. Businesses that produce fertilizer all use this same type of equipment. If you want to make a large investment that will pay for itself many times over, you should consider obtaining one this year. Once done, you will have the ability to create any type of compound fertilizer that you want at a very fast rate.

How To Choose The Organic Fertilizer Pellet Machine?

The organic fertilizer pellet machine produce high-quality pellets that you can sell and use to produce stronger crops. The machine takes a variety of manure and turns the manure into pellets that are easy to sell and also easy to make. If you are looking for this machine to buy for your business, read on and learn what to look for during the buying process.

The fertilizer pellet machine will produce a variety of pellets with ease. This machine can produce chicken manure pellets and other types of organic pellets. Many pellets are made with cow, sheep, or chicken manure. Adding powder to the raw materials is easy. The machine can even be hooked up to a fertilizer polishing machine so you end up with pellets that look even and finished.

This machine can produce tons of pellets with ease. The machine produces strong pellets that are suitable for commercial and home use. The machine uses a very efficient granulation method to produce the pellets. This technique is called semi-dry palletizing.

During this process the materials are flattened by the die and the special spindle moves the roller around in the machine. The rollers will roll out the material and it is forced into the template die where it is turned into the pellet. The pellets are cut into cylinders and dried.

When you are looking for a machine you have to make sure that you choose a machine that is large enough for your needs. The machine should also have the dies you are looking for. It is crucial that the machine has the right dies so you don’t run into any problems. The machine should also be in your price range.

If you are not sure about the machine you need you might want to speak with the manufacturer so you end up with the machine that is the best fit for your needs. This machine is used in a wide range of industries and it offers a high output which means you will get your needs met.

The fertilizer that the machine produces is high quality which means that you can produce a lot of pellets with it. You can make  your money back quickly with this machine which makes it a great investment in your business. There are multiple machines to choose from and you must choose the machine that is the best fit for your organic fertilizer making business.

Always have your budget in mind before you buy a pellet machine. It is important that you know how much you have to spend before you start looking for one of these machines. This machine can help you in a variety of ways and it is a great investment since you can make your money back quickly.

The organic pellet fertilizer machine will help you make tons of fertilizer in a short period of time. When you need to produce a lot of fertilizer fast, you can’t go wrong with this machine. The machine comes in multiple price ranges so you can find the right fit.

Choosing Fertilizer Machines At The Cheaper?

Fertilizer machines can be found at a more affordable. However, you need to think beyond merely the price. When they are low in price, this might indicate they are not completely functional or automated. Most businesses rely upon the automated aspects of equipment employed to process fertilizer. It allows them to create enough being sold on a weekly basis. Let’s have a look at ways to choose the best fertilizer machines for the business that may be obtained at a more affordable.

What Is A Fertilizer Machine?

These are typically machines that could convert organic waste into fertilizer. They could do so, sometimes within a several hours. They are made to be cost effective, simple to use, and might utilize a number of materials. The entire expense of these machines came down through the years. Area of the reason concerns the increase of their usage around the world. Some companies, especially developing companies, use these more than ever before. They are very useful in the agricultural industry.

The Way To Fertilizer Machines Work?

A fertilizer machine, often known as a composting machine, is created in various ways. In most cases, there is a large drum where organic waste is placed consistently. It can be subsequently transformed into compost that can be produced via microorganisms doing their job. Essentially, the organic waste will probably naturally break down. Inside the drum, this method could be sped up, particularly if the drum may be rotated. You just have to find a business that sells them and acquire one that is on fully automated to produce all the compost as you can.

Where Is It Possible To Find Fertilizer Machines Available For Sale?

These appliances is available online rapidly. You will find a plethora of different fertilizer equipment suppliers that sell them. They may have different sizes, each of which was created to produce just as much compost as you can. For small enterprises composting need, you could possibly only need one of several small to medium-sized units. However, larger scale composting could use multiple machines that can produce a lot of this material weekly. Simply look for fertilizer machines online and you will probably locate a lot of them. You are going to then have to get quotes on each, considering there production value, plus how soon they can make a delivery.

Should you do have to give a new fertilizer machine in your facility, you will find a number of different ones today. Try to find the one that is fully automated and it has received many positive reviews. If it has been utilized by all kinds of other individuals or companies, it is actually clearly and model that really works. Your objective is to find multiple quotes, compare their capabilities, and eventually purchased one that will assist you to produce as much compost as you can. After you have carried this out, you will probably find among the finest companies that causes them to be. This enables you to help make the maximum amount of compost as you would like to help in rich your company.

How to Choose a Reliable Manufacturer to help make Organic Fertilizer Pellets

Trying to find a reliable manufacturer to produce organic fertilizer pellets? You have come to the right place! It is hard to select the right manufacturer because there are so many manufacturers to pick from. Unfortunately, a number of these manufacturers are untrustworthy, unreliable, inexperienced, and also have poor customer support. Deciding on the best manufacturer provides you with satisfaction, helps you save money, and you will get high-quality organic fertilizer pellets

Organic fertilizer pellet polishing machine

Here is how to find a reliable manufacturer to produce organic fertilizer pellets.


Firstly, you must know the knowledge of such manufacturers. The ideal manufacturers are already making organic fertilizer pellets for several years. And they hire experienced employees. However, some manufacturers do not possess any experience. Choose experienced manufacturers as they are more reliable.


Secondly, examine the trustworthiness of the manufacturer. The reason being some manufacturers have a few years of experience, but they have a bad reputation. Reputable manufacturers are the most useful simply because they make excellent organic fertilizer pellets. A lot of people love reputable manufacturers mainly because they have good customer care. Here is a organic pellet machine manufacturer, who is a dedicate feilizer plant deisgner you can take a look, welcome  to


Exactly how much does the company charge to create organic fertilizer pellets? Comparing the cost of different manufacturers may help you choose an affordable manufacturer. You desire a manufacturer which fits your budget. So, make them inform you the exact amount they charge to help make organic fertilizer pellets. Then, go with a manufacturer which fits your financial allowance.

Check Around

Fourthly, asking around is probably the fastest methods for choosing a reliable manufacturer to produce organic fertilizer pellets. Talk to folks this industry. They might used different manufacturers. So, they may recommend manufacturers they have got enjoyed a good exposure to. It is possible to choose one of these simple manufacturers.

The Net

Moreover, you can use the net for the greatest manufacturers. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a manufacturer that is not going to use the web to market themselves. It is possible to check out the websites and testimonials of the manufacturers. Select a manufacturer with good online reviews. Do not decide on a manufacturer that lacks a web-based presence.

Visit Local Manufacturers

Additionally, if there are actually manufacturers in your area, you can check out them. You will see a little more about these manufacturers by looking at them. You can expect to speak with their employees. And you could negotiate the values. Ask them questions. If their employees will answer your questions without the hesitation, you can choose that manufacturer.

Tour the Facility

Last, although not least, to learn in case the manufacturer could make the organic fertilizer pellets, tour the facility. In case the manufacturer is not going to enable you to tour their facility, which is a red flag. Reliable manufacturers are transparent with their prospective customers. They gives you a tour with their facility. You will understand if they can handle your order.

You know how to purchase a reliable manufacturer to make organic fertilizer pellets. It will require time and a lot of effort to get the right manufacturer. Therefore, usually do not rush to select a manufacturer. Do proper research if you would like find the best manufacturers with a long period of experience. Choosing the right manufacturer will give you satisfaction.

Different Kinds Of Raw Materials Utilized For Making Organic Fertilizers

The globe is radically changing, and many people want to take care of the advancing technological developments in the agricultural industry. However, a number of these changes may be unhealthy for environmental surroundings ultimately causing a food crisis soon. It can be essential to use substances which can be friendly in your farms like organic fertilizers to preserve healthy soils for sufficient food production. Organic fertilizers needs to be less dense compared to their mineral counterpart to aid the arising of issues like soil erosion. Therefore, components that primarily help with production needs to be very gentle to the soil. Some of these materials are the following.

Groove type turner machine works for trench manure composting
Groove type turner machine works for trench manure composting

Animal Manure.

Manure from animals may be the waste which comes from farm animals like chicken, cows, pigs, as well as goats, dependant upon everything you keep. The feces are crucial because it helps in adding the basic organic matter and nutrients. These factors of fertilizers include nitrogen, which can be utilized by fungi, bacteria, as well as other vital organisms contained in the soil. After that incorporation, higher plants in the ground then feed on these substances in chain making up life usually from the name soil food web. Want to know how animal manure becomes fertilizer, go here.

Municipal Sludge.

Sludge can be a product of sewage treatment plants and comes around if you have complete removal of all waste and solid materials. This sewage may also be from wastewater also. After the removal of the non-essential elements, the sludge will then be taken for processing in sorts of digestion, denaturing, and later on for disposal. At this time, the main mode of destruction will be spilling in plentiful water, masses that happen to be an environmental degradation. Hence the sludge, which happens to be rich in organic matter and nutrients, becomes great for making organic fertilizers. Other essential elements are N, P, K, AND Zn, and others.

Industrial Waste.

Most manufacturing industries have waste which they eliminate in fact their productions. However, the disposing of this waste is actually a challenge plus quite costly. Mineral fertilizer productions have a considerable boost when it comes to nutrients if only there is certainly additional incorporation of industrial waste from the production. This kind of material is tremendously available, with the overwhelming varieties of industries in the world.

Household garbage.

The treatments for household waste had been evolving overtime rapidly. With all the many mushrooming households, you will find a guarantee that it raw material for organic fertilizers is not going to use up all your stock. The researcher can agree that this sort of waste has nutrients that assist the soil in retaining water, improving in the texture, and gives an over-all improvement in the nutrients level.

Agricultural Residue.

Crops residue from farms includes a significant effect on the soil hence the frequent use of it within the making of organic fertilizers. These residues include substances like maize stovers, among other crop wastes. They influence producing K, P, and N.These minerals aid in balancing the ph of the soil for better yields in the farms.

Although the majority of people with little knowledge may overlook these raw materials, they have a significant role from the overall food production. Since just about all the elements are waste, their utility in agriculture guarantees a reduction in environmental pollution, ultimately causing a much better world.

Tips For Processing Huge Quantities Of Cow Dung Wastes

Do you have a huge amount of cows inside your cow farm? Are you experiencing difficulity working with the huge quantity of cow dung waste produced daily? Do you need to understand how you need to process large volumes of cow dung wastes inside your cow farm? If the solution to these questions is yes, you might have come to the correct place.

Dewatering machine for cow dung processing

While cow dung has become traditionally employed in many parts around the globe as being an organic fertilizer for many years, hardly any people are aware of the huge nutrients and vitamins of the organic cow dung fertilizer. Also, preparing organic fertilizer from cow dung at small scale is pretty easy as it doesn’t require an excessive amount of manual effort but doing the work with a huge scale is a whole different task. Thankfully, you will find mechanical solutions on the market today that allow you to turn huge amount of cow dung waste into organic fertilizer through the procedure of composting.

Cow Dung Compost Machine

Fresh cow dung is filled with viruses and parasites, and it needs to be properly fermented to be used being an organic fertilizer. In order to convert it into organic fertilizer at the large, you will have to purchase machines that have been created specifically to process cow dung or another biomass material into compost. Here is what you ought to find out about making organic fertilizer with cow dung waste.

Fresh cow dung is better for composting in comparison with old cow dung. Therefore, fresh cow dung has to be collected to start the composting process. It is important to ensure that the water content of fresh cow dung is approximately 60%. Higher or lower moisture content will change the composting process. Machines are available in the market which will help you with maintaining the proper moisture content. 60% moisture content is ideal for proliferation of aerobic bacteria which is responsible for fermentation of your cow dung.

Since you will have a large cattle farm and gain access to plenty of fresh cow dung waste, it is recommended to employ a leavening agent to get the fermentation process started. The fermentation process can occur without the leavening agent but adding the agent towards the material can help in kick starting the procedure and permit you to finish the composting process quicker. You don’t need too much of it as a around 250 g of leavening agent is typically enough to process around a lot of fresh cow dung waste. Go to choose your best cow manure processing machines.

Fertilizer Production Line for Cow Dung Disposal

You can find multiple approaches to compost the cow dung waste. If you utilize the windrows method, you will have to accumulate the raw material in rows using a width of about 1 to 2 m and a height close to 1.2 m. If you intend to use a fermentation tank, this product should be transferred into the tank to permit the composting process to begin. This whole process should take around 20 days. When the organic fertilizer is ready, you possess alternative methods to hold it. For instance, you could make fertilizer pellets with the aid of a granulating machine. You can also pack it in big bags.

Overall, one of the most profitable way to handle large amount of cow dung waste is to invest in a composting answer to convert cow dung waste into organic fertilizer that is in huge demand today. Following the aforementioned tips should help you in picking the right technique for handling cow dung waste.

Learning The Working Process Of A Dry Granulation Machine

Dry granulation machine implements a granulation technique that never requires the addition of water or binder when granulating. In addition, you don’t have to dry the finished pellets by using the drying machine. Generally speaking, this technique makes use of the crystal water available in the raw materials, which shapes them by strong extrusion.

So, the dry granulation equipment combines compressing, crushing, and granulating. And to some extent, this equipment makes up for the deficiency that comes with the wet granulation method. This is in terms of the requirements of raw materials and the granulating process.

What Entails the Dry Granulation Process?

Typically, the dry granulation machine implements the dry granulation process to create fertilizer granules. It’s also applicable to creating pellets without using liquid solutions. This is mainly because the granules might be sensitive to the heat or moisture. So, it shapes the granules by simply pressing on the materials.

It’s also worth noting that you could use a double roller press machine to create fertilizers through dry granulation. Usually, the counter-rotating rollers offer a strong extrusion force that helps in pressing materials into relatively large tablets. Inside the machine, it consists of a unique structure that plays a vital role in crushing these tablets and making them into pellets.

Dry granulation machine
Dry granulation machine

What Are the Dry Granulation Steps?

In general, we can divide the entire granulation process into three steps. These include the preparation of materials, feeding into the equipment uniformly, and granulation. Let’s take a look.

– Preparation of materials. When it comes to dry granulation, the raw materials should contain crystal water, or perhaps the moisture content is approximately 5%. For granulating, you’d instead use the 80 mesh to 300 mesh materials. When it’s too crude, the finished pellets might be uneven. On the other hand, for the fine powder, it is quite challenging to granulate. As a result, you must prepare appropriate raw materials before starting dry granulation.

– Feeding uniformly. When you are feeding materials into your dry type granulation machines, continue feeding uniformly. This is very important to the entire process. The roller sheets are usually easy-to-damage parts. That means that uniform feeding might prolong the service life of those roller sheets. What’s more, they will also play a significant role in improving the granulation rate.

– Granulation. In this stage, the counter-rotating roller sheets will basically press the materials you fed into large tablets by making use of strong extrusion force. After that, the inner structure of your machine will crush those tablets and granulate. Lastly, the finished pellets will be discharged from the machine’s outlets.

You should know that the dry granulation process has no wastewater or gas emission. That means you won’t be causing any harm to the environment when using this piece of equipment. Are you concerned about the high prices of dry granulation facilities? Or perhaps you are looking for a professional manufacturer of fertilizer equipment? You can undoubtedly get a supply which meets your needs, whether for the profession or costs.

Compost Machines Make Industrial Scale Composting A Viable Business

Backyard composting has been popular for a long time however with the growing awareness of the benefits of using organic fertilizers, industrial scale composting has emerged being a profitable home business opportunity inside the recent times. These industrial composting facilities are capable of processing huge volumes of waste material and convert them into useful organic manure. Numerous strategies for industrial composting have been in use today for example the in-vessel processing, windrow processing and aerated static pile composting. All these methods require usage of industrial machines in order to accelerate and streamline the entire process of composting. What follows is a short guide about the industrial composting process and machines employed in these processes.

Before you start the process of composting, the waste material has to be pre-treated in order to achieve the desired moisture content as well as required carbon nitrogen ratio. Experts recommend achieving a moisture content close to 50 to 60% before the waste material is able to be processed for composting. As an illustration, for those who have entry to huge levels of fresh cow dung, it is suggested to include some ready organic manure with low moisture content in order to lower the entire moisture content from the mixture.

If you use the windrow composting process, the organic material must be arranged in piles in open-air or perhaps in a specially prepared composting site. The material will need to be turned constantly and it is recommended to make use of industrial scale compost fertilizer machines say for example a hydraulic windrow turner or perhaps a compost turner. The windrow must be around 1.5 to 2 m in width and up to 1.2 m in height. The length doesn’t really matter and you will spread it across dependant upon the option of space. In a nutshell, the duration of windrow is dependent upon the actual size of the chosen compost site. With this method, no tank is required but you do need large space for this particular process.

Another method is aerobic composting. In cases like this, you will want forklifts and also huge tanks as a way to perform the composting process. The optimal tanks possess a height as much as 1.3 m plus a width of about 6 m with length including 50 to 100 m. There are various varieties of turners available in the market in order to execute the composting process. These machines are extremely valuable in industrial scale composting since these accelerate the composting process and let you produce organic manure at the faster rate.

Several of the main forms of compost turners include self-propelled type, tow behind type, forklift type and groove type. Every one of these different types get their own advantages and should be employed in various conditions. As an illustration, a completely hydraulic compost turner features a huge capacity and is perfect for a large-scale composting facility.

Overall, industrial scale composting has emerged like a viable and profitable income opportunity, especially with the aid of industrial machines specifically designed for big scale composting. Also, it is eco-friendly and able to diverting huge numbers of organic materials from landfills or waste disposal facilities. Industrial scale composting not simply helps in converting waste material into high-quality organic manure but it also produces jobs and keeps the surroundings clean.

Why Has Making Vermicomposting Fertilizer Become So Popular?

During the 1960s there was a move towards the use of agrochemicals in order to boost agricultural output. Although this did have the desired effect it has become apparent that this boost to production came at a cost to the environment – and to human health. Agrochemicals killed soil organisms and reduced the ability of many crops to resist disease and the actions of pests. There have also been several studies indicating that these chemicals adversely affect human health. Runoff from pesticides has also been implicated in increasing mutations of species in riverine systems – and a massive die-off of species such as amphibians. It was clear that an alternative had to be found.

The quest for an organic alternative to agrochemicals has also become more urgent due to the fact that many agricultural operations are looking to capitalize on the increasing demand for organic produce. Research suggests that in the U.S. alone between 90,000 to 100,000 farmers have switched over to organic farming.

It was during the search for alternatives to man-made chemicals that the effectiveness of making earthworm excreta fertilizers as a method of improving the health of the soil and improving nutrient loads was discovered. This led to an increased interest in ‘Vermicompost’. Adding to the attraction of vermiculture (the use of earthworms) is the fact that these can convert organic manure waste into a highly effective fertilizer. Waste management is becoming an increasingly challenging sector – and the use of earthworms provides an alternative to other, less environmentally friendly methods of dealing with organic waste.

Industrial vermicomposting equipment
Industrial vermicomposting equipment

Another advantage of using earthworm casts (the excreta of the worms) is that it is a faster process than simple composting. The organic material that passes through the digestive system of the earthworm undergoes a transformation. Although the process is not fully understood the result is excreta that is rich in beneficial microbes and nutrients, as well as plant growth regulators – and appears to have pest repellant properties as well. You can make vermicomposting fertilizers for high quality fertilizer producing.

Studies have shown that the worm castings are far richer than even widely available potting soil – containing around 5 times more nutrients. Chemical analysis reveals just how powerful this material can be when compared to potting soil (used as a yardstick). The castings contain up to 5 times more available usable nitrogen, 7 times more potash and one and a half times as much calcium. It also appears that the phosphorus is converted into the worms gut into a form that plants can use. This is especially important. The more available Phosphorus that is delivered, the more robust the plant growth. In addition, vermicompost alters the nature of the soil, increasing its ability to retain water. Vermicompost also contains a wealth micronutrients such as Sodium (Na), Zinc (Zn), Calcium (Ca), Sulphur (S), Iron (Fe), and Magnesium. Besides, it is also available for you to utilizing some other organic manure for fertilizer making.

In short, vermiculture shows exceptional promise as an organic fertilizer that contributes to exceptional plant growth, enables agricultural crops to resist disease and pests – and above all is kinder to the environment (and human beings) than man-made agrochemicals.

The Most Suitable Cow Manure Pellet Machines For Making Fertilizer Granules

Cow dung is a great source of making organic fertilizers. Apart from being rich in nutrients and mineral element, the organic matter of cow dung is as high as chicken manure. Even though its nutrients and mineral element are less compared to animal manures, the high cattle manure production makes these nutrients and elements higher. With the help of a cow manure pellet machine, you can make better products suitable for the plants or soil. Besides, this pellet mill can assist you in dealing with too much cow poo while giving you great economic effectiveness during fertilizer production.

There are many different cow manure fertilizer granulation machines that you can choose. Some of these include drum granulators, pan cow dung powder granulation machine, and the new version of organic fertilizer granulator. All these are applicable for this manufacturing of cow dung fertilizer. For the new version of organic fertilizer granulator, for example, it only requires a simple process to use.

1. Organic Fertilizer Pelletizer

The new organic fertilizer granulator is uniquely made for producing organic fertilizer. The machine implements the wet granulation technique. You can granulate fermented materials directly. What’s even more appealing, you won’t require to crush or even dry the raw materials before you granulate them. When compared to other granulators in the market, an organic fertilizer pelletizer can give you more efficiency. If you’re looking for an efficient granulating machine to suit your organic fertilizer processing needs, this machine is the most suitable one.

How to Make Fertilizer Granules

There are four stages you can operate this machine:

– Feed your fermented materials into the machine’s inlet uniformly
– Adjust the materials’ speed and mixing capacity to control the diameters of the pellets. In general, if the mixing capacity is low, the speed is high, and pellets are smaller
– The cattle manrue fertilizer pelletizing machine’s inner structure will granulate materials due to the high-speed stirring
– After the mixing, squeezing, granulating, and polishing in the cylinder, the materials will form finished pellets, which discharge from the outlet

2. Pan Granulator

With a disk pan granulator, you can achieve high efficiency at a relatively lower cost. What’s more appealing, you can make different fertilizers using this machine. The main use of this piece of equipment is to granulate powder fertilizer into high-quality, fine pellets. There are many different types of pan granulators that you can make use of, each with different procedures to make fertilizer granules. Some of these include disc pan wet granulation equipment, NPK compound fertilizer granulator machine, organic fertilizer pan pelletizer, high-output disc granulator, and laboratory pan granulator.

3. Rotary Granulator

It’s equipment that can granulate materials into particular shapes. It’s also one of the key equipment you can use to make compound fertilizer. Blenders, screeners, and batching machines can be included in the compound fertilizer’s production line.

How to Make Granules

Typically, the rotating pelletizer granulates the available pellets by use of centrifugal force. Due to how it rotates the cylinder, the powders will eventually come together to form pellets. The machine’s outlet allows you to collect the discharge.

What Is The Process Of Using A Vermicompost Machine?

If you are thinking of getting a granular compost machine, you should consider a vermicompost one. This type of fertilizer machine offers some of the best organic fertilizer and uses nature to produce it. Of course, you should understand the process these machines will use to create the fertilizer and what you will be required to do.

What Is Vermicompost?

Before you can look at the process of making vermicompost, you need to know what this is. This compost, also called worm compost, is organic and will use only organic materials such as green and kitchen waste to create compost. The compost is created through the natural action of earthworms and microorganisms.

This composting will combine the processes of digestion of organic waste by worms and the decomposition process commonly used for composting. The compost which is left behind will primarily be worm castings. The compost also has a similar composition to bin compost which vermicompost machines can turn into a granular fertilizer.

How The Machines Work

A vermicompost machine will have a number of different processes that the compost must work through before you make vermicompost granules. The first process will be microorganism decomposition. During this decomposition, the composting materials will achieve a temperature that is too great for earthworms to survive. Once the materials are semi-decomposed, the compost is cooled to a temperature earthworms can thrive in.

You will need to add the earthworms manually for the next phase of the process. You will need to be careful with this because you do not want to harm any of the worms. Once the worms are in the machine, the vermicompost process will start and the worms will start to digest the semi-decomposed organic waste. This process can take a few days to complete depending on the amount of compost.

After several days, organic matter and inorganic salt will be available for conversion into fertilizer granules. You will need to remove the earthworms. The method of doing this will vary depending on the compost machine you have. Some machines will have a second compost container where you add new semi-decomposed compost and wait for the worms to migrate. Others will have the vermicompost exposed to light, driving the earthworms down allowing you to collect the compost in layers.

The collected compost will be put through further processing to provide the granules you are looking for. This includes crushing, crushed vermicompost powder granulating and screening. The exact processing steps and methods will vary depending on the machine you have chosen. It is important to choose the right granulation process to provide the granule size and shape that you want.

Vermicompost is a natural and organic compost created through a combination of microorganisms and earthworms. When purchasing a vermicompost granulation machine, you need to consider the processes used for the creation of the compost and the vermicompost granulation. Composting is done in a similar way across the machines, but the collection of earthworms and further processing can vary and you need to be aware of this.

How To Make Organic Fertilizer At Small Scale?

Making organic fertilizer is a great method to dispose of animal manure. You can contribute to protecting the environment, while also saving some money in the process. If you don’t need a huge yield, you should investigate the best way to make organic fertilizer at small scale. Fortunately, there are machines that suit this requirement, so all you need to do is to decide which one to buy.

If you don’t want to turn this organic fertilizer making into a huge business, you’ll need to research some variants of mini organic fertilizer production lines. There are many suppliers of this type of equipment, so you can search for their websites and read some of their articles to gain a better understanding of the ideal layout of your production facility.

Generally speaking, the main elements of the production line will be the same, regardless of the scale of your plant. You’ll still need to start by making compost, so you’ll need a compost turner. For small scale fertilizer production, you should probably choose a self-propelled one, as they are more compact and less expensive than other types. You need a reliable compost turner to accelerate the fermentation process.

Since raw matters will need crushing, you’ll also have to invest in a reliable chain crusher. There are many models you can choose from, so you’ll surely find one to suit your needs and your budget.

Industrial small scale compound fertilizer equipment
Industrial small scale compound fertilizer equipment

Another equipment you may want to add to your production line is a horizontal fertilizer mixer. This machine will blend the different materials and the additives for a great mixing effect. Always make sure you check out the technical specifications when you buy such equipment, in order to make sure you choose the right one for your production line.

The other piece of equipment you’ll need is a new type organic fertilizer granulator machine. Make sure you buy a device that allows you to adjust the size of the granules, in order to be able to make different types of organic fertilizer without needing additional equipment.

Your fertilizer granules will also need screening. There will always be some unqualified fertilizer pellets that you’ll need to remove from your end product. The fertilizer screening machine is the one that helps maintaining the high quality of your organic fertilizer, so you can’t do without it.

Last but not least, you’ll have to pack the fertilizer granules to prepare them for storage or transportation. The good news is that you won’t have to do this manually, as there are some great models of fertilizer packing machines suitable for small scale production lines.

These are the fertilizer machines you need to make organic fertilizer at small scale. You also need a design of your workshop or production plant, and a suitable space to install all these devices. You won’t have to design the production line yourself, as there are experts who can do it for you. Always seek for advice from such experts, if you want to make the most out of your efforts.

Where To Find A Reliable Fertilizer Granulator Machine Supplier?

Setting up an organic fertilizer production line requires a solid business plan and top-notch equipment. It also requires a steady supply of animal manure, but that shouldn’t be a problem on your farm. The choice of the right equipment is also an easy task, provided that you know what you want to achieve in terms of yield and productivity. The biggest challenge is to find a reliable supplier to buy your machine from. This article shows you where to look for such industrial equipment manufacturers and how to pick the most reliable one.

To start with, you can use your favorite search engine to seek for fertilizer granulator machines. The biggest manufacturers of this type of equipment have compelling websites where they showcase their best equipment and the technical specifications of each type of machine. By taking a look at some of these web pages, you’ll make yourself an idea about the biggest players on the market and about their fertilizer granulator equipment. While you are at it, make sure you search for client testimonials and reviews, because they can help you rule out low quality equipment and unreliable suppliers. Also, it helps to check out the work experience and the quality assurance certifications of all these manufacturers.

New Type Organic Fertilizer Granulation Machine
Poultry manure fertilizer granules

Search engines can provide you with enough options. However, not all equipment manufacturers invest in developing and promoting websites. Some of them choose to advertise their products in business and trade directories. These web portals can be another excellent starting point for your research. Alibaba, for instance, is the largest online directory of China businesses. Their members want to reach out to clients in the U.S. and in many other areas of the globe. One of the best things about such directories is that they can speed up your research quite a lot, as they offer you multiple options at the same time. Besides, all manufacturer pages on these directories feature client ratings and reviews. By picking companies with high seller rates and with positive reviews, you increase your chances to find a reliable fertilizer granulator machine supplier.

Client references can be another great method to check how reliable a certain company is. If needed, you can ask these manufacturers to provide you with the contact details of some of their other clients. Contact them to ask them about their experience with that supplier. Remember that quality and price are important, but they aren’t everything that matters. The quality of the customer service department can also make a huge difference. If your machine stops working and you need someone to help you sort out the problem, you won’t be too happy to wait for weeks until you’re going to find a solution. The best suppliers are the ones that offer additional services that cater to the real needs of their customers. Maintenance, repairs, and customer service are among the most important things to look for when choosing your supplier. Your choice will have a direct influence on the profitability of your fertilizer making business.

What technology does fertilizer packing machine employ?

If you have a fertilizer production line, you know that packing is the final stage of the process. Packing the fertilizer is crucial and when you pack the fertilizer you can easily start to sell it. This machine is an important part of any fertilizer production line and you can make a lot of money when you use this machine. If you are in the market for a fertilizer packing machine read on so you know what to look for.

  • This machine is automated which means that you can easily save on labor costs when you choose this automatic fertilizer packing machine. The machine is going to ensure that you get a lot of work done and you can easily pack up the fertilizer when you use it.
  • The machine is easy to operate. One of the benefits of this machine is that it weighs the materials automatically and it also weights them accurately so you don’t have any problems. There are multiple models of the machine you can choose from and the machine is very accurate. The machine comes with multiple packaging scales and each scale is going to have different features.
  • The packing machine packs granules and powder. You get to work with the manufacturer and the manufacturer will help you fill your requirements with ease. When you use this machine to pack powder fertilizer you can set up the machine so it does exactly what you need. For your reference, you can also get powdery fertilizer production lines here.
  • Each machine uses a PLC system. The fertilizer is weighed automatically and it also has a special bag sewing system that will sew up the bags for you so you don’t have any problems with them. The bag sewing system also works for processing various fertilizers.

If you have a lot of fertilizer to pack, you can easily take care of what you need to do by using the machine that is going to suit your needs the best. The right machine is going to be affordable and it is going to help you deal with all of your issues. If you are looking for a packaging machine you want to make sure that you take your time and look for the machines that are going to be the best deal.

You can easily take care of your needs when you are looking for these machines. They come in a variety of sizes and they can help you deal with all of your issues. The best machine is going to be affordable and it is going to be very easy to use. The first thing you have to do is start the machine. Put a bag on the sackholder so the bags are clamped tightly.

The feeding system is going to feed the materials and the sackholder will loosen the bag. The bags will move towards the conveyor where they will then be sewn up so they are ready for sale. This machine is very efficient and it is also very easy to use. The machine is going to help you package lots of fertilizer.

Advantages Of The Compost Windrow Turner

Composting is one of the most effective processes that takes care of your organic waste on your farm. And it also essentially provides all of your flower plants and vegetables with the nutrients that they readily need for healthy growth. However, one of the main things you’ll ever use during the composting process is a compost windrow turner. Our article features the advantages of using a compost windrow turner for your composting project.

Compost windrow turners have been said to be quite reliable, exceptionally long service life as well as extremely efficient and pretty low maintenance. They have also been known to be extra hardened to support operations and they even have a set of completely replaceable steel blades. However, the steel blades were positioned onto the drum to ensure that the materials added were completely blended. And when we say completely blended, we mean that each part of the mixture was properly blended all the way to the windrows base.

During the process, the materials on the outer ends are brought to the middle where a peak is formed as the material travels from the bottom to the top. However, this creates the same effect like that of a chimney and it goes on to allow both oxygen and CO2 to flow. And if you’re in need of technical support, all of that can be provided from the windrow turner manufacturer; you’ll be provided with database calculations, consultations, monitoring, and even online batch tracking for your projects.

Self-propelled windrow turner machine for manure compost making
Self-propelled windrow turner machine for manure compost making

If you’ve ever composted before, you’re already going to know that when your pile is allowed to breathe, the composting process becomes much more efficient. So, it’s best to turn in and open building that allows much more exposure to the air. And it’s best to also remember that only when exposed to enough oxygen will your microbe activity increase. Hence, it is important to ensure that you turn your windrow.

When it comes to the number to times that you turn, you’re going to need to monitor the conditions. So, be sure to take the temperature with a temperature probe. However, you’re going to need to turn your pile a bit more to ensure that you activate the breaking down process successfully. Within the space of two weeks, your pile will require much less turning since the max temperature would have already been reached.

If your process was a complete success, you’re end product will be of the highest quality. And you’ll find a rich high-quality product waiting for you just a space of 6 weeks. When your process is effective and efficient, you’re going to reap be benefits of not only a high product but also a safer product for your environment. And your surrounding will also be cleaner.

As we conclude we have just looked at the many advantages that come with the use of the compost windrow machine. And we have also discussed some important factors of the process. So, don’t forget that your turner is high quality, consistent, creates a pathogen free product, they can endure some of the toughest weather conditions and they are extremely effective.

How Long Does It Take For A Cow Dung Fertilizer Machine To Turn Cow Manure Into Fertilizer?

If you’re going to be converting cow manure into fertilizer using some sort of fertilizer machine, there are a number of things you’ll need to figure out. For example, you’ll need to determine how long it will take to completely convert manure into saleable fertilizer. The length of time required to produce fertilizer can vary based on a number of factors.

Certain Machines Are Faster Than Others

There are fertilizer machines that are designed to convert manure as quickly as possible. There are other machines that operate much more slowly than this machinery. You’ll want to look at the speed of a machine before you purchase it so that you’ll be able to see if the machine meets your needs.

If a machine is on the slower side, it might not be a good choice for your fertilizer production factory. You can’t make too many assumptions about how long it will take to produce fertilizer. The answer will vary based on the machine that you buy.

Granular cow dung fertilizer making machines
Granular cow dung fertilizer making machines

Some Machines Have A Higher Output

In addition to the speed at which various machines operate, there are other factors to take into consideration. For example, there are machines that have a very high production output and machines that operate far more slowly.

If you need to produce large quantities of fertilizer, you need to look for a machine that is capable of doing that. If you want to produce smaller amounts of fertilizer, but at a fast rate, you should seek out a machine that is able to do that.

It Can Take Longer To Produce Fertilizer If you Fail To Use Your Machine Properly

Even if you invest in a fast machine that is able to produce large amounts of fertilizer, there are other problems that you could run into. As an example, if your machine is not properly maintained, producing fertilizer could take longer than it normally would.

You need to read the manual that comes with your fertilizer machine, like fertilizer compost equipment and make sure you follow any and all instructions for maintenance. It’s also smart to visually inspect your machinery before you use it each day.

Producing Fertilizer Can Consume A Lot Of Power

One of the larger expenses associated with organic fertilizer production line is the cost of utilities. You can expect to use a great deal of power when you’re running your machinery. If you want to reduce these costs, but still want the machine to produce as much fertilizer as possible, you should seek out an energy-efficient machine.

It’s important to look at how much time it will take for you to make your fertilizer, but there are some other factors you are going to want to look at as well. Make sure you have the complete picture so that you can figure out what you want to do.

How long will it take for your cow dung fertilizer machine to turn cow manure into fertilizer? If you’re not sure how long the process will take, start looking at different machines so that you can find out more about how they operate.

How does a fertilizer dryer dry your pelleted organic fertilizer granules?

Making pelleted organic fertilizers is one of the best ways to take advantage of your farm to the full by turning animal manure into something useful and valuable. You can use these pellets on your own crops or you can sell them to other people. Either way, you’ll need to invest in reliable machines to help you dry and process animal waste until it becomes the pelleted organic fertilizer we all know and use. There are lots of manufacturers of such equipment, so you’ll surely find all the information you need to make the right choice for your farm.

You may already know that any organic fertilizer production process includes five stages. The first stage is the fermentation, followed by the preparation for the granulating process. The third stage is the actual making of the fertilizer pellets, followed by the processing and the packing of the end product. Each of these stages has its own importance in creating a high-quality end product. This means that you need to pay special attention to all devices and machines that contribute to turning animal waste into useful pelleted fertilizer.

How does a ferilizer dryer work in the whole fertilizer processing line
How does a ferilizer dryer work in the whole fertilizer processing line

The biggest problem of fertilizer granules is their high level of humidity. This is normal, as they get created in a high temperature and high humidity environment. This is how the wet granulation equipment works, so there’s nothing you can do about it. At the same time, wet pellets are very difficult to store and to transport in optimal conditions. They are also heavy, so they will contribute to a cost increase that may ruin your business. If you want to produce the best pelleted fertilizer on the market, you have to use a fertilizer dryer before the packing stage of the production process.

What you can do is to use a fertilizer drying machine to lower the water content of these granules. If you’ve always wanted to know how this device works, you’ve come to the right place. This article takes a look at the drying process. You’ll hopefully understand how everything works, so that you can design the most effective production line to turn chicken manure or cow dung into organic fertilizer pellets.

fertilizer drying machine
fertilizer drying machine

The main thing to do to help drying the fertilizer granules is to lower the temperature. By using a fertilizer drying machine together with a rotary cooler, you can dry the pellets and prepare them for transportation or storage. The drying machine can remove water from the fertilizer, but it won’t lower the temperature. The biggest problem are the droplets on the surface of the dried granules. The role of the cooler is to lower not only the temperature of the granules but also the temperature of these droplets. The result will be a high-quality pelleted organic fertilizer.

All these being said, make sure that you ask for quotes from at least three different fertilizer equipment manufacturers, in order to find the best fertilizer dryer on the market. Remember that quality is way more important than price, so choose the best equipment you can find.

Tips To Start A Small-Scale Organic Fertilizer Production Plant

Do you want to start a small-scale organic fertilizer production plan? Do you want to make sure your fertilizer production plant is profitable? If the answer to these questions is yes, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss how you should go about starting your very own business of producing organic fertilizer.

Industrial small scale compound fertilizer equipment
Industrial small scale compound fertilizer equipment

First and foremost, it is important for you to realize that there is huge demand for organic fertilizer in the market as consumers these days are aware of the dangers of use of harmful chemicals in the production of food. Therefore, setting up your own organic fertilizer production plant can be a profitable business venture but it is important for you to prepare a business plan and then execute that business plan.

There are several aspects that should be considered to draw a profitable business plan. Some of the important aspects you should consider include availability of raw materials, choosing the right organic fertilizer factory, marketing strategy to sell organic fertilizer and various other such things.

One of the first things you need to do is conduct a survey in order to discover the availability of raw materials for producing organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is produced using a wide variety of materials that contain organic matter, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen among other things. Therefore, you need to check the local availability of organic materials.

Needless to say, you will need a continuous supply of raw material in order to keep your factory running. Since an organic fertilizer factory deals with big volumes, it is better to establish the factory in places that already have ample supply of organic materials. These places can be near a chicken farm or a pig farm or near other farms where ample supply of such organic materials is available.

Another important aspect is the choice of fertilizer machine . As far as the choice of fertilizer machine is concerned, there are several important factors you need to take into account. Do not make the mistake of choosing a machine only on the basis of initial price. You need to take into account the overall cost of running the factory along with initial price in order to create a profitable business plan. So, pay attention to reputation of the manufacturer, capacity of the plant, after sales service offered by the company and other such things. Don’t forget about availability of power consumption as well as water supply nearby in order to meet the needs of production.

As far as the marketing is concerned, you should consult with experts in the business in order to find out the type of organic fertilizers preferred by farmers along with the annual production as well as consumption of organic fertilizer and other such things. There are many organizations that specialize in such things. You will need to do some research in order to find local organizations that can help with marketing of organic fertilizer.

Overall, it’s not that difficult to draw a business small production plan selling organic fertilizer but you need to be objective to make sure that your business venture is profitable. The above mentioned tips should help you in drawing up a profitable business plan.

The Function Of Compound Fertilizer Granulation Equipment

Compound fertilizer pellets granulation machines are used to produce NPK pellet fertilizer from powder. When it comes to investing in the best equipment for your production line, you need to understand the difference between the two main methods of producing fertilizer granules: dry granulation and wet granulation. With the dry method, extrusion force is used to mechanically press and compress NPK powder into pellets. With wet granulating, a liquid is added to fertilizer powder before it is added to a drum pelletizer. The liquid is needed to provide a binding agent for raw powders that have a low moisture content. Buying the right type of granulation pelletizing machinery for the raw materials you have access to is essential for the running of a profitable compound fertilizer production line.

Double roller extrusion granulator in fertilizer granulation plant
Double roller extrusion granulator in fertilizer granulation plant

Wet Granulating Technology

When using the wet granulation method, the fertilizer pellets produced have a high-moisture content, so they require drying, solidifying and cooling processes before packing. There are various machines that can be used for wet granulation including spray granulation machines, disc pan granulation machines, rotary drum granulators, and tow spray granulating equipment. The liquid to facilitate the formation of compound fertilizer granules from low-moisture content powder must be a good binding agent. It needs to be volatilizable and non-toxic. Some of the most common liquids used are ethyl alcohol and isopropanol. If the right liquid binding agent is not used, the end product will crumble and separate following the drying process.

Double Roller Press Granulator

A double roller press granulator uses extrusion forces to produce NPK fertilizer pellets. No drying processes are necessary with this type of machine. It can be used to produce fertilizer granules in a wide range of sizes and shapes. During the extrusion granulation process, powder fertilizer is vigorously aggregated at high pressure. The power is then forced through rollers to produce granules. Since no cooling, drying or solidifying processes are needed, double roller press granulators are perfect for small to mid-sized compound fertilizer plants that perhaps don’t have the floor space or funds to invest in industrial drying machinery.

Disc Pan Granulation Machine

One of the main benefits of a disc pan granulator is that the cost is much lower than that of a rotary drum granulator. Furthermore, the machine can be used for a multitude of applications. The disc pan is manufactured from reinforced iron to make it durable. Furthermore, the interior of the disc pan is coated with anti-corrosion plastic glass material, which is very easy to clean and maintain. During production, a disc pan granulator has a surprisingly low noise output and such granulators are loved around the world because of their reliability. Some of the fertilizer manufacturers already using disc pan graduations can produce over 50,000 tons of compound fertilizer granules annually.

Final Production Processes

During the final stages of compound fertilizer production, the pellets undergo screening and unqualified granules are routed back to the start of the production line. The screening equipment used depends on the unique sieving specifications of the manufacturer. After screening, the pellets are often coated to improve the physical characteristics of the end product.

What You Need To Know About Trench Composting

The trench composting machine is a useful piece of equipment that can help you speed up composting production in many ways. When you work with the composting machine you can get more done and it is going to be easy to take care of all of your needs. This machine is easy to use and it is very effective so you want to make sure that you take advantage of it.

trench composting machine in tongda
trench composting machine in tongda

The automatic trench composting machine works for any large scale operation. If you are making organic fertilizer you need this machine so you can get more done. When you use the machine it won’t take long to ferment the materials and it is a lot easier to deal with all of your issues.

If you are using the semi-automatic machine you can expect to pay a lower price but you also need more people to help run the machine. This is why it is very important to do your research so you end up choosing the machine that is going to work best for your needs and make things easier for you.

The machine is easy to use and it creates organic fertilizer that can be used for lots of purposes. The machine is very effective and it can make the compost quickly. Instead of taking months to make the compost you can get the compost made in just a few weeks.

The machine allows you to control all the different variables that go into making a lot of compost and it won’t take a long to get your compost made. This machine is very easy to use and it can help you make a lot of compost fast.

You can quickly cut down on the time it takes to produce the compost and it won’t be long to get the compost made up. You can quickly make all the compost you need with this machine. It is perfect for any large scale production and you can choose the size that is going to work best for your needs.

This compost fertilizer trench composting machine is very easy to use and you can easily take care of all of your needs with this machine. Take your time and look for a machine that is going to work best for your needs and make sure that you are willing to work with manufacturer which makes it a lot easier to find what you are looking for. This machine can make a big difference in how you get things done.

The machine is super easy to get set up and you can quickly get all of your needs taken care of when you use it. The machine can help you in multiple ways and you won’t have to deal with a lot issues when you invest in this machine. If you have to make a lot of compost it is going to be very important to invest in the right machine. Finding a good machine is crucial if you want to make a lot of compost. In addition, tongda compost machinery can help you design you compost fertilizer plant.

Why Does Fertilizer Need to Be Made in Pellet Form for Agriculture

Fertilizer is something that has been used in the production of crops, and the maintenance of fields, throughout history. Even ancient civilizations had an awareness that if you grew the same crops on a field year after year, yields would decline, and that manure was useful to ‘breathe life’ back into the soil.

Today, we rely on intensive farming methods and have huge fields of crops. Gathering, storing, transporting and applying manure in the quantities needed to keep those fields going would be impractical, expensive, and smelly, as well as potentially unhygienic!

The Use of Commercial Fertilizer Pellets

Fertilizer pellets offer a practical solution, making it possible to produce fertilizer potent enough to treat fields, in the form of convenient and easy to handle fertilizer balls or cylinders. These pellets contain the nitrogen and other nutrients that are required to sustain crops, but are low in moisture (and therefore odor) and are easier to handle and transport.

Since the pellets are dry, they are more hygienic to handle with dry granulaor. They also take up less volume than the equivalent ‘dose’ of wet fertilizer to treat a field and weigh less too. This makes them ideal for large scale applications.

Slow Release and Controlled Dose

Another benefit of pellet form fertilizers for agricultural use is that it is possible to produce slow-release nitrogen fertilizers, that will give out a controlled dose as they are broken down. This is far superior to the ‘spread and hope’ method of using manure. It also gives farmers some degree of control over the waste byproducts that fertilizing their fields produces.

Pellets vs Liquid Fertilizers

Pan Pelletizer
Pan Pelletizer

Liquid fertilizers have long been used as a substitute for manure, and liquids do have some benefits too, since they are easy to handle and easy to apply. Liquid fertilizers, however, require special equipment to use, and they are susceptible to damage and decay. Liquid fertilizer needs to be applied frequently for best results, and if the doses are incorrect then they can actually damage plants.

In contrast, it is easier to store and apply pellets, and you do not need to apply them as often as you would need to spray liquids. Pellet fertilizers offer a relatively uniform dose (although not as precise as you could theoretically get with liquids.

Pellet fertilizers by granulation equipment are good for ensuring that crops get access to nitrogen, but you should make sure that the pellets are not rich in salt, because that can damage leaves. In addition, you will still need to monitor the soil for the levels of phosphorus and other nutrients which need to be transported in water to reach the roots of the plants.

Making Your Own Fertilizer

Today, it is relatively easy for farmers to make their own fertilizer using pan granulation machines. If you are involved in a large scale agricultural operation then you should consider doing this, so that you can enjoy the benefits of having easy to transport and store fertilizer to treat your fields with as and when it is needed.

How To Make Animal Manure Compost?

One of the best ways to deal with animal manure is to turn it into compost. This compost can be used in a variety of ways and you can easily improve the soil quality when you use it. The compost is cheap to make and it removes manure from the environment. Read on to learn the benefits of the manure compost machine.

When you have a lot of animal manure to deal with it is going to be important to get it out of the environment right away. The best way to do this is to establish a good manure composting plant.

The composting plant takes the manure and turns it into compost. The compost is the perfect thing you need when you want to make extra money and do something useful. The best compost is going to be affordable and it is going to be easy to use.

You have to make sure that you invest in a machine that helps you produce the manure compost. The composting plant comes in a variety of sizes and it creates compost that is perfect for a variety of needs.

Groove type turner machine works for trench manure composting
Groove type turner machine works for trench manure composting

Producing compost is easy when you have the right composting plant. The plant makes the entire process automatic so you don’t have to do anything. When you are choosing a composting plant you have to decide how much composting you are going to be doing. The manure fertilizer machine plant comes in a variety of sizes.

The benefit of choosing the composting machine is that it shortens the amount of time it takes to make the compost. You end up with high-quality compost when you use this machine. There are a variety of machines you can use from so you have to decide which machine is going to work best for your needs.

There are a variety of sizes to choose from. If you have to make a lot of compost choose the larger size. If you don’t have a lot of compost to make you will want to choose the machine that is smaller. The price of the machine is going to depend on how large it is and how much compost it can produce. It is suitable for your animal manure recycling system.

Each machine has a self-propelled turner. This ensures that you make the compost faster. The turner stirs the compost evenly so it comes out perfect each time. The machines allow you to adjust the temperature and you can also adjust the water and oxygen content.

Self-propelled windrow turner machine for manure compost making
Self-propelled windrow turner machine for manure compost making

The fermentation process is going to happen faster and you get a simple four-wheel design which makes it easy to operate. The machine is going to allow you to create all of the compost you need and the price is affordable as well.

When you need to make animal manure compost the most efficient way to do this is using a composting machine. You get better results in a shorter period of time. This machine is a great investment and helps you to make more money. Having the best composting machine saves you money.

During the Pan Granulation Process, What Things Should Be Noticed?

There are several different methods of making fertilizer. The job of fertilizer is to replace the chemicals that growing plants leech out of the soil. The key ingredients of a fertilizer, therefore, are things that are essential to the healthy growth of plants – such as nitrogen, calcium, sulfur, and magnesium.

Pan Pelletizer
Pan Pelletizer

Fertilizer Manufacturing and Pan Granulation

The way that fertilizer is made has evolved a lot over the years. The pan granulation process was introduced in the 1970s by Norsk Hydro as a way to produce large amounts of coarse grade ammonium nitrate-based fertilizer. This type of fertilizer is used for forest fertilization.

The process uses water-free melt, is inexpensive, and makes fertilizer that is easy to transport and store. The process requires hot nitrogenous melt, and cooled solids which are fed into a rotating pan.

The rotation of the pan will help to form the fertilizer into a rolling, tumbling particles which form a crescent-shaped bed. The cooled solid particles should enter the pan at a point where there is not a lot of existing material so that they can be covered by the melt. Warmer particles will tumble over the cooler particles to cover them, and as the material moves through and exits the pan it will stabilize at a temperature that is below the melting point of the material.

The objective is to gradually build up the size of the particles by rotating the solids so that they pick up melt, which cools onto them.

When to Use Pan Granulation?

Pan granulation technology was originally intended to use to convert dry pulverant and other material, into bigger granules that are easier to work with. When the process is performed properly, it should be seen that it produces strong particles that are of uniform size and a similar shape.

Temperature and Concentration

It is difficult to produce large pellets with pan granulation, but for smaller pellets, it is a good solution. Many common methods of pan granulation rely on the water content of the solution being about 5-8 percent by weight. This ensures that at the correct temperature a certain amount of water will evaporate rapidly, and the layer that is added to the process solidifies on the granules almost immediately. Note that if the water content is insufficient, then the rolling particles on the bed will become a sticky mass which is difficult to handle, separate, and transport. The water content is important to allow for the heat removal caused by evaporation since this is what keeps the granules in an optimum state.

The maximum concentration limit for the solution is 95 percent by weight, and this works well for melts of ammonium nitrate and urea, that is sprayed onto appropriately sized, fast-moving solids.

The size of the rotating drum, and the pressure with which the solution is sprayed onto the solids will also impact upon the outcome. The pan manufacturer will provide instructions for the appropriate speed, pressure and temperature depending on the type of fertilizer to be produced.

Steps To Making Organic Fertilizer From Cow Dung


Cow dung can be an extremely good fertilizer. One of its problems is the fact that it sometimes has an odor that’s very disagreeable. If you use too much on plants it can burn them. When you put the cow dung through a composting process it will produce better fertilizer that doesn’t have the odor or high levels of ammonia. Here we’ll take a look at the steps to making organic fertilizer from cow dung.

Create A Space For Making The Fertilizer

To start working with cow dung you’ll need a space to put it in. It should be three or four square feet and you will need enough room to turn it. In addition, there are two composting systems for you to make compost, windrow composting and making fermentation grooves. You may also want to have it out in the sun and the reason for that will be discussed further down.

Dry Organic Material

You’ll need to put some organic material over the spot where you’re going to make the cow dung  fertilizer and it needs to be dry. After you have that down you will then put the cow dung on top of it. You then keep piling up the manure until it is about four feet high. Before adding the next layer make sure to apply some water to the cow dung to keep it damp. Then you want to cover it with some soil.

Turn Every 3 Days

The next step in making organic fertilizer from cow dung  is to take the pile and turn it at least every three days. In addition to turning it, you’ll need to moisten it so that it is slightly damp but not soggy. Keeping the manure at the correct temperature will be very important in the process. You should maintain a temperature of no less than 120 degrees and up to 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

This is to kill any pathogens that might

High efficient windrow compost turner
High efficient windrow compost turner

be in the cow dung. If you’re having any problems or difficulties keeping the temperature up, consider putting a black tarp over it during the middle of the day in the heat of the Sun. This is one reason why you might want to make the space for making fertilizer where it can receive Sun. During the heat of the day if there is a black tarp over it it will usually heat up to about 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

How Do You Know When The Organic Fertilizer Is Ready?

You will find that at one point the cow dung no longer heats up. If it also has turned slightly dark brown and has an earthy smell without any overtly bad odor and it’s crumbly then that is when it’s ready. Once it reaches that point it is ready to use as organic fertilizer.

If cow dung is very fresh and hasn’t been put through the process described above you shouldn’t use it. It can have pathogens that can get into the plants you are using the fertilizer on. When you put it through the process described above and it reaches a temperature of 160 degrees, it kills the organisms that exist in it. Once that happens then you have organic fertilizer that is completely safe to use on your plants and produce.

Other Machines Needed For Making Organic Fertilizer From Cow Dung

High efficient windrow compost turner
Granular cow dung fertilizer making machines

Composting is just the first step to make cow dung fertilizer. If you want to make commercial organic fertilizer from cow dung, you may need the following cow dung fertilizer making machines.

  • Cow dung compost crushing and screening machine.
  • Organic fertilizer batching and mixing machine.
  • Cow dung fertilizer pellet machine: pan granulator, new type organic fertilizer granulator and rotary drum granulator.
  • Fertilizer drying and cooling machine.
  • Organic fertilizer pellets bagging machine.

If you want to know more information about how to make organic fertilizer, please visit:


ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ ทักทายพูดคุยแนะนำตัว

ทักทายพูดคุย แนะนำตัว แลกเปลี่ยนประสบการณ์ด้านการเกษตร กันได้ที่นี่ครับ

2 กระทู้
1 หัวข้อ
กระทู้ล่าสุด โดย NJ Mushroom Farm
ใน Re: สวัสดีเพื่อนๆครับ
เมื่อ พฤษภาคม 18, 2011, 11:41:51
ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ ข่าวเกษตรและบทความดีๆ

ข่าวสาร ทั่วไป เกี่ยวกับการเกษตร รวมทั้งบทความดีๆที่น่าสนใจ

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ใน ใช้ “น้ำมะพร้าวหมัก” ช่วยน้ำยางพาราจับตัวดีกว่า “กรด” 8 เท่า
เมื่อ กรกฎาคม 28, 2011, 11:33:16
ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ รวมวีดีโอด้านการเกษตร

คลิ๊ปรายการโทรทัศน์ ที่เกี่ยวกับการเกษตร

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9 หัวข้อ
กระทู้ล่าสุด โดย ต้นกล้วย
ใน การเผาถ่าน และน้ำส้มควันไม้ ถ่านไม้ไผ่
เมื่อ สิงหาคม 07, 2010, 09:05:11
ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ ศูนย์เรียนรู้ในท้องถิ่น และคนเกษตรพอเพียง

เรื่องราวของคนพอเพียง รวมทั้งแหล่งวิชาการภูมิปัญญาท้องถิ่น แต่ละภูมิภาค

116 กระทู้
48 หัวข้อ
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ใน ‘พีระพงศ์ ถนอมพงษ์พันธ์’ ‘เซียนปลากัด’ ขึ้นได้-ลงเป็น
เมื่อ กรกฎาคม 31, 2011, 01:24:23
ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ โครงการพระราชดำริ

รวบรวมโครงการตามพระราชดำริทางด้านการเกษตร เพื่อสำนึกในพระมหากรุณาธิคุณของพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว

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ใน พระมหากรุณาธิคุณ ชาวบ้านได้โรงสีข้าวพิกุลทองแห่งใหม่
เมื่อ มกราคม 04, 2011, 08:17:52
ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ การอนุรักษ์น้ำ ลดการใช้พลังงาน

อนุรักษ์ป่าไม้ ประหยัดน้ำ ประหยัดไฟ พิทักษ์สิ่งแวดล้อม ลดสภาวะโลกร้อนเพื่อประเทศไทยของเรา

21 กระทู้
21 หัวข้อ
กระทู้ล่าสุด โดย lady bug
ใน ตรังพร้อมพัฒนาสวนพรุชีตาม โครงการภูมิรักษ์พิทักษ์สายน้ำ
เมื่อ มิถุนายน 05, 2011, 05:08:18
ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ อนุรักษ์สัตว์ป่าและพันธุ์พืช

สัตว์ป่าสงวน สัตว์ป่าหายาก ป่าเขาต้นน้ำลำธาร คือสิ่งที่มนุษย์ควรจะรักษาไว้ให้ลูกหลาน

41 กระทู้
39 หัวข้อ
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ใน “คางคกสายรุ้ง” โผล่ให้เห็นอีกครั้งหลังหายไปกว่า 80 ปี
เมื่อ กรกฎาคม 16, 2011, 10:43:49
ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ พันธุ์ไม้น่ารู้ ไม้ผล และไม้เศรษฐกิจ

แนะนำพันธุ์พืช ไม้ประจำถิ่น ทั้งไม้ดอก ไม้ประดับ และไม้ผล ไม้เศรษฐกิจ

294 กระทู้
148 หัวข้อ
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ใน ทานตะวัน
เมื่อ กรกฎาคม 03, 2011, 02:48:02
ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ สมุนไพรไทย สุขภาพ เกษตรอินทรีย์

ภูมิปัญญาท้องถิ่นที่ควรค่าแก่การอนุรักษ์ รวมทั้งวิธีการรักษาสุขภาพ

71 กระทู้
70 หัวข้อ
กระทู้ล่าสุด โดย lady bug
ใน ลำโพง (กาสลัก)
เมื่อ กรกฎาคม 28, 2011, 11:34:15
ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ ภูมิปัญญาการเกษตร

เคล็ดลับการเกษตร รวมวิธีเพิ่มผลผลิตทางการเกษตร

17 กระทู้
13 หัวข้อ
กระทู้ล่าสุด โดย lady bug
ใน ‘เห็ดนางฟ้าภูฏาน’ เพาะง่าย-รายได้น่าสน
เมื่อ กรกฎาคม 31, 2011, 01:49:32
ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ สัตว์น้ำจืด น้ำเค็ม และ สัตว์น้ำสวยงาม

การเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำจืด น้ำเค็ม เพื่อความสุขยามว่าง และในทางเศรษฐกิจ

66 กระทู้
47 หัวข้อ
กระทู้ล่าสุด โดย lady bug
ใน Re: การเพาะปลากัด
เมื่อ เมษายน 11, 2011, 12:49:47
ไม่มีกระทู้ใหม่ การเลี้ยงสัตว์บก เพื่อความสวยงามและเพื่อการค้า

การเลี้ยงสัตว์เพื่อความสุขยามว่าง และเพื่อธุรกิจ ทางการเกษตร

48 กระทู้
38 หัวข้อ
กระทู้ล่าสุด โดย lady bug
ใน แนะวิธีเลี้ยง ” กระต่าย ” อย่างถูกต้อง
เมื่อ กรกฎาคม 18, 2011, 09:31:04


*บ้านเกษตรไทย – ศูนย์กลางข้อมูล
กระทู้เมื่อเร็วๆ นี้
กระทู้เมื่อเร็วๆ นี้
‘เห็ดนางฟ้าภูฏาน’ เพาะง่าย-รายได้น่าสน โดย lady bug (ภูมิปัญญาการเกษตร) กรกฎาคม 31, 2011, 01:49:32
‘พีระพงศ์ ถนอมพงษ์พันธ์’ ‘เซียนปลากัด’ ขึ้นได้-ลงเป็น โดย lady bug (ศูนย์เรียนรู้ในท้องถิ่น และคนเกษตรพอเพียง) กรกฎาคม 31, 2011, 01:24:23
ลำโพง (กาสลัก) โดย lady bug (สมุนไพรไทย สุขภาพ เกษตรอินทรีย์) กรกฎาคม 28, 2011, 11:34:15
ใช้ “น้ำมะพร้าวหมัก” ช่วยน้ำยางพาราจับตัวดีกว่า “กรด” 8 เท่า โดย lady bug (ข่าวเกษตรและบทความดีๆ) กรกฎาคม 28, 2011, 11:33:16
ชาวสวนตรังสบช่องปลูกฝรั่งแป้นสีทอง สร้างรายได้เป็นกอบเป็นกำ โดย lady bug (ข่าวเกษตรและบทความดีๆ) กรกฎาคม 20, 2011, 10:26:27
ปรับระบบมาตรฐาน ฟาร์มสุกรรายย่อย โดย lady bug (ข่าวเกษตรและบทความดีๆ) กรกฎาคม 18, 2011, 09:46:45
ศูนย์เรียนรู้เศรษฐกิจพอเพียง บ้านเหล่านกยูง อ.เมือง จ.สกลนคร โดย lady bug (ศูนย์เรียนรู้ในท้องถิ่น และคนเกษตรพอเพียง) กรกฎาคม 18, 2011, 09:44:10
แนะวิธีเลี้ยง ” กระต่าย ” อย่างถูกต้อง โดย lady bug (การเลี้ยงสัตว์บก เพื่อความสวยงามและเพื่อการค้า) กรกฎาคม 18, 2011, 09:31:04
“คางคกสายรุ้ง” โผล่ให้เห็นอีกครั้งหลังหายไปกว่า 80 ปี โดย lady bug (อนุรักษ์สัตว์ป่าและพันธุ์พืช) กรกฎาคม 16, 2011, 10:43:49
Re: ตัวตนบนเส้นทางปราชญ์ชาวบ้าน ของ คุณลุง สุเวศน์ ภู่ระหงษ์ โดย lady bug (ศูนย์เรียนรู้ในท้องถิ่น และคนเกษตรพอเพียง) กรกฎาคม 14, 2011, 08:14:16
เหลือเชื่อ! ในทะเลก็มี “เห็ด” โดย lady bug (ข่าวเกษตรและบทความดีๆ) กรกฎาคม 06, 2011, 09:07:03
ทานตะวัน โดย lady bug (พันธุ์ไม้น่ารู้ ไม้ผล และไม้เศรษฐกิจ) กรกฎาคม 03, 2011, 02:48:02
Re: ปลูกไม้กระถาง ในออฟฟิศ ดีต่อสุขภาพ – ลดความเตรียด โดย lady bug (ข่าวเกษตรและบทความดีๆ) มิถุนายน 16, 2011, 09:15:14
สถิติการใช้งานฟอรั่ม 806 กระทู้ ใน 537 หัวข้อ โดย 18 สมาชิก. สมาชิกล่าสุด: ProgrammerthItsales
กระทู้ล่าสุด: “‘เห็ดนางฟ้าภูฏาน’ เพาะง่าย-รายได้น่าสน” ( กรกฎาคม 31, 2011, 01:49:32 )
ผู้ใช้งานขณะนี้ 19 บุคคลทั่วไป, 0 สมาชิก

วันนี้ออนไลน์มากที่สุด: 34. ออนไลน์มากที่สุด: 182 (มกราคม 24, 2011, 09:30:31)